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Urdu should be replaced with Farsi - Interesting Read

Urdu is 90% farsi - I'm always suprised by some Pakistanis who say that they do not speak or understand farsi -- If one reads and writes urdu, one reads and writes farsi and Dari and Pashto for that matter.

Well not exactly. Dari is far different than Urdu. Urdu does have farsi/Persian words but speaking and understanding pure persian is a different thing.

Anyway i am for learning as many languages as we can
Vocabularywise Urdo might have alot of Farsi(Dari) words, but grammer between these 2 languages are very different, especially when it comes to gendar specifications.
Pakistan should a several languages taught at schools. Urdu as national language; English as official language, Arabic as religious language; Persian as cultural language; Kashmiri, Pashto, Punjabi, Seraiki, Sindhi, Balochi and Brauhui as regional languages. Urdu, English, Arabic and Persian should be compulsary while student can choose one of any regional language. Except Urdu and English all other should be taught till 8th grade.
Pakistan should a several languages taught at schools. Urdu as national language; English as official language, Arabic as religious language; Persian as cultural language; Kashmiri, Pashto, Punjabi, Seraiki, Sindhi, Balochi and Brauhui as regional languages. Urdu, English, Arabic and Persian should be compulsary while student can choose one of any regional language. Except Urdu and English all other should be taught till 8th grade.

Wow! so many languages.
How the students will give time to other subjects which are much more important? Other than Urdu and English languages, only regional languages should be given priority as people would like to study them. Infact, it will increase the literacy rate as people will be much more comfortable in studying in their mother tongue.
Wow! so many languages.
How the students will give time to other subjects which are much more important? Other than Urdu and English languages, only regional languages should be given priority as people would like to study them. Infact, it will increase the literacy rate as people will be much more comfortable in studying in their mother tongue.

The school in US and Canada is usually from 8:30-3:30 while in Pakistan it is only 8:30:1:00. We can add two more hours each and have six day week.
Wow! so many languages.
How the students will give time to other subjects which are much more important? ...
Learning 3 to 4 languages at school is feasable and is being done in some European countries. I think children in Switzerland grow up having learnt 3 living languages, and optionally Latin too. As Farhan suggests, we could increase school hours.

Learning each other's languages will not only promote better understanding of each other but also help these languages survive longer during these times of globalisation.

...Other than Urdu and English languages, only regional languages should be given priority as people would like to study them...
If you think Farsi isn't from the region, I blame it on our defunct academic system that doesn't let us know our history; and on our elders.

...Infact, it will increase the literacy rate as people will be much more comfortable in studying in their mother tongue.
This is a separate debate. For brevity's sake, I'd say it is somewhat unfeasible to have the curricula in 60+ languages of ours, and this will create further divisions (like we have wrt Urdu and English medium schools, and then madaaris) in the way degrees are valuated, and biases in the job market.
Vocabularywise Urdo might have alot of Farsi(Dari) words, but grammer between these 2 languages are very different, especially when it comes to gendar specifications.
I learnt through experience that a vast number of verbs too have the same roots, not just vocabulary. But yes, possessing gender is major, major difference, one that would send a Persiphone's head spinning!

By the way, the word is Urdu, or in the original Turkish, Ördü.
Urdu is out national laung it will never be replaced... and we damn proud of it mashallah ...simply who ever wrote that article is eather on some serious drugs or needs some serious mental help in rehab. Furthermore, we are also proud some many different laung's in our nations and those who want to learn them should be offered to learn in schools or special learning centers for people i rest my case .
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