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US Attack on Iran Would Turn Into Protracted Conflict, Engulf Mid East – Scholar

by the way I wonder why USA wants to attack Iran , if they do so then how they can their junks to some countries in the region ?
Before I got orders to deploy for Desert Storm, I read similar about Iraq.

Yeah...Yah...I know...Iran is not Iraq. But neither is today's US military compares to the US military that took out Iraq.

Taking out the Iranian military is not the problem, but dealing with the aftermath is the issue.
US can’t defeat Iran otherwise they had attacked Iran long ago like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc... Actually they’re afraid of Iran. However they’re planning for a bloody revolution or a civil war in Iran:

John bolton hopped to be in Iran at beginning of 2019 but his hope died. Fool cowboy Yankees think Iran is Afghanistan, Iraq or Yemen.
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whoa! Are you authorized to admit that this here war is actually a war on Islam?

In any case if what you admit is true then you need not worry about Iran because they would be standing shoulder to shoulder with you all to fight other Muslim sects. I have always suspected them to be a Trojan horse or a fifth column

are you a peacefan or a bloodthirsty crusader or a keyboard warrior?

i admitted no such thing.
and to say this is (part of) a war on Islam is a blatant lie as well.

and often, it's better to point out how a war can not be won,
than not,
before all those lives are risked without verbal warning up front how i believe one side of a ((possibly) planned) conflict stands no chance of winning in the military dimension.

i'm neither a bloodthirsty crusader, nor a keyboard warrior.
i'm merely an average peace loving civilian over here in western europe who keeps up with the news as one of his hobbies,
and is informing you all in the friendliest way possible that i believe that from what i've read so far, this conflict can not be won by Iran and their few allies through military means.

each time you tried to even briefly grow a pair Iran busted you boyz right in the booty.....if we find the slightest hint of you trying to grow a pair of nads, be certain we will snip them immediately.......and no mercy! You boyz are not allowed to have balls.

Anyone can bring anyone to tears once they've imprisoned them, fool.
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by the way I wonder why USA wants to attack Iran , if they do so then how they can their junks to some countries in the region ?
Because Israel has heavy influence over US policy making and Israel cannot survive unless middle east get destroyed ...
That is the point, Taliban is not an American problem, those are local problem. The American don't need to defeat the Taliban, nor would they be their objective, well, unless US is annexing Afghanistan as their 51st States...…..
By your definition, the US won in Syria too. =)
By your definition, the US won in Syria too. =)

Not won, but did not lose either.

There are no stakes for the US in Syria. Nor enough troop to actually start a war that count, not like ISAF/NATO level.

All we can say is that US achieve their objective in Syria, much like they did in Afghanistan.
I agree. The US goals are quite clear and largely already met, but the area will need some form of supervision for quite a while yet.

to be fair, the time I spend in Afghanistan taught me one thing. Afghan don't really care.

Generally, general afghan population don't care who is in charge, Kabul or Taliban, most of them just wanted to live by, probably coming from years of war, they did not look for much.

There are competent people in ANA, ANP or any level of militia, but there are just a tiny amount of people know what they were doing, most of them have their own agenda, and the rest of them just don't care.

If afghan want to survive the Taliban, they need their population to care about it first, and then we can talk about stabilising region by region, otherwise the afghan will only control the spot they had when they have troop on the ground, and we all know afghan force don't have enough troop to cover all of the Afghanistan, hell, I don't think they have troop to cover 1/3 of Afghanistan
to be fair, the time I spend in Afghanistan taught me one thing. Afghan don't really care.

Generally, general afghan population don't care who is in charge, Kabul or Taliban, most of them just wanted to live by, probably coming from years of war, they did not look for much.

There are competent people in ANA, ANP or any level of militia, but there are just a tiny amount of people know what they were doing, most of them have their own agenda, and the rest of them just don't care.

If afghan want to survive the Taliban, they need their population to care about it first, and then we can talk about stabilising region by region, otherwise the afghan will only control the spot they had when they have troop on the ground, and we all know afghan force don't have enough troop to cover all of the Afghanistan, hell, I don't think they have troop to cover 1/3 of Afghanistan

It will take a long long time before Afghanistan can be considered a nation and country in the conventional sense, IMO, and that is not for USA to resolve, but by the Afghans themselves. All USA should care is that its potential as a launching pad for attacks on the homeland never rises to be a threat anymore, by whatever means necessary.
It's time to arm Iran with ICBM!
that would be like committing suicide because Iran is not on the side of Muslim and Communist countries. It regards other Muslim countries as infidel as it does Communists. whereas if Jews and Christians gave it any encouragement it will be willing to give Chabahar as a NATO supply port replacing Karachi! According to Irani scholars Christians and Jews are closer to its version of Islam than Sunni Islam

In the event of a war against China and Pakistan, Iran would be the supply route for USA forces
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It will take a long long time before Afghanistan can be considered a nation and country in the conventional sense, IMO, and that is not for USA to resolve, but by the Afghans themselves. All USA should care is that its potential as a launching pad for attacks on the homeland never rises to be a threat anymore, by whatever means necessary.

True, you need to buy peace if you have to, that's why all these negotiation is going on, however, on the other hand, you also need them to know the US could just as easily to come back and kick you arse again, that is what make people want to talk, not the empty promise of peace.
True, you need to buy peace if you have to, that's why all these negotiation is going on, however, on the other hand, you also need them to know the US could just as easily to come back and kick you arse again, that is what make people want to talk, not the empty promise of peace.

I'd rather US policies ensure that we never have to kick any more *** again in this region, to be honest.
that would be like committing suicide because Iran is not on the side of Muslim and Communist countries. It regards other Muslim countries as infidel as it does Communists. wheras if Jews and Christians gave it any encouragement it will be willing to give Chabahar as a NATO supply port replacing Karachi! According to Irani scholars Christians and Jews are closer to its version of Islam than Sunni Islam

In the event of a war against China and Pakistan, Iran would be the supply route for USA forces
Iran is on the side of justice and truth. Jews can go to hell.
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