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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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The Zio-Nazi Occupiers are now launching further illegal acts of aggression against occupied Palestine in the Gaza Strip.

Praying for Palestinian women and children, the Zio-Nazi Occupiers lust for their blood (as they proudly admit here).
What the mind of an Islamofascist terror merchant deems "illegal acts of aggression"

Is actually liquidating a rocket launching squad. Legal and completely justified.

May Allah continue to aid his people against the Arabian squatter entity.
You were stinking up the Iranian threads with your trolling. Trolls don't smell nice.

1. How was I trolling ?

2. So all the 1.4+ billion Indians are trolls since you used "Stinking Indian" ?

3. What is the Iran section for ?
Remember when we see people here attempt to whitewash and justify the Zio-Nazi occupation forces savagely murder women and children and gleefully celebrate their blood being spilled:

The Zio-Nazi occupation regime has government ministers whose job it is to distort the truth about their crimes against humanity and bloodlust for Palestinian children, as well as cyber armies devoted to this cause.
Remember when we see people here attempt to whitewash and justify the Zio-Nazi occupation forces savagely murder women and children and gleefully celebrate their blood being spilled:

The Zio-Nazi occupation regime has government ministers whose job it is to distort the truth about their crimes against humanity and bloodlust for Palestinian children, as well as cyber armies devoted to this cause.
Every news org in Israel reported about the so-called 'civilians' (human shields)

The issue was that this particular outlet lead with that story as if it was the most important part, rather than the successful elimination of top terrorists who had themselves murdered entire Israeli families. Additionally, the media outlet made assumptions about the decision to strike knowing civilians were there. They did not know this for a fact and therefore is defamatory in that sense.
Well, my simple Birmingham groomer - Israel is not within the Arabian peninsula, correct? so what are ARABS from ARABIA doing claiming land that is not within Arabia?
it's quite simple. They are a colonial conquering entity. Just as they have done to the indigenous in North Africa, so too they wish to do to the Jews in the middle east.

Jews belong in Judea and Arabs belong in Arabia. Now one way or the other, the Arabian squatters will eventually have to pack their bags and go back to their borders or learn to live under the indigenous people's rules.

Look Jew

Your not from the middle east, neither is Netenyahu or settlers etc

Your colonial occupiers

The Arabs are local people, indigenous to the area

What you are doing is forcing colonial apartheid occupation upon them

So of course they hate you, I hate you, billions of Muslims and others hate you

Your murder of the Palestinians just incites more and more hatred of the Jew and eventually it's going to overcome you because of your own stupidity and murderous ways
Look Jew

Your not from the middle east, neither is Netenyahu or settlers etc

Your colonial occupiers

The Arabs are local people, indigenous to the area

What you are doing is forcing colonial apartheid occupation upon them

So of course they hate you, I hate you, billions of Muslims and others hate you

Your murder of the Palestinians just incites more and more hatred of the Jew and eventually it's going to overcome you because of your own stupidity and murderous ways
Look, UK welfare recipient and groomer. You talk about hate, but you don't understand how much you people are hated in the UK. I see people literally cheer when one of your boats capsizes and doesn't make it to the UK shore to come and pollute the UK some more.

You as a people, have been an unmitigated failure in the UK and in a broader sense, a failure globally.

Jews live rent free in the mind of a billion Muslims, but Muslims don't even make it into the daily thoughts of Jews. Jewish people are too busy winning Nobel prizes, pushing the boundaries of science, tech and medicine. Too busy being the #1 tech hub outside of the US. You are meaningless to Jews.

The fact is that Jews in the middle east pre-date Islam, pre-date the Arabic language and of course pre-date the mythical entity known as 'palestinians'. YOUR people are the colonisers and the brutal occupiers. You have done the same against every single minority in the middle east and you're still raping and pillaging in Africa as we speak. Roaming bands of brutal Arab terrorists slaughtering black African villagers on a daily basis in places like Chad, Sudan and more.

Such a cope LOL
Look, UK welfare recipient and groomer. You talk about hate, but you don't understand how much you people are hated in the UK. I see people literally cheer when one of your boats capsizes and doesn't make it to the UK shore to come and pollute the UK some more.

You as a people, have been an unmitigated failure in the UK and in a broader sense, a failure globally.

Jews live rent free in the mind of a billion Muslims, but Muslims don't even make it into the daily thoughts of Jews. Jewish people are too busy winning Nobel prizes, pushing the boundaries of science, tech and medicine. Too busy being the #1 tech hub outside of the US. You are meaningless to Jews.

The fact is that Jews in the middle east pre-date Islam, pre-date the Arabic language and of course pre-date the mythical entity known as 'palestinians'. YOUR people are the colonisers and the brutal occupiers. You have done the same against every single minority in the middle east and you're still raping and pillaging in Africa as we speak. Roaming bands of brutal Arab terrorists slaughtering black African villagers on a daily basis in places like Chad, Sudan and more.

Such a cope LOL

There are 2 BILLION Muslims pal,, when you have those numbers you don't have to give a fcuk about anyone else

You are enough to hate any enemy multiple times over

You have a Jew mentality that makes you worry about these things, we don't, we have time, youth and numbers

Their was a reason Jews have had holocausts and pogroms against you their is something evil and insidious about you that is worth of hatred

Your crimes against the Palestinians are being noted and remembered, a d the hatred against you will overflow due to your apartheid and brutality

Remember it only takes one slip up by the Jews, one change in the world's circumstances, a tipping point where Muslims reach to many positions of Influence and all that hatred will come and bite the juden back hard

The Palestinian children that you kill will haunt you and the Jews will be paid in blood

There are 2 BILLION Muslims pal,, when you have those numbers you don't have to give a fcuk about anyone else

You are enough to hate any enemy multiple times over

You have a Jew mentality that makes you worry about these things, we don't, we have time, youth and numbers

Their was a reason Jews have had holocausts and pogroms against you their is something evil and insidious about you that is worth of hatred

Your crimes against the Palestinians are being noted and remembered, a d the hatred against you will overflow due to your apartheid and brutality

Remember it only takes one slip up by the Jews, one change in the world's circumstances, a tipping point where Muslims reach to many positions of Influence and all that hatred will come and bite the juden back hard

The Palestinian children that you kill will haunt you and the Jews will be paid in blood
The funniest thing about boasting over the 'numbers' you have, is that it just illustrates just how much of a complete and utter failure you've been. This apparent 2 BILLION Muslims can't even achieve what 15 million Jews have achieved LOL.

I would be so embarrassed to be part of such a large failrure.

You rely on numbers, the Jewish people rely on their ingenuity. Quality over quantity.

I would take 15 million highly skilled Jews over 2 Billion kebab shop workers and Uber drivers any day LOLOLOLOLOL
The funniest thing about boasting over the 'numbers' you have, is that it just illustrates just how much of a complete and utter failure you've been. This apparent 2 BILLION Muslims can't even achieve what 15 million Jews have achieved LOL.

I would be so embarrassed to be part of such a large failrure.

You rely on numbers, the Jewish people rely on their ingenuity. Quality over quantity.

I would take 15 million highly skilled Jews over 2 Billion kebab shop workers and Uber drivers any day LOLOLOLOLOL

Success comes and goes,

But the reason Jews went through so much holocausts and pogroms,, why societies were willing to LITERALLY put your children in ovens to eradicate you is because of your insidious behaviour

Think about it, MULTIPLE times, multiple societies have tried to just wipe you off the face of the earth

There is no smoke without fire,, Jew...

What you are doing in Palestine is the same injustice,,
30 of the 100 rockets fired by Arabian terrorists in Gaza fail and land within Gaza. This could either be that Islamic Jihad use Iranian knowledge for their rockets and thus fail a lot, or Israel may have secretly introduced the laser system which will reportedly be able to shoot down Gaza rockets within Gaza, which would be hilarious.

Two more Arab terrorists in Gaza belonging to Islamic Jihad have just been liquidated.
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