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US approves $15 billion THAAD missile defense for Saudi Arabia


Why does every thread on PDF turn into off-topic nonsense? Can the Arab section (usually very peaceful) at least be speared?
Why r u acting like a child? U cant handle other let it pass. By your replies every other person that is rrplying here is insane and u are the only genuis left. Get a life man.
Why r u acting like a child? U cant handle other let it pass. By your replies every other person that is rrplying here is insane and u are the only genuis left. Get a life man.

I am acting like a child because users are writing completely off-topic posts and thus destroying an informative thread on this otherwise peaceful Arab section of PDF? OK.

At my best (in the good old days) I used to handle at times 10 users at once long before your time here. As for being a genius or not, I indeed have a high IQ and I am doing quite well on many fronts (educational, economic, relationship wise etc.) but that is not the point here and irrelevant.

You are the one that seems extremely bitter here and looking for my attention after our recent discussion that you failed to counter. I understand that the facts that I mentioned did pick your initial nonsense apart. This is not my fault but your own.

Have a nice day.
I am acting like a child because users are writing completely off-topic posts and thus destroying an informative thread on this otherwise peaceful Arab section of PDF? OK.

At my best (in the good old days) I used to handle at times 10 users at once long before your time here. As for being a genius or not, I indeed have a high IQ and I am doing quite well on many fronts (educational, economic, relationship wise etc.) but that is not the point here and irrelevant.

You are the one that seems extremely bitter here and looking for my attention after our recent discussion that you failed to counter. I understand that the facts that I mentioned did pick your initial nonsense apart. This is not my fault but your own.

Have a nice day.
more or less you are self center guy to me. This has nothing to do with out recent discuss but looks like you cant take other point of you. This is indeed open forum where other can forward their point of view weather you like it or not. But you are the one calling other with name. You doing good doesnt mean other are less than you. Plz dont reply to me neither quote me dont know why you think i would need ur attention. Thanks
more or less you are self center guy to me. This has nothing to do with out recent discuss but looks like you cant take other point of you. This is indeed open forum where other can forward their point of view weather you like it or not. But you are the one calling other with name. You doing good doesnt mean other are less than you. Plz dont reply to me neither quote me dont know why you think i would need ur attention. Thanks

No, I have a hard time accepting people writing outright nonsense and moreover polluting an informative thread and subject with off-topic nonsense. I am not calling anyone "names" here. I never said anything about that. I wish you all the success in your life that you can get. More than I have and anyone else here. I have no problem with this. I always wish people the best.

I don't know but you were the one that started quoting my posts and now you are doing it again. I did not mention you here. I just called for users here to stick to the topic as per the rules on PDF.

It is really not my problem that you are acting like an angry woman because of a peaceful discussion and because I countered (in my eyes and based on actual ground realities) some nonsense points in your posts.
No, I have a hard time accepting people writing outright nonsense and moreover polluting an informative thread and subject with off-topic nonsense. I am not calling anyone "names" here. I never said anything about that. I wish you all the success in your life that you can get. More than I have and anyone else here. I have no problem with this. I always wish people the best.

I don't know but you were the one that started quoting my posts and now you are doing it again. I did not mention you here. I just called for users here to stick to the topic as per the rules on PDF.

It is really not my problem that you are acting like an angry woman because of a peaceful discussion and because I countered (in my eyes and based on actual ground realities) some nonsense points in your posts.
ignored :)


Have a nice day once again.

PS. Try not to take everything personally here just because users disagree with some of your views. Broadening your horizon never hurts.
If they can wait for few years, India can provide them with better option...

:yahoo::omghaha: you made my day; you sir have won the title for joke of the day. You little peepers can't make basic armaments for yourself; and here talking about high tech and export on the top. Bravo!!! :sarcastic:
Oh, Iran's doing great. 6% growth. Saudi, meanwhile, is in recession.

So shut up.

Um, no. There is no other country in the region with a large ballistic missile force.
Why you are contradicting yourself that much? If Iran has the largest offensive Missile arsenal in the region, why are you crying in every thread about KSA buying defensive weapons?

KSA in a recession and buying hundreds of billions in defensive weapons, and other hundreds of billions in investments all over the world.. not even talking about a trillion dollars in US bonds or the $500 billion in foreign currency reserves..
Try to find common sense instead of ranting and crying..

The S-400 system has no exo-atmospheric capability - More certain interception and without any risk of chemical or nuclear fallouts -.

And it has never been demonstrated its ability to intercept IRBM ballistic missile.

It went the same for the Russian SAMs bought by Egypt between 1967 and 1973, they were not tested in a real battlefield before that, but they managed to shoot down almost 300 Usraeli 4th generation aircrafts! food for thought..It is also important that you have mentioned the exoatmospheric capabilities of the THAAD system, since they do not go against the procurement of the S-400, they rather complete each other on top of the patriot system.. Why put all of ones eggs in the same bag when we know there are snakes around?
But, the main concern about the THAAD is the fact that it comes with only 360 missiles in total for 7 batteries, with some minimal ToT, while the Advantage of procuring the S-400 system is the thousands of missiles that can be made and procured when they are needed, without any constraining conditions, and with substantial TOT.. do you see the difference although not contradictory now?
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It is also important that you have mentioned the exoatmospheric capabilities of the THAAD system, since they do not go against the procurement of the S-400, they rather complete each other on top of the patriot system.. Why put all of ones eggs in the same bag when we know there are snakes around?
But, the main concern about the THAAD is the fact that it comes with only 360 missiles in total fo 7 batteries, with some minimal ToT, while the Advantage of procuring the S-400 system is the thousands of missiles that can be made and procured when they are needed, without any constraining conditions, and with substantial TOT.. do you see the difference although not contradictory now?

I do not think there will be any even a tiny ToT with the THAAD system.

I am not getting KSA. Are they in a war or something? Buying weapons like this doesn't make any sense.

Patriots we're not good enough against Yemeni BMs that is also a reason for this kind of equipment shopping.
Aren't you familiar with the new Saudi arms procurement policy that says no weapon purchase without ToT?

Of course he is brother but sometimes you cannot always get ToT. I too believe that this will be the case of THAAD but I do hope that I am wrong. If there will be ToT it will likely be limited due to THAAD's sophisticated technology.
Of course he is brother but sometimes you cannot always get ToT. I too believe that this will be the case of THAAD but I do hope that I am wrong. If there will be ToT it will likely be limited due to THAAD's sophisticated technology.
Remember these recent news about Saudi Arabia developing (or let's say participating in the development of) its THAAD system with Lockheed Martin?

Lockheed Martin to help Saudis develop THAAD requirement

Lockheed Martin will be awarded a contract to help the Royal Saudi Air Defence Forces (RSADF) develop their Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) requirement, it was announced on 5 September.

The announcement was made via the US Federal Business Opportunities website, which said the US Missile Defense Agency would award a non-competitive contract to Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control to provide “technical assistance to support requirement definition pertaining to the facilities design, system test, material fielding, training, system operations, maintenance, and sustainment concepts for RSADF THAAD".

No further details of the contract were revealed.

The THAAD system is designed to intercept ballistic missiles outside the earth’s atmosphere and has already been ordered by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and requested by Qatar.


Reading between the lines, Saudi Arabia has its own requirements for the THAAD system.. meaning it will have a look on the technologies and chose the appropriate ones for itself, hence some components might be manufactured in KSA (tailor-made) to thwart any dependence on the US for operations.. (obviously the ToT will be limited..)
Compare with SK where the THAAD system was send there as it is..
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If Iran has the largest offensive Missile arsenal in the region

It is a deterrent, we will only use them if attacked. So not "offensive" as in we will attack anyone.

KSA in a recession

That is what I said. The rest of your paragraph is drivel. Do you even know what a recession is?

why are you crying in every thread about KSA buying defensive weapons?

Firstly I'm not crying, you're just chest thumping. Second, when the clown prince expressly threatens to create conflict in Iran, while he oversees a massive militarision spending 10s of billions of $ on their army, navy, air force, and missile defence, many of which are designed to fight Iran's main deterrence, it is quite obvious what Saudi's intentions are. And that is to start something, or at the very least be able to try more aggressive regional actions.
@The Eagle

Brother kindly deal with the trolling and nonsense off-topic posts in this section. The Arab section is almost completely troll free which the moderators can confirm. We want this to continue to be the case.

Remember these recent news about Saudi Arabia developing (or let's say participating in the development of) its THAAD system with Lockheed Martin?

Lockheed Martin to help Saudis develop THAAD requirement

Lockheed Martin will be awarded a contract to help the Royal Saudi Air Defence Forces (RSADF) develop their Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) requirement, it was announced on 5 September.

The announcement was made via the US Federal Business Opportunities website, which said the US Missile Defense Agency would award a non-competitive contract to Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control to provide “technical assistance to support requirement definition pertaining to the facilities design, system test, material fielding, training, system operations, maintenance, and sustainment concepts for RSADF THAAD".

No further details of the contract were revealed.

The THAAD system is designed to intercept ballistic missiles outside the earth’s atmosphere and has already been ordered by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and requested by Qatar.

Reading between the lines, Saudi Arabia has its own requirements for the THAAD system.. meaning it will have a look on the technologies and chose the appropriate ones for itself, hence some components might be manufactured in KSA (tailor-made) to thwart any dependence on the US for operations..
Compare with SK where the THAAD system was send there as it is..

That sounds comforting and promising. We will have to wait and see, brother. I am sure that a lot is going on that the media knows nothing or very little about. In this case (THAAD) it all depends on how the final deal will look like and what the Trump administration will be willing to share and how far KSA will want to go.
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