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US Attack on Iran Would Turn Into Protracted Conflict, Engulf Mid East – Scholar

I'd rather US policies ensure that we never have to kick any more *** again in this region, to be honest.

Well, war is an extension of Policy, so you probably are looking at another war in the near future if things don't drastically changed.

Not that I am warmongering, I am just telling you like it is. =.=
Well, war is an extension of Policy, so you probably are looking at another war in the near future if things don't drastically changed.

Not that I am warmongering, I am just telling you like it is. =.=

I understand what you are saying. I have already said many times that US policies will ensure a total makeover of the entire ME in the next few decades. The process is already underway and will take a decade or two to accomplish.
Iran is on the side of justice and truth. Jews can go to hell.
I am sorry but it is not, It is suffering from victim-hood complex, it is on the side of Jews and the West if they help it dominate Middle East and destroy Sunni-ism
Your forces can't fight for shit even if their lives depended on it. Every time you lose to Iran. How many more times do we catch you with your pants down? in a compromising position?............:omghaha:

i'll let you keep believing that lie.
for reasons i won't explain other than not to get into the way of what i've opposed for long enough (about 12 years), the potential for the Iranian-NATO+Allies conflict to grow into a military confrontation and possibly even regime change of Iran.
given how you receive thanks for your opinions as well, there are still too many in the Muslim world like you who believe NATO is easy enough to defeat for a nation like Iran, at this point on the human timeline.
I understand what you are saying. I have already said many times that US policies will ensure a total makeover of the entire ME in the next few decades. The process is already underway and will take a decade or two to accomplish.
You are screwing up the Arabs on behalf of the Jews. Don't kid yourselves into thinking you are making the ME better. One Syria and look at the demographic change in EU. China must remain steadfast, US is going to destabilize more regions in the future. Attacking Iran will only drag Russia and China in, you are not ready to face 2 superpowers straight on. If you could have done it, you would have.
I understand what you are saying. I have already said many times that US policies will ensure a total makeover of the entire ME in the next few decades. The process is already underway and will take a decade or two to accomplish.

yeah, but kind of sad to think about it. I mean, I fought in the middle east 10 years ago, now my kids (If I have any) and their generation would still be doing the same thing I have done 10 years ago, it's never ends.

But well, I guess that is how it is in the middle east.
Iran neighbors Russia via Caspian. America won't be able to stop ship after ship of arms reaching Iran from Russia via Caspian. Iran war would be nothing like Iraq war.
It's time to arm Iran with ICBM!

i know you to be more crazy than this Iranian i've been talking to in this thread.

fortunately, you let people know how crazy you are by your statements itself.

for the few undecided readers of this thread :
it's a serious mistake to believe the Chinese leaderships (political, intel, military) share views like these.
i know you to be more crazy than this Iranian i've been talking to in this thread.

fortunately, you let people know how crazy you are by your statements itself.

for the few undecided readers of this thread :
it's a serious mistake to believe the Chinese leaderships (political, intel, military) share views like these.
USA is just a coward. As soon as China gives Iran some ICBMs, USA will be begging for a peace deal with Iran. Then Hezbollah will dig into Israel's side like a dagger!
to be fair, the time I spend in Afghanistan taught me one thing. Afghan don't really care.

Generally, general afghan population don't care who is in charge, Kabul or Taliban, most of them just wanted to live by, probably coming from years of war, they did not look for much.

There are competent people in ANA, ANP or any level of militia, but there are just a tiny amount of people know what they were doing, most of them have their own agenda, and the rest of them just don't care.

If afghan want to survive the Taliban, they need their population to care about it first, and then we can talk about stabilising region by region, otherwise the afghan will only control the spot they had when they have troop on the ground, and we all know afghan force don't have enough troop to cover all of the Afghanistan, hell, I don't think they have troop to cover 1/3 of Afghanistan
In short objective of US was and is to destabolize the countries ... murder millions and then leave them to keeping on killing each others
In short objective of US was and is to destabolize the countries ... murder millions and then leave them to keeping on killing each others

better you than us mate. that's survival instinct. I am not going to apologise for it.

If we are not doing that, then you come kill us, if you were me, what would you do? Go talk to the extremist and let's sing Kumbaya?
USA is just a coward. As soon as China gives Iran some ICBMs, USA will be begging for a peace deal with Iran. Then Hezbollah will dig into Israel's side like a dagger!

those are "brave" (foolish actually, when it comes down to it, especially on near-future global scales) *lies* you hope will convince others to be as foolish as you in matters of wars that can easily drag many countries into war at the same time?

i think (and expect) the Chinese leaderships to have more brains than you,
and possibly even happy to see NATO deal with Iran and get rid of a country that thinks it can keep using it's military outside it's borders like Iran has so far and is planning to continue according to the few news paper headlines i read about Iran's government's responses to Trump's plans to stop Iran from using it's military / military means outside it's borders.

even the entire war itself and regime-change of Iran, is NOT something i've read as a news headline in a major western news paper and therefore the officially announced US plans for Iran.
but the future of Iran is being prepared in much the same manner as the US did with Iraq during the time of heavy economy-wide sanctions on their economy just a few months or years before the regime-change of Saddam's Iraq into today's Iraq became necessary and a reality.

undecided readers : NATO did by already give Iraq fully back to it's people, they're even allowed a government that won't be puppets of the Americans according to any reasonable definition out there.
and that's only one of the reasons that IF the regime-change of Iran becomes an official US/NATO plan for the future,
i'm allowing that since say about half a year.

and from the opinions like Feng Leng and the Iranian from Iran that i countered in this thread,
and the fact that some of those opinions even got thanks,
i'd say the risk of too many people in nations like Iran and China and etc, possibly indeed many other nations around the world, including even some in their current military, intel and government circles, is large enough not to stand in the way too much if it's truly necessary to convince the world that NATO is incapable of handling a nation like Iran.

Taiwan ofcourse, has become a different story.
i'm smart enough to recognize that,
*and* smart enough to oppose with only my limited freedom of speech powers that i have, NATO leaderships to think that they can take on Iran at the same time as continuing to provide military cover against China's ambitions against Taiwan.

i say all here as personal opinions from just one Dutch / European guy who gets to read only public news sources, but who does keep up with the few specialized news-sources out there for headlines about matters of (planned) wars,
like this forum.

i'm also not saying that this is what these guys like Feng Leng or the Iranian from Iran i'm countering in this thread so far,
are claiming to be their government's policies.
i'm making sure nobody gets that hope, especially not undecided readers of this forum who could possibly for some reason be deceived by the subtle lies they hope to install in some of the undecided readers on this forum.

subtle lies, especially these kinds with big potential effects,
are the worst kind of lies, in my opinion.
I do not believe him to be Chinese, once I called him an idiot in Chinese and it took him long time (web-translating?) to understand.

most Chinese don't care about Jews, I don't think even the Hui or Uigur care about jews that much, yet he keep saying Jew this and jew that, that show quite a straight forward case he ain't Chinese.
yeah, but kind of sad to think about it. I mean, I fought in the middle east 10 years ago, now my kids (If I have any) and their generation would still be doing the same thing I have done 10 years ago, it's never ends.

But well, I guess that is how it is in the middle east.

Well, that region has seen much conflict over generations, not just yours and mine. Even the makeover won't get rid of the issues, I fear, just trade them for another set.
Well, that region has seen much conflict over generations, not just yours and mine. Even the makeover won't get rid of the issues, I fear, just trade them for another set.

yeah, it would be a shame.

Just don't know why it is tho, when I was over there, the place is nice (mins all the shooting and bombing) and people are nice, I honestly don't know how this come down to this, but as you said, this shit have been drag on for many years, even before I was born, so I probably will never understand.
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