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US agencies confirm presence of Chinese troops along LoC

@ Gounder
Northern areas (now called Gilgit Baltistan) is a province of Pakistan. It has nothing to do with Kashmir issue because it is part (i.e province) of Pakistan.
it doesn't matter if it was 2 or three years ago, what matters is that israelis did visit a disputed area in which they have no reason to visit as they are not one of the three parties (Pakistan, india, and China) who are stake holders.

On the other hand when Pakistan and China build infrastructure, roads, and railways for transportation the indians complain at every level that "Kashmir is a disputed territory claimed to be a part of india therefore China should not be allowed in Kashmir" and all that other hypocritical BS (even though india claims China's Aksai Chin as a part of Kashmir)!

Like i said, India knows they can count on us. They asked for our help like i thought in counter-insurgency and we provided it.
It`s not like Israeli soldiers rushed to Kashmir, put an Israeli flag in the ground and yelled "This is mine too b*tches!!!!" and they became an urban legend known as the white, slightly brown, green wearing devils! :lol:
Humm When they are called as "Northern Areas" the term disputed itself disappears with this terminology.:)

I dont think so champ. Disputed territories include your Kashmir, our Kashmir and Northern Areas. Atleast the UN recognised dispute zone is that.

@ Gounder
Northern areas (now called Gilgit Baltistan) is a province of Pakistan. It has nothing to do with Kashmir issue because it is part (i.e province) of Pakistan.

Champ J&K also is a state of India. So does it cease to be a disputed territory ?

The status of the region (Northern Areas) within the confedration of Pakistan has nothing to do with the disputed status. It is still a UN mandated disputed territory.

Just like you boys dont care about we calling the whole of Kashmir as an integral part of India, we give a flying fcuk as to what you call the Northern Areas.
Humm When they are called as "Northern Areas" the term disputed itself disappears with this terminology.:)

The Chinese government refers to it as Pakistan's "Northern areas" too.

We are with you on this issue. :azn:
include askai chin also

And you wonder why China supports Pakistan on this issue. :lol:

First the stapled visas to anyone coming from Indian occupied Kashmir (but not to anyone coming from AK/GB), now troop presence in Pakistan's Northern areas.

And the Indian government keeps pleading for China to "be more sensitive".... :P
@ Gounder
India had opposed Pak Brazil and Pak France weapon deals. Is India afraid of Pakistan? Is this not interference in Pakistan's internal affairs?
Like i said, India knows they can count on us. They asked for our help like i thought in counter-insurgency and we provided it.
It`s not like Israeli soldiers rushed to Kashmir, put an Israeli flag in the ground and yelled "This is mine too b*tches!!!!" and they became an urban legend known as the white, slightly brown, green wearing devils! :lol:

Lol dude the Israeli Army chief just visited Kashmir to get a feel of how things are on ground. Atleast that visit had nothing to do with training of our soldiers. We are enough for these bunnies anyways.
And you wonder why China supports Pakistan on this issue. :lol:

First the stapled visas to the Indian side only, now troop presence in Pakistan's Northern areas.

And the Indian government keeps pleading for China to "be more sensitive".... :P

No one wonders anything about the wonder called China!!
I dont think so champ. Disputed territories include your Kashmir, our Kashmir and Northern Areas. Atleast the UN recognised dispute zone is that.

I was giving you the perspective of GOP over it. When it is called Northern areas the issue of being disputed itself resolves with this term.:lol:
@ Gounder
India had opposed Pak Brazil and Pak France weapon deals. Is India afraid of Pakistan? Is this not interference in Pakistan's internal affairs?

I use mosquito-repellent in my room so that mosquito can stay away from me. that doesn't mean im afraid of mosquitoes.
its not that im comparing Pakistan with a mosquito, but i hope u go my point.
Pakistan's northern has nothing to do with Kashmir issue. No world map declare it disputed. Only Azad Kashmir and Indian occupied Kashmir are shown as disputed territory.
@ Gounder
India had opposed Pak Brazil and Pak France weapon deals. Is India afraid of Pakistan? Is this not interference in Pakistan's internal affairs?

I though I had done with this canard ; But reposting it , once again.

Great logic you have bud.

US , the sole superpower, protests (in your parlance whines) everytime Venezuela or North Korea get some weapons. SO does that mean US is afraid of them or less powerful than them ? NO

It is just the usual reaction well within diplomatic limits and that is what India does. After all we are enemies and any weapon system you buy has only the name India written on it.

So we are duty bound to try and block any weapon system you might buy. It might fail, it might suceed but wee will try.

BTW are these not interfering in India's internal affairs ? Link and Link
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