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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

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    Votes: 15 36.6%
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    Votes: 26 63.4%

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Israeli soldier in occupied Jerusalem moderately wounded by gunfire in response to settler terrorist attack on Palestinian civilians earlier:

Palestinian faction officials meeting in Beirut, Lebanon, today, after the rocket fire this morning:
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Luckily the resistance is not that cowardly. Sacrifices have to be made to preserve independence and set boundaries. These are things that come at a cost. The responsibility for any bloodshed lies solely with the Zio-Nazis for their unending acts of aggression and barbarity.
I’m talking the average citizens of Palestine and Lebanon, Israel as you know doesn’t discriminate will wholesale slaughter civilians and say oh well there was a rocket mile from that location legitimate target with smirks on their faces. I’ve always said mass protests in Palestine by the 100s of thousands is better than a couple thousand inaccurate rockets, the Israelis will decimate entire villages, towns and cities and won’t bat an eye, sorry peaceful resistance is how you make changes occur.
Real photo of Hamas delegation meeting with Sayed Nasrallah in Lebanon earlier today:

I will never forget 2006 Sayed Nasrallah when the cowards in Saud called them to lay down their arms against the Israelis and called them adventurers destroying the region (LMAO- after 3 years of post Iraq destructions caused by the oppressors).

Nasrallah told the Arabs Gulfies that we have been adventurers since Imam Ali (as) and Imam Hussain (as) and will stay as adventurers until all Islamic lands have been freed.

I’m talking the average citizens of Palestine and Lebanon, Israel as you know doesn’t discriminate will wholesale slaughter civilians and say oh well there was a rocket mile from that location legitimate target with smirks on their faces. I’ve always said mass protests in Palestine by the 100s of thousands is better than a couple thousand inaccurate rockets, the Israelis will decimate entire villages, towns and cities and won’t bat an eye, sorry peaceful resistance is how you make changes occur.

They did exactly that in southern Lebanon from 1982 to 2000. Peaceful resistance, let me know how that’s been working in the last 22 years.

Israel blames Hamas for multiple rockets launched from Lebanon​

Israel blamed Hamas for a volley of more than 30 rockets fired from Lebanon on Thursday, following escalating tensions after Israeli police raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem this week, Reuters reports.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but an Israeli military spokesman placed the blame on Hamas, the Resistance group that controls the Gaza Strip. "The party that fired the rockets from Lebanon is Hamas in Lebanon," the spokesman said in a tweet.

peaceful resistance is how you make changes occur.
Hilariously naive and ignorant. Peaceful resistance didn't force the Zionists to withdraw from Gaza in 2005 or from South Lebanon in 2000. Regardless, Palestinians have the legal right to self-defence against endless acts of aggression from the settler entity.

Israel blames Hamas for Lebanon rocket barrage as tensions rise​

The Israeli military has accused the Palestinian militant group Hamas of firing dozens of rockets from southern Lebanon into northern Israel.

It said most of the 34 rockets were intercepted but that six hit Israeli territory, causing damage to buildings.

One man was lightly wounded by shrapnel, according to medics.

It comes at a time of rising tensions. There has been outrage in the region at the actions of the Israeli police, who have raided the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem - Islam's third holiest site - for the past two nights, triggering violent confrontations with Palestinians inside.

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by Hamas, have also fired 25 rockets at Israel over the same period, and the Israeli military has carried out air strikes there in response.

High time the resistance rips open a new arsehole on the terrorist nation of Israhelll! Give them all a bloody and broken nose Inshallah.
I will never forget 2006 Sayed Nasrallah when the cowards in Saud called them to lay down their arms against the Israelis and called them adventurers destroying the region (LMAO- after 3 years of post Iraq destructions caused by the oppressors).

Nasrallah told the Arabs Gulfies that we have been adventurers since Imam Ali (as) and Imam Hussain (as) and will stay as adventurers until all Islamic lands have been freed.

They did exactly that in southern Lebanon from 1982 to 2000. Peaceful resistance, let me know how that’s been working in the last 22 years.
So you think thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese civilians dead and thousands upon thousands homes destroyed, people who will become even more destitute because of a few dozens rockets, Im Palestinian I don’t know your background but I can rest assure you many of the Palestinians in Gaza Strip aren’t living in paradise utopia it’s a prison set up by Israel and Egypt.
So you think thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese civilians dead and thousands upon thousands homes destroyed, people who will become even more destitute because of a few dozens rockets, Im Palestinian I don’t know your background but I can rest assure you many of the Palestinians in Gaza Strip aren’t living in paradise utopia it’s a prison set up by Israel and Egypt.

I’m a Muslim, that’s all you need to know.

What’s your plan? Peaceful marches? Placard holding up signs telling them to leave your lands?
Worshipping MLK and Gandhi?
I’m a Muslim, that’s all you need to know.

What’s your plan? Peaceful marches? Placard holding up signs telling them to leave your lands?
Worshipping MLK and Gandhi?
Honestly perfect examples, forgot Mandela. Minus the worshipping part.
Al-Mayadeen: Hamas informed mediators a wide assault on Gaza will be met a with a massive response by the Palestinian Resistance

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