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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

If you want to consider that an insult to Islam -- fine. But why not answer the question: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians?

You're the only person who is repeating a rhetorical question to make a point. Of course it doesn't. You seem to be intent on convincing us that all Muslims support violence against anyone who insults Islam. Like anything in the world. Some do, some don't. The same way some Muslims protect Christians and others seek to expel them.

You seem to believe that Muslims are some kind of hive mind with identical beliefs and thought processes.
Yeah...And it was US Rangers in disguise as Libyan 'rebels'.

If you want to consider that an insult to Islam -- fine. But why not answer the question: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians?

Would not suprise me if the US Rangers were on the ground to guide the bombers. That aside you are avoiding the question WHAT WERE U DOING BOMBING A COUNTRY LIKE LIBYA IN 2011?
The assaults on the embassy in Egypt and in Libya were not in objections to US being the world's policeman. They were because muslims are offended by an anti-Islam 'film'. So let us confine the discussion to that. Or is the question too uncomfortable for you that you must try to distract attention ?

I think I answered it already in a previous post ... :azn:

Would it have happened if Qaddafi was in power or if the country hasn't descended into anarchy ? Why do not you think of the root cause !

Bringing the American brand of democracy to Tripoli !

The worst hypocrites I have seen since their country supports all despots in Middle East ... :azn:
You're the only person who is repeating a rhetorical question to make a point. Of course it doesn't. You seem to be intent on convincing us that all Muslims support violence against anyone who insults Islam. Like anything in the world. Some do, some don't. The same way some Muslims protect Christians and others seek to expel them.

You seem to believe that Muslims are some kind of hive mind with identical beliefs and thought processes.
No...The assaults on the embassies are pointed enough. And the muslims made those points. I see no reasons further to continue asking a question that I know no muslims will have the courage to answer.

You're the only person who is repeating a rhetorical question to make a point. Of course it doesn't.

You seem to believe that Muslims are some kind of hive mind with identical beliefs and thought processes.

Yeah , judging billions of Muslims by the actions of a few !
There is no point trying to defend the indefensible. You can't go around killing the US ambassador every time some extremist kook makes a home movie. What does the US government have to do with this guy making a movie?

Clearly, the movie is just a pretext. It's quite possible that the people who killed the US diplomats could be Gaddafi supporters out to settle scores.
No...The assaults on the embassies are pointed enough. And the muslims made those points. I see no reasons further to continue asking a question that I know no muslims will have the courage to answer.


---- Of course. You're not here to debate. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Carry on then. :tup:
I see no reasons further to continue asking a question that I know no muslims will have the courage to answer.


Already answered by me in a previous post , but i know it wont go well with you !

Adios !
It's sad really, but not unexpected. Libya and Egypt are both in chaotic situations now.

And "movie" is the most idiotic excuse i've seen to justify a murder. bunch of barbarians really. Libyan government must disarm these mindless baboons as soon as possible or this chaos will damage the country worse than the revolution.
when i read this news there was no thread on it,

i couldn't stop laughing just thinking of the reply war tat would strt on this thread

RIP to him if it really happened, how did they ever manage to get in????

or is this case same as the navy seal team case "U know 2 much"?

WTF is happening in the middle east:lol::cheesy:

get all these crazy goats together on one way flight to syria... atleast there they can be with there own kind.
How come Islam is religion of peace
when it justify violence over a movie
when it prosecute a minor over burning of their holy book
when threats to life are issued over the sketch of Prophet
Yeah , judging billions of Muslims by the actions of a few !
Not right.

What everyone would like is to hear the crescendo of those moderate voices condemning and drowning the fundamentalists' without any buts or ifs. Alas, a billion voices silenced by the 'fringe' few.

Would not suprise me if the US Rangers were on the ground to guide the bombers. That aside you are avoiding the question WHAT WERE U DOING BOMBING A COUNTRY LIKE LIBYA IN 2011?
Ask the French. It was they who fired the first salvo and led and sustained the entire NATO operation.
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