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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

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    Votes: 15 36.6%
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Palestinian family killed after multiple bombs fired from Israeli warplanes hit their home:


Fantastic liquidations by Israel overnight. Truly deserved after the utter rampant terrorism from the so-called 'palestinians'.

I thought Israel had gone soft, but they were biding their time until they could take out some senior rodents.

May their ongoing harvest be fruitful.
Fantastic liquidations by Israel overnight. Truly deserved after the utter rampant terrorism from the so-called 'palestinians'.

I thought Israel had gone soft, but they were biding their time until they could take out some senior rodents.
Ended up taking out innocent lives.
May their ongoing harvest be fruitful.
And they shall reap what they sow
Ended up taking out innocent lives.

And they shall reap what they sow
About 85% of Israelis murdered at the hands of these 7th century savages, are civilians. The 'palestinians' target them because they can't handle the IDF. The "women and children" were all family of senior terrorists. This is the savagery of this entity that they use their own family as shields. Well, no more.

They thought they could gun down mothers and their daughters in cold blood at close range and celebrate it with street parties and handing out candy. They thought they could just randomly rocket Israel whenever they felt like it.

As usual, they miscalculated. Now those decision makers are in hell for eternity.
About 85% of Israelis murdered at the hands of these 7th century savages, are civilians. The 'palestinians' target them because they can't handle the IDF. The "women and children" were all family of senior terrorists. This is the savagery of this entity that they use their own family as shields. Well, no more.
Justifying the killing of innocents...you're no different from the Ashkenazi Scum,yet you claim to have the moral high ground
Justifying the killing of innocents...you're no different from the Ashkenazi Scum,yet you claim to have the moral high ground
Every sub-human IslamoNazi on this forum cheered when the 'palestinians' chased after the car of a mother and her two young daughters, pushed them off the road and then shot them at close range. One a 15 year old girl. These savages then held street parties for their act of 'resistance'

Of course 'humanitarians' like you, who are sooo concerned with civilian life were not to be seen condemning it. But here you are crying for the family of terrorists who knew exactly what they signed up for.
Every sub-human IslamoNazi on this forum cheered when the 'palestinians' chased after the car of a mother and her two young daughters, pushed them off the road and then shot them at close range. One a 15 year old girl. These savages then held street parties for their act of 'resistance'
I do not condone the killing of innocents, ever.

Of course 'humanitarians' like you, who are sooo concerned with civilian life were not to be seen condemning it. But here you are crying for the family of terrorists who knew exactly what they signed up for.
Don't talk about humanitarian issues after you just attempted to justify the killing of innocents.

why is this jewish nazi parrot tolerated on this forum?
He's been banned multiple times, but his sorry *** keeps coming back for more
Zionists cowardly murdering children with 1000lb bombs from F-16 jets as usual

@waz @PakSword @WebMaster why is this Nazi trash allowed on this forum?
When you're a professional terrorist and one of the most wanted men, then living with your family is a sick and twisted cynical way of 'buying' protection by using your family as human shields.

One of the terrorists liquidated along with his family, killed an Israeli family. He destroyed an entire family including an 8th month pregnant mother in 2004.

Today justice was done as he paid the same price he made innocent families pay.
Zionists cowardly murdering children with 1000lb bombs from F-16 jets as usual

@waz @PakSword @WebMaster why is this Nazi trash allowed on this forum?

Why are you allowed on the forum ? Only two days you called me a "Smelly Indian" and instead of condemning you our dear admin, @waz, thread-banned me. What is the Israel government doing different from the Iran government ? Both murder.

Personally, you are nothing in the world, nothing in life, maybe just a middle-class apathetic wage-slave. Now go to your stupid office.
Why are you allowed on the forum ? Only two days you called me a "Smelly Indian" and instead of condemning you our dear admin, @waz, thread-banned me.
You were stinking up the Iranian threads with your trolling. Trolls don't smell nice.
Palestinian family killed after multiple bombs fired from Israeli warplanes hit their home:

View attachment 928335
View attachment 928336
Unfortunate human shield. The target was her father, he knows he is a target and proceeds to visit his family. But it has to be done.

Zionists cowardly murdering children with 1000lb bombs from F-16 jets as usual

@waz @PakSword @WebMaster why is this Nazi trash allowed on this forum?
We targeted and killed all PIJ top leaders with their families. Great achievement.

Haifa airport is closed. All flights cancelled.
Contradicts your "all Zionists will go to the airport and fly back to Europe" argument doesn't it?
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