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US approves $15 billion THAAD missile defense for Saudi Arabia

That doesn't change the fact that KSA mainly rely on US for it's defensive and offensive capabilities. But anyway best of luck.

That doesn't change the fact that KSA has many other partners and is diversifying (as you can see) and is focusing heavily on developing a much bigger localized arms industry. Many positive steps in this regard have been taken already and MANY more will follow.

Most US allies (including countries in the region and the West) rely on them to a degree simply because US products are second to none overall. I don't see the problem with that in the case of KSA (of today) as we are diversifying and most importantly developing a localized arms industry.

If they can wait for few years, India can provide them with better option...
If they can wait for few years, India can provide them with better option...

We (KSA, GCC and the Arab world) might have somewhat close business/economic ties with India but our military cooperation is almost non-existent excluding Oman and Egypt (traditional ally). It was different once, especially with pro-USSR Arab states.

However let's be serious for a while, India has nothing remotely similar to a THAAD missile defense system. Let alone the inferior Russian S-400 (in comparison) which KSA has also acquired.

Anyway what did you have in mind?

PS. This thread should be moved to the Arab section which is purely intended for military-related threads.
Why are you spending billions on your military and trying to acquire more nuclear weapons? Why does Pakistan even have an army?
We are in sort of war with India. Our LOC is hot throughout years. Why Pakistan does have an army? To save Saudia when time needs. Pakistan Army is one of the best Muslim Country army in the world. Even you guys look at us to save you. When Muslim countries needs Saudia they went quiet and wait for US to give them permission to speak. This is what Saudi kingdom has become.
We are in sort of war with India. Our LOC is hot throughout years. Why Pakistan does have an army? To save Saudia when time needs. Pakistan Army is one of the best Muslim Country army in the world. Even you guys look at us to save you. When Muslim countries needs Saudia they went quiet and wait for US to give them permission to speak. This is what Saudi kingdom has become.

KSA is also in a "sort of war" with Yemen (if you have not noticed) and in a "sort of cold war" with the Iranian Mullah's too. In case you have not noticed that either. Not exactly breaking news. Nor the fact that KSA is located in the middle of Western Asia/Middle East/MENA. This region might be many things (among them the cradle of civilization) but peaceful and harmless it is not currently.

For your information, KSA has always had cordial, brotherly and close ties with the Pakistani military irrespective of who ruled Pakistan (the military itself or corrupt politicians).

When did Pakistan ever "save" KSA? Why are you defending the Pakistani army here when there is no need for that? Every sane person here understands that Pakistan is a 200 million big nation and a militarized one at that too ever since its inception in 1947. Or that Saudi Arabian soldiers train with Pakistani soldiers and vice versa just like we do with 30 + nations and you too. Nobody disrespects anything here but that should go both ways. Some people (I have noticed) are really deluded. As if KSA has no friends or allies at all other than Pakistan. Or as if KSA was not a regional power and one of the most powerful and influential Muslim nations. It's a strange attitude. Demanding respect is not a one-way street.

Not sure what you are talking about? KSA is not doing/behaving any differently than other Muslim powers nor do we have a special responsibility other than maybe historical ones having ruled the Caliphate for 1000 years, being the cradle of Islam etc. This is the past. Nowadays we are a nation state like ALL other Muslim nations and our leadership will look to ensure our safety, that of our people, our resources, most important facilities etc. which is the responsibility of every sensible government. If foreigners have a problem with that, I could not care less. Only Saudi Arabians have a right to dictate what should be done and what should not be done. I don't see Saudi Arabian or other Arab users questioning whatever other Muslim and non-Muslim nations are doing with their money or military.

Anyway let us return to the topic despite us having different views. We should respect our differences.
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For your information, KSA has always had cordial, brotherly and close ties with the Pakistani military irrespective of who ruled Pakistan (the military itself or corrupt politicians).

When did Pakistan ever "save" KSA? Why are you defending the Pakistani army here when there is no need for that? Every sane person here understands that Pakistan is a 200 million big nation and a militarized one at that too ever since its inception in 1947. Or that Saudi Arabian soldiers train with Pakistani soldiers and vice versa just like we do with 30 + nations and you too. Nobody disrespects anything here but that should go both ways. Some people (I have noticed) are really deluded. As if KSA has no friends or allies at all other than Pakistan. Or as if KSA was not a regional power and one of the most powerful and influential Muslim nations. It's a strange attitude. Demanding respect is not a one-way street.
Respect is for those who deserve it not for those who demands it. You are telling me all these weapons are to kill other muslim country? Just to kill other muslim and do the work for western?. Come on where is respect in that? This is not about Pakistan. When did last time Saudia raise voice for Kashmiri muslim? or Palestine muslim? After king Shah Faisal all other kings are just a puppet of Western. Saudia Demand respect? first do what should be done if you call yourself Leader of all muslim countries. I am not against Saudia but reality you should face that they are killing muslims or never raised a voice when there is muslim killing in any country while they can and they should. Things can be settled with talks.
Respect is for those who deserve it not for those who demands it. You are telling me all these weapons are to kill other muslim country? Just to kill other muslim and do the work for western?. Come on where is respect in that? This is not about Pakistan. When did last time Saudia raise voice for Kashmiri muslim? or Palestine muslim? After king Shah Faisal all other kings are just a puppet of Western. Saudia Demand respect? first do what should be done if you call yourself Leader of all muslim countries. I am not against Saudia but reality you should face that they are killing muslims or never raised a voice when there is muslim killing in any country while they can and they should. Things can be settled with talks.

Do you realize that what you are saying to me is something that most Afghans say about your country? You can say the exact same thing about any Muslim country.

I am not willing to bother with a user who clearly is uniformed or either ignorant. KSA just recently (when we held talks with Putin and other high-ranking Russian officials) called for Israel to help establish an independent Palestine state. Kashmir is the same story but KSA is no different from any other Muslim nations. Do you expect KSA to fight India for Kashmir? Or Iran? Or Afghanistan? Or Turkey? I have news for you, that is never going to happen. Similar to how Pakistan is never going to war with Israel.

Your "puppet" nonsense is just a waste of time. KSA has the most pragmatic foreign policy of any Muslim nation that I know and has excellent ties with China (our largest trade partner - the mutual KSA-China trade dwarfs Pakistani-China trade for instance - a few weeks ago we signed business deals worth 70 BILLION USD but we don't go around and brag about this constantly), US and Russia (this week alone proves this). Also the "puppet" nonsense that drones (as I prefer to call those people) bark about, the exact same thing can be said about you. In fact more as the US is killing your citizens using drones and a few years ago they killed almost 30 of your soldiers and you did nothing but told them to leave an base that they used in connection to the Afghan war.

I am not demanding anything from you. Most Muslim governments respect KSA already and understand that it is a very influential Muslim country. This is what matters in the real world. BTW I have never written that KSA is some kind of "savior of Muslims" (LOL) and I rather not want such nonsense to occur. We already waste to much resources elsewhere other than at home (KSA and Arab world). If it was up to me our Rohingya should leave for Bangladesh, their ancestral land. We have hosted one of their largest expat communities for almost 50 years and in return we witness ungrateful Bangladeshis here (whose country next door is doing absolutely nothing) criticizing KSA and Arabs. Many more of our people are starting to think like me and that despite 30 years of pan-Islamist propaganda 24/7 which is thankfully changing in KSA. So hopefully not far from now you can find another scapegoat.
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I am not getting KSA. Are they in a war or something? Buying weapons like this doesn't make any sense.
These are defensive weapons, Iran is said to have a huge number of missiles.
S Arabia should develop its own Weapons to become real military power ... but Saudi military industries can not be among the top 10 military industrial companies in the world

3 Turkish Defense Companies Aselsan,Roketsan and TAI are in top 100 in the World by 2017

even TURKEY started to develop high tech military projects after 2004 .... and only in 12 years 3 Turkish Defense Companies Aselsan,Roketsan and TAI entered into Top 100 in the World List

even there are only 2 German , 2 Indian , 3 S.Korean , 4 Israeli , 5 French Defense Companies in Top 100

The US,,Russia,,China,,Uk,,Turkey,,Israel,,France,,Germany,,India,,Japan,,Italy and S.Korea

Source : http://people.defensenews.com/top-100/

TURKEY develops around 550 military projects for $35 billion that means TURKEY is better than all Muslim Coutries combined including S Arabia + Iran + Egypt + Pakistan + Indonesia

TURKEY develops all kind of ammunition ...

-- MPT-76 and MPT-55 Rifles
-- JNG-90 Sniper Rifle
-- OMTAS anti Tank Missile
-- 50+ km smart ammunition for T-155 Storm Howitzer
-- 40 km TRG-122 guided MLRS
-- 120 km TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- BORA Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- LGK Laser guided Bomb and HGK , KGK and TEBER Smart Bombs for F-16s
-- DEMET Cluster Bomb
-- Types of Thermobaric Warheads
-- 8 km MIZRAK Missile for T-129 Attack Helicopters
-- 8 km CIRIT 70mm laser guided Missile for T-129 Attack Helicopters
-- 30 km TEMREN Missile for S-70B Sea Hawk Helicopters
-- 250 + km SOM Cruise Missile for F-16s
-- 220+ km ATMACA anti ship Missile
-- AKYA Heavyweight Torpedo
-- ORKA Lightweight Torpedo
-- TORK anti torpedo hard kill system
-- DAKA and ZARGANA Decoys
-- GEZGIN Land and Naval based Cruise Missile is under development
-- GOKTUG BVR and WVR Air to Air Missiles are under development
-- TUFAN Electromagnetic Railgun is under development
-- ASELSAN and TUBITAK High Energy LASER is under development
-- HISAR Air Defense Systems are under development

-- TUMOSAN next generation Diesel Engine for Military Vehichles
-- KALE 3500 Turbojet Engine for Cruise Missiles
-- TEI PD-170 Turboprob Engine ( 170 hp ) for UAV-UCAV
-- TEI TS1400 Turboshaft Engine for Helicopters (1400shp)
-- ROKETSAN new unknow Bor-Carbon based Armor Protection for ALTAY Tank
-- Aselsan VOLKAN III next generation Fire Control System for ALTAY Tank
-- Meteksan MILDAR Fire control Radar for T-129 Attack Helicopter
-- TUBITAK produced first JP-10 type missile Fuel of TURKEY by 2013 which is produced in only a few countries in the world

-- ASELPOD Targeting Pod
-- MEHPOD Jamming Pod
-- Aselsan IFF System
-- Havelsan GENESIS Combat Management System
-- Aselsan HEWS Helicopter Electronic Warfare System
-- Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar for TAI TFX 5th gen Fighter Jet Project
-- 450km CAFRAD GaN based AESA Radar for TF-2000 class Destroyer Project
-- 600km GaN based AESA Radar for HISAR-U Long range Air Defense System project

what a great strategic step for TURKEY and Turkey doesnt need anyone for ammunition ( Tanks-Howitzers - MLRS - Warships - Submarines - Fighter Jets - UCAVs ) .. rare countries have this advantage

-- ALTAY Tank
-- T-155 Storm and Panther 155mm Howitzers
-- YAVUZ Truck mounted 155mm Howitzer

-- TAI T-129 ATAK-1 5 tons Attack Helicopter
-- TAI T-129 ATAK-2 8 tons Attack Helicopter with MILDAR Fire control Radar
-- TAI T-625 6 tons Utility Helicopter
-- TAI .........10 tons Utility Helicopter
-- TAI HURKUS Trainer Aircraft
-- TAI TFX 5th gen stealth Fighter Jet
-- TAI GOKTURK Military Satellite

-- ADA class stealth Corvette
-- MILGEM-I class stealth Frigate
-- TF-100 class Frigate
-- TF-2000 class Destroyer
-- MILDEN class Submarine

S Arabia buys Weapons ...... on the other hand TURKEY develops its own Weapons

1.. MPT-76 RIFLE

2 .. OMTAS latest technology Anti Tank Missile ( fire-forget and fire-update capability -- Non line of sight ( NLOS ) --- Network enabled capability --- Data Link with the Launcher --- Locking before and after firing --- The lofted trajectory flight profile --- 160 mm Tandem HEAT Warhead to destroy all Tanks )

3 ... TRG-300 guided MLRS ( 120 km )

4 ... KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missile export variant ( 280km )

5 ... HISAR Air Defense Systems

Turkey have somthing that other arab countries didn't have since the beginning... A Vision to development...
ANd ppl should not forget that Turkey is the relic of the ottoman empire..; therefore industries/universities/minds etc..; were already around... Ataturk just had to use them wisely and create even more... Other arab countries were under Beys who mostly were agricultural producer... and were colonies of the EU...

and Pakistan and Indonesia have nothing to do in your equation... they have what even Turkey do not have till this day.

I was quoting/reposting what @The SC stated. I am not sure why you are flooding this thread with off-topic posts? This is not a competition or who is better or worse than anybody else. Nobody mentioned Turkey here either.
KSA is well capable of building a strong indigenous arms industry eventually as is every major Arab country. We have the people, the resources, the money, the potential, the history. Everything basically outside of (until recently for some - sadly others are still stuck with nonsense leaderships) lack of visions from the leadership and incompetent regimes (Algeria is a good example for instance as it is a crime what is happening there compared to their potential). Many such Arab nations out there, sadly. However that is today. In 10 years time I am quite sure that the situation will be another.

Turkey have somthing that other arab countries didn't have since the beginning... A Vision to development...
ANd ppl should not forget that Turkey is the relic of the ottoman empire..; therefore industries/universities/minds etc..; were already around... Ataturk just had to use them wisely and create even more... Other arab countries were under Beys who mostly were agricultural producer... and were colonies of the EU...

and Pakistan and Indonesia have nothing to do in your equation... they have what even Turkey do not have till this day.

I disagree. Syria, Iraq, Egypt and many other militarized Arab nations were ahead or at least on the same level as Turkey in the 1950's and 1960's. For instance Iran's main advantage (their missiles) was something that they learnt from their Syrian allies.

Sure Turkey has an advantage as a long-time NATO member and having started much earlier (as well as having a much larger population) but it does not stop KSA and many other Arab nations from pursuing the same or aiming even higher. As I told, we have everything expect for visionary leaderships but that is changing, at least in KSA. So I am very hopeful that time will do what it will do.

Also the goal here is not to be better than x or y but to improve. This is the most important thing here. If you do well it will speak for itself. No need to "brag".

Anyway good luck to Turkey. KSA and Turkey are cooperating and much more will be seen in the future (hopefully).
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they have what even Turkey do not have till this day.

What about Pakistan and Indonesia ? Pakistan has only Nuclear Weapons nothing else .... What about Pakistan ?

Indonesia buys Turkish Weapons

TURKEY easly can develop Nuclear Weapons but TURKEY has signed treaty on the non proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

KORAL Land based Radar Electronic Warfare System even Europe , India China are dreaming about it

MEHPOD Jamming Pod ( only 4 in worldwide The US,,Israel,,Turkey and Russia )

220+ km ATMACA network enabled Anti ship Missile ( soon with RAMJET for mach 2.9 supersonic Speed )

250+ km SOM network enabled Cruise Missile ( anti ship / land attack )

GOKTUG Air to Air Missiles

TUFAN Electromagnetic Hypersonic Railgun


MILGEM Project for Turkish Navy

I can show you hundreds of high tech Turkish Military Projects and more hundreds of high tech Turkish Military Projects are on the way such as TAI T129 ATAK-2 8 tons Attack Helicopter ,, TAI TFX 5th gen stealth Fighter Jet ,,TF-2000 class Destroyer ,,etc
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