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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

It is the USA who have always supported the extremists, radicals and dark elements just to control the world. :sick: :tdown:

- USA have created Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden against USSR :tdown: Now Al Qaeda the monster created by USA is after the USA itself.

- USA have toppled the stable regime in progressive Iraq and killed Saddam Hussain. Now Iraq is in shambles.

- USA have destabilized the moderate regime in Libya and get Gadaffi killed. Now Its own ambassador is killed by the extremists and terrorists.

The morale of the story never promote & support terrorists, extremists and radicals for the short term goal it will harm you ultimately and severely.
The Film by Sam Bacile on Youtube is utter nonsense and bulls#!t .
Don't even Watch it !!!
Shame on the people who made that insulting movie .
:angry: :angry: :angry:

You can disagree with them and you can refuse to watch the film but they have the right to free expression.

But I do blame the US, France and other western nations for the whole Libyan fiasco.
But I do blame the US, France and other western nations for the whole Libyan fiasco.
Absolutely. It is easier to blame the strawmen.


The question is a legitimate one: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians? Or the blowing up of those old Buddhist statues? Why is it not an insult to Buddhism?
Absolutely. It is easier to blame the strawmen.


The question is a legitimate one: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians? Or the blowing up of those old Buddhist statues? Why is it not an insult to Buddhism?

Strawmen don't carryout 35% of the bombing missions in Libya in the first 10 days BUT USA did.
Absolutely. It is easier to blame the strawmen.


The question is a legitimate one: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians? Or the blowing up of those old Buddhist statues? Why is it not an insult to Buddhism?

Same as the Babri Mosque incident.
Strawmen don't carryout 35% of the bombing missions in Libya in the first 10 days BUT USA did.
Yeah...And it was US Rangers in disguise as Libyan 'rebels'.

Same as the Babri Mosque incident.
If you want to consider that an insult to Islam -- fine. But why not answer the question: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians?
Absolutely. It is easier to blame the strawmen.

Why is it happening in the first place ? :azn: ... When will you stop being the world police ? ... Both Iraq and Libya have descended into anarchy with warlords and extremists alike trying to take over the country ! What have you gained ? :undecided: I will not include Afghanistan since it was already very messed up before !

P.S I do not support the killing of common citizens , non-combatants or this very ambassador ! R.I.P to the dead :angry: Killing a diplomat is a worst crime both in International and religious law !
Yeah...And it was US Rangers in disguise as Libyan 'rebels'.

If you want to consider that an insult to Islam -- fine. But why not answer the question: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians?

Persecution is persecution. What else can it be? Muslims are being persecuted, hence the expected reaction.
then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians? Or the blowing up of those old Buddhist statues? Why is it not an insult to Buddhism?

Prohibited - the silent majority , are you judging all by action of a few ? :azn: ... Do you think we supported that son of a ***** Mullah who tried to harass Christians and send a 11 year old mentally unstable girl to prison or the destruction of historical statues ? :no:
Why is it happening in the first place ? :azn: ... When will you stop being the world police ? ... Both Iraq and Libya have descended into anarchy with warlords and extremists alike trying to take over the country ! What have you gained ? :undecided: I will not include Afghanistan since it was already very messed up before !

P.S I do not support the killing of common citizens , non-combatants or this very ambassador ! R.I.P to the dead :angry: Killing a diplomat is a worst crime both in International and religious law !
So here is a question that is directly related to this event: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians?

The assaults on the embassy in Egypt and in Libya were not in objections to US being the world's policeman. They were because muslims are offended by an anti-Islam 'film'. So let us confine the discussion to that. Or is the question too uncomfortable for you that you must try to distract attention ?
US wants to be the top dog of the world. It goes on about terrorizing, occupying and invading countries around the world. It wants sympathies of the world on 9/11 but it does not want to account for the hundreds of thousands it has killed since that 9/11 drama.

I m sorry to admit, I have no sympathy for these deaths. US deserves it, for its reaping what it sowed.
US wants to be the top dog of the world. It goes on about terrorizing, occupying and invading countries around the world. It wants sympathies of the world on 9/11 but it does not want to account for the hundreds of thousands it has killed since that 9/11 drama.

I m sorry to admit, I have no sympathy for these deaths. US deserves it, for its reaping what it sowed.
Do not apologize. Be proud of your contempt.
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