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Us and french ambassador under attack in syria

Iran is the leader of all those that hate USA, so it`s no surprise. I think the Turkish FM`s statement was for the governments and not for the people, because Syria is slaughtering their own people.

They hate anyone who is not them tbh, if your not an iranian mulla lover then your somehow an american satan as they would say or a zionist.

R u sure that most iranians dont know where syria is, The capital of banu ummaiyyah and the iranians dont know where it is strange.

Yes Iran must stop helping bashar the butcher. bashar is like his father brutal and think he can get away but is not the eighties decade.


I did not mean it Literally, i said that to emphesise that not all iranian support goverments like syria.
well who gains the most from attacks like these; who gained in Lebanon in 1982? It wasnt Syrians in the former, sure wasnt Lebanon in the latter case.
Syria is already under an invasion by their own president. Didn't you read the amount of carnage that their own president conducted against people? Asad makes the oil sheikhs of GCC countries look civilized for once. Tanks rolling down in midst of public protests? What sort of presidency is that?

Wonder why did protestors attack the French and US ambassadors. These two countries are also against Bashar. So technically, they should be cheering the two countries.

It wasn't the protesters against Assad who attacked, it was his supporters. (even the worst dictator has some)
Now you're the only country left in Europe to conduct a military strike as UK and France are busy in Libya. Fancy testing those Leopard 2s and Typhoons? Germany has been militarily inactive for more than half a century. What do you say? :azn:

Never, I say! :)

If my government even considers such madness, tens of thousands will be on the streets here (and I will join them) and rightfully so.

I wish all the best to the pro-democracy movement all over the middle east, but military intervention should be a last resort measure and often times it is just as hurtful as it is meant to be helpful. The German Government and different NGO's are very involved for example in Egypt trying to help them build institutions for a true liberal democracy since it is under threat from many sides and I think that is the kind of help we can and should provide. We are also supporting Egypt and Tunisia with money and will do the same if the Pro-Dems in Syria come trough. Until then I don't think we can do much even if we wanted to.

I also think the situation in Syria is still very murky. If a democratic revolution takes place, we will be happy to help.

The German army is not trained for something like that anyway and the German people don't want it. We got more on our plate than we can handle in terms of military engagements with Afghanistan.

Al Jazeera is no reliable source.

That is not true. Al Jazeera English has actually become pretty reliable and gotten a good reputation in recent years. (they hired a lot of former BBC people)
No source is 100% reliable and yes maybe Al Jazeera deserves to be taken with a (small) extra grain of salt, but do you honestly question if the events described took place?

For that matter, no single source is reliable. You always need to independently verifiable sources for any news to be "confirmed"... Well: http://www.google.com/search?q=Syria+Embassy pick two.
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