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Updates from Kashmir on India's Republic Day

I appreciate your sentiment, but I just want a clarification from Punjabbi Munda before he gets inevitably banned like all the other ones.

Although at least this time, they didn't use the phrase "slanty-eyed chink", so maybe things are improving. :disagree:

I feel you're being oversensitive.

Majority of us Indians disagree and condemn these suicide trolls. It's just not right to offend others on the basis of physical characteristics.

There are some racists out there, but they are a few out of the whole and not the whole itself. You should look at them as a minority than blame the entire Indian participation for it.

Even Indians have features that resemble those of East Asian people, normally locals in the Northen/North Eastern areas. Indian Army has a Gurkha Regiment that is formed of such people, and they are some of the bravest & most patriotic soldiers in the world.

These Indian trolls are saying these things because they want to offend you, and you easily get offended by what they say. They want to offend you because they are misinformed. If you stop getting offended by those remarks, then those remarks will stop as well.
For 5 years, he unfurled the Tricolour at Lal Chowk
Maneesh Chhibber
Posted online: January 26, 2011 at 0134

They also announced a reward of Rs 2 lakh to anyone who did so.

JAMMU Long before the BJP took up the Tiranga (Tricolour) to revive its fortunes and check its dwindling base, a little-known political activist from Jammu and his organisation made it a point to unfurl the national flag at Lal Chowk, in Srinagar, for five successive years.
“In 1994, two years after then BJP president Murli Manohar Joshi unfurled the national flag there on January 26, 1992, Pakistan-based militants dared Indians to unfurl the Tricolour at Lal Chowk. They also announced a reward of Rs 2 lakh to anyone who did so. We decided to take up the challenge and managed to do it,” recalled Yogesh Gupta, chief of the J&K unit of the Akhil Bharatiya Shiv Sena.

While in 1992, Joshi, along with a handful of BJP leaders, was airlifted to Srinagar and unfurled the flag under tight security, Gupta and his “boys” played hide-and-seek with the security establishment to be able to carry out their “mission”.

“The first time, we were around 3,500-4,000 Indians who were proceeding to Kashmir. We were stopped and detained at Udhampur — about 80 kms from Jammu. After we were released in the evening and told to go back to Jammu, I and six-seven other activists managed to sneak into Srinagar, and on January 26, at 12 noon, we reached Lal Chowk and started raising pro-India slogans. The shops were closed as the Valley was shut down on the call of the separatists. But, immediately after we hoisted the flag, we were bundled into cars and left near the Banihal Tunnel. When I returned to Jammu, I held a press conference to ask the militants to send me the reward money. While the money didn’t come, I received death threats from the JKLF,” he said.

He added, with considerable pride, that even the “BBC London” broadcast news of his “daring act” on January 26, 1994.

“Thereafter, every year, we repeated the job. Once, five or six of us simply caught the Indian Airlines flight to Srinagar for the purpose. But, it was never our intention to cause any rift between Hindus and Muslims. In fact, a lot of our members are Muslims. We once stayed at a Kashmiri Muslim family’s house in Anantnag for two days before the D-Day. That it why I think, the BJP yatra is misguided,” he said.

Gupta is not too enthused by the BJP youth wing’s latest programme to unfurl the national flag at Lal Chowk. “While their (BJP) stand that since Kashmir is an integral territory of India, there shouldn’t be any bar on hoisting the flag at Lal Chowk is correct, I am not sure what purpose will be achieved by doing so at this juncture when the state is trying to come out of the shadows of armed conflict. I think the BJP has made its point and should now accept the request of the state and central governments and give up the Yatra without precipitating matters,” he said.

He added that successive governments in the state have failed to bring Kashmir closer to India. “Chief Minister Omar Abdullah is also playing partisan politics when he asks the BJP to give up its yatra. He is only trying to hide the failures of his government,” he said.

Asked if he would “take up the challenge” of hoisting the flag at Lal Chowk again, he replied: “Maybe next year or the year after. Who knows?”

For 5 years, he unfurled the Tricolour at Lal Chowk - KashmirLive.Com
No need for jihad in J&K, avers [Pak-Kashmir] student

Shujaat Bukhari

A feel of India:A special guest at the Republic Day celebrations at Rajouri in Jammu and Kashmir, Faisal Iqbal, a student from [Pakistan-administered] Kashmir, is greeted by J&K Industries Minister S.S. Salathia.
SRINAGAR: A student from [Pakistan-Administered] Kashmir on Wednesday joined Republic Day celebrations at Rajouri, and was all praise for the Indian democracy.

A student of political science at Mirpur University, Faisal Iqbal, now visiting relatives in Jammu and Kashmir, expressed a desire to witness the celebrations and the administration extended a formal invitation, said G.A. Khawaja, Deputy Commissioner, Rajouri. He was introduced to Industries Minister S.S. Salathia, chief guest at the function held at the district headquarters.

Mr. Iqbal told journalists that he was highly impressed with the celebrations and wanted to see such things in Pakistan too. “We have not enjoyed any Constitution so far in our country; the question of celebrations does not arise at all,” he was quoted as saying.

August 14 is celebrated as Independence Day in Pakistan.

Rajouri journalist Shafiq Mir told The Hindu that Mr. Iqbal felt elated at being “invited as a special guest.”

Impressed with the celebrations, he suggested that more people from [Pakistan-administered Kashmir], especially youth, be invited to attend such functions. He said he would share his experience with his friends back home and tell them that there was no need for any “jihad” in Jammu and Kashmir, “as people enjoy democracy and liberty here.”

“I am student of political science, and I can well understand that the participation of common masses in such functions indicates that they are happy with their system,” he said.

“We were told there that Indian forces had occupied Jammu and Kashmir but the people are against it. But I am surprised to see that every child is dancing on his/her own, and they are enjoying the day like a festival.”

Mr. Iqbal said people from both sides should sit together and understand each other. Both governments “should allow free movement of Kashmiris across the LoC, and people themselves will decide which side is better.”

Every week scores of people from both sides have been crossing the LoC, between Poonch and Rawlakot and between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad, since a bus service was launched in April 2005.

How sad?

Shabir Choudhry

London, Jan.23 (ANI): How sad, those who want to empower people and speak for rights of all people of Jammu and Kashmir are accused of being pro India; and those who want to communalise polity of the region by dividing people in name of religion are called 'freedom fighters'.

Buzz up!
How sad, those who want human rights for all citizens and express their concern about human rights abuses in all regions of the State of Jammu and Kashmir are called pro Hindu or pro India; and those who speak for rights of only Muslims are called 'true representatives of Kashmir'.

How sad, those who want to promote peace, prosperity and democratic rights of all citizens of the State of Jammu and Kashmir are accused of speaking India's language; and those who want to create chaos, disrupt normal life, promote culture of fear and intimidation, kill those who question or disagree with anti democracy and anti people policies are hailed as 'heroes'.

How sad, those who promote pro people and pro Kashmir policies are accused of being in hands of India; and those who openly advance a Pakistani agenda in Kashmir, use their resources to advance extremism, communalism and hatred are projected as 'leaders' and 'mujahids'.

How sad, those who advance violence, religious extremism and intolerance in Jammu and Kashmir, and present right of accession disguised under colourful wrapping of a right self determination are rewarded and promoted as 'freedom fighters and leaders'; and those sons of soil who sincerely promote, peace, stability, prosperity, equality for all and expose and oppose forces of extremism, communalism and hatred are called 'agents' and 'anti movement'.

How sad, that in summer of 2010 normal life in the Valley was disrupted in name of stone pelting, and schools and colleges, offices, shops were closed because of fear and disruption; and this caused loss to Jammu and Kashmir economy and damaged infrastructure worth 700 crors rupees. Those who talked of reason and opposed this disruption as it hurt ordinary people, it hurt education of students and it hurt local economy were called pro India and anti Movement; and those responsible for this loss were hailed as 'leaders' and 'saviours'.

How sad, no one told them that the property and infrastructure they were damaging did not belong to Manmohan Singh or Sonia Gandhi, but it belonged to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. No one told them that students whose education suffered were ordinary sons and daughters of people of Kashmir (children of leaders study outside the boundary of the State); and economy that was shattered belonged to the local people, and protest and subsequent violence only damaged local interest and future of next generation.

How sad, those who were killed and injured in this wave of unrest they and their families suffered and continue to suffer, their concern for next meal and other necessities of life have grown; and those who were leading this stone pelting movement their kitchens never faced any shortage of supply.

How sad, some of the people at the forefront of the stone pelting movement only travel first class and enjoy luxurious life; and people who came out to throw stones and in some cases set light to property are suffering due to lack of appropriate facilities and low income.

How sad, APHC leaders decided not to speak truth and hide facts from the people and accused India of killing political leaders (Mir Waiz Farooq and Abdul Ghani Lone) when they knew some others were culprits.

How sad, when Professor Abdul Ghani Bhat decided to speak out about these killings after 20 years long silence, he only spoke half truth that 'India was not responsible for these killings'; and still did not say who killed them? Is he too afraid to tell the truth or he and his colleagues think rewards from across the border could stop if he opens his mouth?

How sad, that sons (Mir Wais Umer Farooq, Bilal Lone and Sajjad Lone) of these two leaders killed in broad day light also decided to remain quiet over murder of their fathers. I remember Sajjad Lone speaking in a conference in London, where in reply to Banazir Bhutto's speech, he said: At least you can say who killed your father (Zulfqar Ali Bhutto), I cannot even point finger out at those who killed my father.

How sad, that imported gun brought its own culture of fear and intimidation and forced weeping sons and daughters to remain quiet; and not to expose killers of their fathers. It also forced leaders and ordinary people to fall in line or be prepared for repercussion.

How sad, these leaders tell lies, fabricate facts and mislead people to enhance their personal and political agenda; and ordinary people seem to have no option but either to remain quiet or follow them.

How sad, those who were charged with the responsibility to lead are led themselves by others; and have lost all sense of direction.

How sad, that ordinary people cannot even tell their so called leaders that they have no agenda for azadi (independence); and that they were going in circles which result in death, destruction and suffering of the ordinary people. How sad. By Dr Shabir Choudhry (ANI)

Attn: News Editors/News Desks: The writer is Head Diplomatic Committee of Kashmir National Party, political analyst and author of many books and booklets. Also he is Director Institute of Kashmir Affairs.Email:drshabirchoudhry@gmail.comView my blog and web: Dr Shabir Choudhry's blog
I feel you're being oversensitive.

Majority of us Indians disagree and condemn these suicide trolls. It's just not right to offend others on the basis of physical characteristics.

There are some racists out there, but they are a few out of the whole and not the whole itself. You should look at them as a minority than blame the entire Indian participation for it.

Even Indians have features that resemble those of East Asian people, normally locals in the Northen/North Eastern areas. Indian Army has a Gurkha Regiment that is formed of such people, and they are some of the bravest & most patriotic soldiers in the world.

These Indian trolls are saying these things because they want to offend you, and you easily get offended by what they say. They want to offend you because they are misinformed. If you stop getting offended by those remarks, then those remarks will stop as well.

Good way to try and score points,but take a look at how Chinese dragon trolled and i just replied.
Stop acting like an 'over sensible,philanthropist!
It's easily visible that you are being fake :sick::sick:
Hold on tight, lets see how long can Bharat contain the freedom movement, let it be another 60 years, victory is always with those who fight for their right to exist.

till then, you can continue dreaming :wave:

Genghis Khan didn't get the message.
You know however much you guys rejoince on an online website, Kashmir is with India. And will continue to be here for as long as India exists.
So less talk, more rock. :blah:
Good way to try and score points,but take a look at how Chinese dragon trolled and i just replied.
Stop acting like an 'over sensible,philanthropist!
It's easily visible that you are being fake :sick::sick:

What's wrong with you? Why're you acting like this? It doesn't matter who else trolls and in what way; if you react badly and in a racist manner, you let down every Indian.

Is everybody who thinks you are a senseless young moron, which you obviously are, also visibly fake?
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