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US - Anti muslim crowd quite pleased.

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According to the British East India Company majority of Hindu are terrorist.............but not all Hindus are Terrorist!!!

British can call them Hindu terrorist.....but they can never say that these terrorist killed even a single innocent child, woman or old persons.....

Also these so called Hindu terrorists were not religious extremist....
majority of my fellow Muslims do not categorically condemn terrorist violence carried out by religious terrorists nuts, as usual, there are always ifs and buts

It's more complex than that. As far as I know, most people here condemn terrorism but some people want to stifle free speech and discussion.

Take the example of any crime: theft, rape, etc.
Of course, every sane person would agree that these things are crimes, but you won't find a solution until you go into the root causes of such actions and try to understand them.

Nobody would say that such discussions are "thief apologist" propaganda or "rape apologist" propaganda, yet we see this response as soon as someone tries to discuss the causes of terrorism.
It was a joke that you in your purity didn't understand.
Sounds to me you are just butthurt (no pun intended!). Travelled to the USA recently? ;)

gays and there american dreams.....
British can call them Hindu terrorist.....but they can never say that these terrorist killed even a single innocent child, woman or old persons.....

Also these so called Hindu terrorists were not religious extremist....

They can and did - read about the Kanpur massacre during the 1857 mutiny - a shameful incident for Indians - innocent British women and children were killed by the mutinying forces and ofcourse these included not just Hindus.
Destruction of Babari musjid was a terrorism by a religious majority....who's their god asked them to destroy......

if u consider destruction of old muslim structure's plz start with Tajmahal as it is a shining example of 1000's of yrs of muslim rule over India.

guess the majority was silent during destruction of Babri musjid that is why it is known as "Silent majority":P

any form of distraction of worship places is condonable.

Babri masjid was a temple which was destroyed by your terrorist forefathers.....and it is proven by archaeology team in SC....

They can and did - read about the Kanpur massacre during the 1857 mutiny - a shameful incident for Indians - innocent British women and children were killed by the mutinying forces and ofcourse these included not just Hindus.

It was a part of riot not done by any group in planned manner ...it was a reaction to what British did to innocent Indian...
Why must any "anti-Muslim" faction shoulder blame over the tragedy? That's like accusing the anti-Bush protestors for the Iraq war.

I see the repeated references to the Norway attacks and Breivik as a valid example of religious terrorism although what he followed was a personal manifesto. One literally wouldn't find a second adherent to his specific spectrum of views who advocate the use of terror the same way that Breivik did.

However, there is a unifying force that unites Islamic terrorists on an international scale- the global ideology of Jihad which is the driving force of Muslim radicals everywhere. So to equate the Norway incident to global Islamic terror machinations is unfair and silly to state the least.
It was a part of riot not done by any group in planned manner ...it was a reaction to what British did to innocent Indian...

It is not riot - it was a planned massacre on the orders of Azimullah Khan and Begum Hussaini Khanum who were associates of Nana Sahib. More than 200 British women and Children who were imprisoned and kept under Nana Sahib custody were massacred - Many sepoys refused to fire at the women and children and some did only to retreat on seeing the blood and gory - the job was later finished by some butchers.

This changed the sympathetic view many of the British public had for the Indians and changed the course of the mutiny.
Destruction of Babari musjid was a terrorism by a religious majority....who's their god asked them to destroy......

if u consider destruction of old muslim structure's plz start with Tajmahal as it is a shining example of 1000's of yrs of muslim rule over India.

guess the majority was silent during destruction of Babri musjid that is why it is known as "Silent majority":P

any form of distraction of worship places is condonable.

Babri Masjid wasn't destroyed because it was a muslim symbol. It was destroyed by some Hindu extremists as they felt it was built on the birthplace of their god , Ram . Wrong it was.

Indians of all religions mostly take pride in the 5-6 centuries of muslim rule in India , as the rulers integrated in the local society and became Indians.

Taj Mahal is a precious Indian monument built by Shah Jahan , an Indian muslim. Babur on the other hand came from Uzbekistan . He wasn't Indian neither was his mosque.
I see the repeated references to the Norway attacks and Breivik as a valid example of religious terrorism although what he followed was a personal manifesto. One literally wouldn't find a second adherent to his specific spectrum of views, who advocate the use of terror the same way that Breivik did.

BBC News - Viewpoint: Killer Breivik's links with far right

I won't derail this thread any further with this, but I urge people to read it.
They wont Condemn ....That "Boston Blast" main thread is an example ...

why the FFFF should I condemn for something some lunatic did, you can condemn all you want and shut the FFF up....by the way how would I condemn it If I change my mind?? is there any procedure written somewhere or something like thoujand appologies?

I thought everyone was against religious extremists and terrorists.

But I was dead wrong. In that thread they went crazy at me for condemning the extremist bombers.

And there was so much apologism for the actions of the bombers, blaming the situation in Palestine/Iraq/Chechnya/Xinjiang for the violent actions of Muslim extremists. It was like a mental asylum in that thread.

they told you not to condemn it???
can you send me the link to exactly where they got mad at you for condemning it
or maybe you wanted all muslims to appologize ?
Pfftt...people like Pamela Geller made entire careers out of bashing Islam and Muslims :lol:

Far far far more people have made careers pushing supremacism, have permanently instituted in their constitutions, used that in politics, secretly and openly indoctrinated to children, spread that using huge amount of money all over the world and even using charity money to bomb civilians.

Whats your point? Are you going to pull the lame islamophobia argument again, on a day we heard all kinds of excuses on the boston bombings thread, the silent majority?
BBC News - Viewpoint: Killer Breivik's links with far right

I won't derail this thread any further with this, but I urge people to read it.

Excerpts from the article;
Norwegian judges have jailed the mass killer Anders Behring Breivik after declaring him sane, yet his extremist ideology and shocking violence continue to raise questions.

It remains difficult to accomplish - that is why Breivik's "manifesto", comprising some three-quarters of a million words, is so dangerous.

And the copycat incidents(which failed to materialize) are specifically of neo-Nazi persuasions, not religious terrorism that can be equated with Jihad.
And the copycat incidents(which failed to materialize) are specifically of neo-Nazi persuasions, not religious terrorism that can be equated with Jihad.

I guess you didn't bother reading the whole article. It talks about Knights Templar, Christian far-right groups, EDL and other groups which explicitly invoke Christianity's battles with Islam in old Europe, etc. as part of their literature.

Their motivation is based on religion but, like the Hindutvada crowd, they are smart enough to couch it as cultural resistance.
Far far far more people have made careers pushing supremacism, have permanently instituted in their constitutions, used that in politics, secretly and openly indoctrinated to children, spread that using huge amount of money all over the world and even using charity money to bomb civilians.

Whats your point? Are you going to pull the lame islamophobia argument again, on a day we heard all kinds of excuses on the boston bombings thread, the silent majority?

Nope. Show me where I've done so on the Boston bombings issue :D

The rationale would be to track down the individuals who are radicalizing those feeble-minded kids. They are the real criminals. Until that happens, the rest are pretty pointless.
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