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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

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    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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The large nosed, money pinching byatches always tend to escalte tensions and strike during Ramadan. That's one thing I've noticed over the years. High time they get a bloody nose.

IDF launches airstrikes in Gaza following rocket barrage from Lebanon blamed on Hamas​

Retaliatory strikes also come after recent rocket attacks from Strip; Lebanese PM condemns use of his country’s soil for ‘escalation’ after 34 projectiles fired​



God Bless Palestine and Palestinian soldiers.

More rockets now on Sderot.

Relax friend, I'm following sources on the ground in Gaza. There may be injuries from shrapnel/panic.
What the illegitimate entity of Zion is doing can no longer be tolerated. Only one method of confrontation is applicable for this evil entity, a brutal apocalyptic armed struggle against it until it’s total annihilation.

What took place in the last couple of days and weeks including the beating of innocent worshippers can no longer be ignored. The response must be a do or die struggle and all resources must be invested in it.

Long live the resistance.

Welcome back, brother.
Thank you brother. Hope all is well with you. It’s been a long time.
Home destroyed in previous strikes in northern Gaza. New drone strike reported in northern Gaza.

Hamas surprised Israel again like in May 2021 with the Tel Aviv strike. Israel was expecting more rockets from Gaza but Hamas fired a large barrage from Lebanon which surprised Israel and Lebanon. And it has established some deterrence.
@jhungary I understand UNIFIL is mandated at Israel-Lebanon Border. What is the legality of Israel's possible retaliation inside Lebanon in response to the developing situation,especially if the counter-strikes are delayed to the extent Israel is no longer under fire from Lebanon militant groups? Also, Could you also shine on operations carried out inside Lebanon both by not crossing and firing across and also by crossing the air-space under the category of pre-emptive strikes?

That seems like something my Wife would have a very good idea about, she is a lawyer practicing international law, and I am not. But I will try answer this to the best ability I have.

Technically, no Israeli retaliatory strike were allowed if Hezbollah using Southern Lebanon to attack Israel, that would have to be dealt with by UNIFIL, but Israeli always see UNIFIL as biased against them (not that this is my position, that's just what I know from Israeli), so they will go after Hezbollah element inside Southern Lebanon. And UN force usually turn a blind eye (again not debating here, this is just what I heard, my wife can provide more info on this as I am not an expert of international law.)

I would say, any Israeli border strike, either land intrusion or airstrike are illegal as per the term of UNIFIL, but then as I said, Israeli tend to ignore those term and time and again UNIFIL inability to act would mean this now become a sort of grey area based on traditional right of self defence, but when I said grey, I mean not all those cross border attack were solely defensive/reactive in nature and the international community also let it pass.

In the intelligence community, we uses test case and limits to show the boundary, I would say the limit here is anything targeting those elements that attack Israeli from inside southern Lebanon are fair game, no time limit, and anything short of launching a large-scale invasion is also fair game, small unit action is okay from the international community, but larger maneuver are generally not okay, due to proportionality.

That is probably the best grip I can get on the issue at the moment without much researching done. I may upend my post later on when I have more time to do some more research or try to put it so my wife would answer this question.
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Multiple new airstrikes in Central Gaza targeting Palestinian faction site reported by Al Jazeera.
I don't think this will extend beyond a limited clash.

Netanyahu got want he wanted which was a distraction from the back-breaking protests which occurred literally a week ago. After creating several provocations.
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