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Uproar in Muslim world after BJP leaders' derogatory remarks on Prophet

@RescueRanger does that @Rollno21 alleged ignorance about seeing the wrong in BJP lady's comments remind you of tucker Carlson face ?

He always make that face asking question presenting himself to be the ignorant, like its some rocket science, things like... Are Guns responsible for Mass shootings in America ? nah B1ch its the broccoli that has to be blamed for mass shootings lol
@RescueRanger does that @Rollno21 alleged ignorance about seeing the wrong in BJP lady's comments remind you of tucker Carlson face ? View attachment 851994
He always make that face asking question presenting himself to be the ignorant, like its some rocket science, things like... Are Guns responsible for Mass shootings in America ? nah B1ch its the broccoli that has to be blamed for mass shootings lol
Hahaha, love this!
@RescueRanger does that @Rollno21 alleged ignorance about seeing the wrong in BJP lady's comments remind you of tucker Carlson face ? View attachment 851994
He always make that face asking question presenting himself to be the ignorant, like its some rocket science, things like... Are Guns responsible for Mass shootings in America ? nah B1ch its the broccoli that has to be blamed for mass shootings lol

They want to insult our religion, culture and everything we stand for. They hate our existence. They expect us to sit idle and take the punches in our face. What a fools they are to think this way.
You should be angry with your books that says Muhammad married 6 years old and not with the infidels who just state what’s in your books.
Here’s how we know Aisha was much older when married:

Aisha was always referred to as bikr, which literally means “an adult unmarried woman who is a virgin.” She was never referred to as a jariyah, which is a “young girl.”

“And make not over your property (property of the orphan), which Allah had made a (means of) support for you, to the weak of understanding, and maintain them out of it, clothe them and give them good education. And test them until they reach the age of marriage. Then if you find them maturity of intellect, make over them their property...” (Quran, 4:5-6).
No seven year old, nor nine year old is mature enough to handle her own finances and property, yet Aisha was given hers at marriage.

Aisha’s exact birthday is unknown, but she was born *before* 610 CE when Islam was revealed.
Aisha is recorded as accepting Islam shortly after it was revealed. She could not have done so as an infant or toddler. The youngest she could have accepted Islam would be 7 y/o, but that’s a guess.
She was married in 622 CE 12 years after she accepted Islam. (7 + 12 =19 years).
Further, Aisha fought in the Battles of Badr and Uhud (624/5 respectively). No one *under* 15 fought in those battles, let alone be a leader of them.
Also, Asma, Aisha’s eldest sister (by ten years) died at age 100, 72 years after Aisha’s marriage.
Process of elimination and mathematics, Aisha could not have been married before she was 14 and the consummation before she was almost 20.
“The Quran states a woman's consent is essential, and the Sunnah confirms that both Aisha's betrothal and consummation occurred with Aisha's enthusiastic agreement.
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Here’s how we know Aisha was much older when married:

Aisha was always referred to as bikr, which literally means “an adult unmarried woman who is a virgin.” She was never referred to as a jariyah, which is a “young girl.”

“And make not over your property (property of the orphan), which Allah had made a (means of) support for you, to the weak of understanding, and maintain them out of it, clothe them and give them good education. And test them until they reach the age of marriage. Then if you find them maturity of intellect, make over them their property...” (Quran, 4:5-6).
No seven year old, nor nine year old is mature enough to handle her own finances and property, yet Aisha was given hers at marriage.

Aisha’s exact birthday is unknown, but she was born *before* 610 CE when Islam was revealed.
Aisha is recorded as accepting Islam shortly after it was revealed. She could not have done so as an infant or toddler. The youngest she could have accepted Islam would be 7 y/o, but that’s a guess.
She was married in 622 CE 12 years after she accepted Islam. (7 + 12 =19 years).
Further, Aisha fought in the Battles of Badr and Uhud (624/5 respectively). No one *under* 15 fought in those battles, let alone be a leader of them.
Also, Asma, Aisha’s eldest sister (by ten years) died at age 100, 72 years after Aisha’s marriage.
Process of elimination and mathematics, Aisha could not have been married before she was 14 and the consummation before she was almost 20.
“The Quran states a woman's consent is essential, and the Sunnah confirms that both Aisha's betrothal and consummation occurred with Aisha's enthusiastic agreement.

You think he doesn't know that? This guy is a known Islam hater. In every topic where Islam is being insulted he shows up to add more fuel to fire. You can't have an intellectual debate with this guy. He is only here to hate and troll. You did good though to record the facts.
Why always blame the west for everything? Arabs, Mughals and Ottomans were also criminals. Do not forget, it was the white people who abolished slavery when Arabs and Ottomans were promoting slavery. We are the first group of people to establish freedom of religion. Currently European nations have more freedom of religion than any Arab, Asian country. We do not force muslim women to wear bikini and in USA muslim women can wear hijab, niqab whatever. But in Iran it is compulsory for Christian women to wear hijab which is not even our culture.

and in India you are not allowed to eat beef but we dont kill anybody for beef or pork. No country on earth comes close to Europe and USA when it comes to religious freedom.
Time for your kind to become civilized and behave properly!

Nobody in the whole wide world does what u westerners do nor the South Americans, not the Africans nor certainly the Asians. Why r u an abomination in the world?
I am wondering the same thing. Good question.
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You think he doesn't know that? This guy is a known Islam hater. In every topic where Islam is being insulted he shows up to add more fuel to fire. You can't have an intellectual debate with this guy. He is only here to hate and troll. You did good though to record the facts.
This has always been their tactic, act innocent and pretend they call "roti" - "Chochi"... When in reality they are just spinning webs around you, this is why I am happy to engage with some of the Indian posters here, you will see which ones are worthy of respect, people like @Joe Shearer who is both knowledgeable and respectful and then there are people on the fringes like @Wood :lol: who I suspect is secretly funded by Shahbaz Shariff.

These are people you can have a conversation with, they understand how to "read the room".

Then there is another type of Indian poster, someone comes into a thread where they know full well what the mood is like and act all coy and bashful like an eighteen year old on their first date, meanwhile trying to stab you in the gut and twist the knife to see if you will yelp in pain...

Well then--people like that only deserve treatment in kind, because they will never have a civilised discussion with you... So the best thing to do with people like that I have learned over time is to show them the mirror and get them off the forum.
They want to insult our religion, culture and everything we stand for. They hate our existence. They expect us to sit idle and take the punches in our face. What a fools they are to think this way.
You know what's funny that in the times of Prophet, he has seen far far worse enemies who oppose his message, people like Abu Jahal, Abu Lahab, and other leaders of the Mecca they were nasty in their remarks regarding the Quran and Prophet but none of them, or even after the conquest of Mecca and whole Arabia, no one from Christian community of region or Jews ever brought these Issues as point of contest against Islam, their arguments were more to the theological in nature rather than personal attacks, I must say that Abu Jahal's of that time have more honor than the " alleged " scholars or knowledgebase's of our time.

What nuclear arsenal you imbecile?
Talking about Nuclear Farts, all that tasty Persian Iranian food can definitely be dangerous for idiots like him.
They want to insult our religion, culture and everything we stand for. They hate our existence. They expect us to sit idle and take the punches in our face. What a fools they are to think this way.
Thing is if the Kafir makes fun of our religion, we should make fun of that Hindu's religion as well.

A spade for a spade.
An eye for an eye.
Hazart Summiya RA the first Martyr of Islam, she has endured a brutal torture from Abu Jahal and co for days/weeks, he beat her son and torture her husband right in front of her eyes, knowing that she has no power over him she was patience, so was her husband. But when Abu Jahal crossed the line and Insulted the Rasool Allah, mocking her that she only follows him because Muhammad SAW is handsome and her husband is old, she spit on his face knowing that what consequences that can bring upon her/her son/her Husband, right after that Abu Jahal impale her with a spear from her back killing her, and her husband also become martyr later. A slave women in 6th century Arabia, who was tortured for weeks, her entire family's life is at stake could not listen to a word of Insult against the Prophet and despite her weakness in body/position in that society of that time she took that action of spitting on the face of Abu Jahal. I have no hesitation in saying that we the man of today, countries with shiny weapons and Army, all of that and yet we does not even 1% of honor/dignity/bravery of Hazrat Summiyya RA. Those were indeed people of the Paradise and they were indeed extra-ordinary humans who walk the earth.

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