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US announces new Iran sanctions over ballistic missiles, terrorism support

You overrate your importance here very much. Perhaps it is something that gives you a feeling of some long lost pride, but I could be mistaken...

we are pakistanis.we don't need lessons from saudis.as far as pride is concerned,we still exists and we support every positive steps of muslim countries not wahhabi countries.we are very important for some muslim countries because we have a strong army,unlike other countries which are wahhabi or irani,who don't fight their war and blame others for their failures.
we are pakistanis.we don't need lessons from saudis.as far as pride is concerned,we still exists and we support every positive steps of muslim countries not wahhabi countries.we are very important for some muslim countries because we have a strong army,unlike other countries which are wahhabi or irani,who don't fight their war and blame others for their failures.

Where did your strong military take you? Has the world been looking up to you for some achievements or a high ranking in positive statistics? Has it enable you to win against the insurgents in Wazirstan? Has it enable you to even win the war on drug trafficking? Has it enable you to maintain law and order within your metropolitan areas against car bombings?

Note I am not talking about winning your war against India. I am just talking about much easier targets.
Mashallah..What are Pakistanis doing in this thread not related to Pakistan whatsoever..
Where did your strong military take you? Has the world been looking up to you for some achievements or a high ranking in positive statistics? Has it enable you to win against the insurgents in Wazirstan? Has it enable you to even win the war on drug trafficking? Has it enable you to maintain law and order within your metropolitan areas against car bombings?

Note I am not talking about winning your war against India. I am just talking about much easier targets.

they are our problems and everyday is a lesson to learn.may be there are thousands of problems inside pakistan but we don't rush to another country to solve our internal matters.similarly i can ask what have you done to stop israel in gaza?you have done nothing.you wanted to attack qatar and turkey responded with troops in qatar.nothing happened.you can't do anything on your own.you can only sell oil to americans and live in your luxury houses.you can't even handle a irani drone lol.
The Syrian Revolution was a popular revolution made by the Syrian people with the help of former Syrian military personnel who left Asad armed forces to fight the dictator. People came in (the good and bad) sharing one common goal (toppling Asad).

You have the order completely twisted. The uprising was not started internally. It was initiated by outsiders. And as I said before Assad upheld peace, just like Saddam did in Iraq.

The backclash of that will be coming to you sooner or later.

I am not worried. Their (read salafists and wahabists) nesting region is thank god not in my country.
Where did your strong military take you? Has the world been looking up to you for some achievements or a high ranking in positive statistics? Has it enable you to win against the insurgents in Wazirstan? Has it enable you to even win the war on drug trafficking? Has it enable you to maintain law and order within your metropolitan areas against car bombings?

Note I am not talking about winning your war against India. I am just talking about much easier targets.

Well its because of the Strong Military that we don't need to hire US Soldiers and SAS Commandos to secure our borders and Royal Sites...'cough'...Because of our strong Military we do not require bend down to our foes and enemies of the Islamic world to save us.

That is the most dumbest question I've ever heard. Pakistan Army has achieved the victory of successfully liberating Waziristan in shortest time ever. Our victory is the most known and admired along with the tactics we used there to defeat Taleban. While you Saudy ponies are getting roast in Yemen by poorly armed Houthis fighting in Jhubas despite of having world's best Military Gears and 6 Country Coalition. You begged Pakistan Army for help and when we denied, you went back crying. I can feel your pain buddy.

That's not Military's work. Our Anti Narcotics Force is active against it and working fine. Just look at the amount of liquor delivered to Saudi Arabia while having so-called Islamic laws.

Again, that's not Military's work. Our Police is largely corrupt. But when Military is called in for emergency. They perform well.

You Saudis have always failed in every field. Either religion or science. You building are built by French, your country is defended by Americans, your labor is Asian. What else?
You have the order completely twisted. The uprising was not started internally. It was initiated by outsiders. And as I said before Assad upheld peace, just like Saddam did in Iraq.

I am not worried. Their (read salafists and wahabists) nesting region is thank god not in my country.

Don't waste your time brother. Just note the sectarian BS and propaganda, and move on. This Wahhabi pig that has infested our section doesn't deserve a proper response.
we are pakistanis.we don't need lessons from saudis.as far as pride is concerned,we still exists and we support every positive steps of muslim countries not wahhabi countries.we are very important for some muslim countries because we have a strong army,unlike other countries which are wahhabi or irani,who don't fight their war and blame others for their failures.
Pakistan doesnt fight its wars either. whose fighting your war in afghanistan and kashmir? yup, mostly militant proxies,so youre also doing what you accuse Saudis and Iranians of doing. i do like your other points though.
You have the order completely twisted. The uprising was not started internally. It was initiated by outsiders. And as I said before Assad upheld peace, just like Saddam did in Iraq.

I am not worried. Their (read salafists and wahabists) nesting region is thank god not in my country.

It is always outsiders that order millions of Syrians in Alepo, Hamah, Dara, Idlib, and rural Damascus to endure the air strikes, gases, and bombing for 6 years. They are so mighty. They control us by remote control. Yeah, it is always outsiders when we hate it happening.

Well its because of the Strong Military that we don't need to hire US Soldiers and SAS Commandos to secure our borders and Royal Sites...'cough'...Because of our strong Military we do not require bend down to our foes and enemies of the Islamic world to save us.

That is the most dumbest question I've ever heard. Pakistan Army has achieved the victory of successfully liberating Waziristan in shortest time ever. Our victory is the most known and admired along with the tactics we used there to defeat Taleban. While you Saudy ponies are getting roast in Yemen by poorly armed Houthis fighting in Jhubas despite of having world's best Military Gears and 6 Country Coalition. You begged Pakistan Army for help and when we denied, you went back crying. I can feel your pain buddy.

That's not Military's work. Our Anti Narcotics Force is active against it and working fine. Just look at the amount of liquor delivered to Saudi Arabia while having so-called Islamic laws.

Again, that's not Military's work. Our Police is largely corrupt. But when Military is called in for emergency. They perform well.

You Saudis have always failed in every field. Either religion or science. You building are built by French, your country is defended by Americans, your labor is Asian. What else?

Aren't your mighty military importing the US drones to kill your own children in Waziristan? Unfortunately, your country has no respect (all over the world). Walk towards any immigration officer in the East or West and show him the Pakistani passport. No one can ever be impressed. They know that the place where this passport's holder is coming from is still struggling with providing clean drinking water, and garbage collection service for its own citizens.
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Yeap, they are. Their evil is less than many still. They achieved their status through hard-work capitalistic, and highly technological militaristic based imperialism. That's why some of your country men and women immigrate to it, and don't instead immigrate to Russia or Venezuela.
I hope one day your country would receive their glorious judgment , the fruits of decades of hard-work capitalistic.
I hope one day your country would receive their glorious judgment , the fruits of decades of hard-work capitalistic.
We could, easily. They are an imperial power that do stab in the back when the right moment comes. All what a nation needs to do is to realize its own real size and power among big players and strategize accordingly. The post 1979 Iran went into the business of power overestimation. Knocking your head against a Super Power will give you the respect of journalists, enthusiasts and other marginal folks. But that is hardly all what you would gain out of this unbalanced combat.
Pakistan doesnt fight its wars either. whose fighting your war in afghanistan and kashmir? yup, mostly militant proxies,so youre also doing what you accuse Saudis and Iranians of doing. i do like your other points though.

We are fighting proxy wars just to save our country.do you know the situation of Afghanistan? It's pathetic.too many hostile proxies are already in Afghanistan and even we are fighting on loc with Indians.we are doing it all alone.we don't require permission from Saudis or iran before starting a conflict. We are independent country and Saudis and Irani will never understand how to handle americans.
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