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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Israel should try to avoid civilian casualties. Mostly effected are children and innocent. It is not good to kill dozen innocent people for search of one or two militant.
Unfortunate human shield. The target was her father, he knows he is a target and proceeds to visit his family. But it has to be done.

We targeted and killed all PIJ top leaders with their families. Great achievement.

Contradicts your "all Zionists will go to the airport and fly back to Europe" argument doesn't it?
I hope the same happens to you and your family.
Every sub-human IslamoNazi on this forum cheered when the 'palestinians' chased after the car of a mother and her two young daughters, pushed them off the road and then shot them at close range. One a 15 year old girl. These savages then held street parties for their act of 'resistance'

Of course 'humanitarians' like you, who are sooo concerned with civilian life were not to be seen condemning it. But here you are crying for the family of terrorists who knew exactly what they signed up for.

Yeah but they were Zionist colonial occupiers

It's only natural to hate a occupier
It's more interesting see how the enemy thinks, than how the friends think (this is already known).

people calling to ban users, because they have different views, can go to a gay sauna instead a political forum and they will be happier. :enjoy:
From a strategic stand point, this strike did not achieving anything for Israel. The only strategic loss here for the PIJ is the loss of the commander of the north Gaza Quds Brigades. Israel's struggle is with Hamas and the rise of resistance operations in the West Bank, where PIJ has influence in. And Hamas is trying to unite all fronts and activate them from a popular sense.

The response against the death of the Palestinian prisoner was claimed by the JOR. Israel responded with a targeted strike against PIJ commanders. This puts Hamas in a awkward position, and Israel is trying to scare Hamas from taking a more active role in the West Bank.

PIJ will sometimes play the role of absorbing the Israeli response to avert a wider war against Gaza, and will continue to face this predicament if it doesn't evolve politically. On paper it looks like it can be relatively formidable, but it's issue is lack of military and political maturation. Which results in PIJ not being effective at exploiting opportunities despite having better resources at its disposable compared to smaller factions in Gaza.

Now to the response:

The decision to not respond immediately is the right decision here. As Israel was prepared to minimize its losses. It's better to keep Israel on edge until a opportunity presents itself to avenge the killings. I'm not entirely convinced Hamas will join with its full force, could be wrong, but it makes no sense for them from a strategic perspective. Instead, I see them playing an advisory role for the PIJ and providing them intelligence, political backing, and potentially carrying out border strike reprisal on behalf of PIJ while attributing it to the PIJ. And taking part in the initial rocket barrage that will follow, then placing the ball in Israel's court.

Hamas's much more mature as a political and military organization, and organized. And chooses the right time to respond to Israel's ongoing war on Palestinians and chooses best on how to respond as well. I don't see Hamas leadership in Gaza seeing this as a good time for many reasons that I won't get into to. With that all said, I expect something to happen next week in relation to events in Jerusalem. And PIJ will need to exercise some strategic patience and follow Hamas's lead if it wants to exercise the most effective option.
Every sub-human IslamoNazi on this forum cheered when the 'palestinians' chased after the car of a mother and her two young daughters, pushed them off the road and then shot them at close range. One a 15 year old girl. These savages then held street parties for their act of 'resistance'

Of course 'humanitarians' like you, who are sooo concerned with civilian life were not to be seen condemning it. But here you are crying for the family of terrorists who knew exactly what they signed up for.
They even started lying about those two girls being IDF elite commando female soldiers (lol) by showing two random photos of IDF girls

From a strategic stand point, this strike did not achieving anything for Israel. The only strategic loss here for the PIJ is the loss of the commander of the north Gaza Quds Brigades. Israel's struggle is with Hamas and the rise of resistance operations in the West Bank, where PIJ has influence in. And Hamas is trying to unite all fronts and activate them from a popular sense.

The response against the death of the Palestinian prisoner was claimed by the JOR. Israel responded with a targeted strike against PIJ commanders. This puts Hamas in a awkward position, and Israel is trying to scare Hamas from taking a more active role in the West Bank.

PIJ will sometimes play the role of absorbing the Israeli response to avert a wider war against Gaza, and will continue to face this predicament if it doesn't evolve politically. On paper it looks like it can be relatively formidable, but it's issue is lack of military and political maturation. Which results in PIJ not being effective at exploiting opportunities despite having better resources at its disposable compared to smaller factions in Gaza.

Now to the response:

The decision to not respond immediately is the right decision here. As Israel was prepared to minimize its losses. It's better to keep Israel on edge until a opportunity presents itself to avenge the killings. I'm not entirely convinced Hamas will join with its full force, could be wrong, but it makes no sense for them from a strategic perspective. Instead, I see them playing an advisory role for the PIJ and providing them intelligence, political backing, and potentially carrying out border strike reprisal on behalf of PIJ while attributing it to the PIJ. And taking part in the initial rocket barrage that will follow, then placing the ball in Israel's court.

Hamas's much more mature as a political and military organization, and organized. And chooses the right time to respond to Israel's ongoing war on Palestinians and chooses best on how to respond as well. I don't see Hamas leadership in Gaza seeing this as a good time for many reasons that I won't get into to. With that all said, I expect something to happen next week in relation to events in Jerusalem. And PIJ will need to exercise some strategic patience and follow Hamas's lead if it wants to exercise the most effective option.


Israel executes 3 of the most important PIJ personnel and more militants along with their loved ones, later barbecues a 2 man ATGM squad in their car.
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Yeah but they were Zionist colonial occupiers

It's only natural to hate a occupier
It's only natural to hate an Arabian squatter who is claiming land outside of the geographical area of Arabia. Hence liquidating such squatters is not only necessary, but a duty.

Israel should try to avoid civilian casualties. Mostly effected are children and innocent. It is not good to kill dozen innocent people for search of one or two militant.
These aren't just 'grunts'. These were the top Iranian-backed terrorists in Gaza who had murdered Israelis and were planning to do it again. Additionally, one of those killed had murdered an entire family of Israelis in 2004. He wiped out a family, and then the same thing happens to him.

When you're fighting an enemy that has no morals, no red lines and no humanity, it's impossible to avoid civilian casualties. They use their own families as shields. Their main headquarters for conducting terrorist activities, is under the main hospital in Gaza. They use the hospital as their shield.

This isn't like the old days where two armies would meet on a battlefield with honour. Today, Islamist terrorists hide behind women and children.
From a strategic stand point, this strike did not achieving anything for Israel. The only strategic loss here for the PIJ is the loss of the commander of the north Gaza Quds Brigades. Israel's struggle is with Hamas and the rise of resistance operations in the West Bank, where PIJ has influence in. And Hamas is trying to unite all fronts and activate them from a popular sense.

The response against the death of the Palestinian prisoner was claimed by the JOR. Israel responded with a targeted strike against PIJ commanders. This puts Hamas in a awkward position, and Israel is trying to scare Hamas from taking a more active role in the West Bank.

PIJ will sometimes play the role of absorbing the Israeli response to avert a wider war against Gaza, and will continue to face this predicament if it doesn't evolve politically. On paper it looks like it can be relatively formidable, but it's issue is lack of military and political maturation. Which results in PIJ not being effective at exploiting opportunities despite having better resources at its disposable compared to smaller factions in Gaza.

Now to the response:

The decision to not respond immediately is the right decision here. As Israel was prepared to minimize its losses. It's better to keep Israel on edge until a opportunity presents itself to avenge the killings. I'm not entirely convinced Hamas will join with its full force, could be wrong, but it makes no sense for them from a strategic perspective. Instead, I see them playing an advisory role for the PIJ and providing them intelligence, political backing, and potentially carrying out border strike reprisal on behalf of PIJ while attributing it to the PIJ. And taking part in the initial rocket barrage that will follow, then placing the ball in Israel's court.

Hamas's much more mature as a political and military organization, and organized. And chooses the right time to respond to Israel's ongoing war on Palestinians and chooses best on how to respond as well. I don't see Hamas leadership in Gaza seeing this as a good time for many reasons that I won't get into to. With that all said, I expect something to happen next week in relation to events in Jerusalem. And PIJ will need to exercise some strategic patience and follow Hamas's lead if it wants to exercise the most effective option.
The worst time ever for the terrorats in Gaza, was when Israel was carrying out regular liquidations. The terrorats lived like hell. Hiding in basements of grotty safe houses, having to scurry from place to place.

This is what Israel will bring back. For too long the terrorats have been enjoying complete freedom in Gaza to operate. Living in luxurious apartments with impunity.

Hamas are scared of that life returning. They will try to 'respond' in Judea & Samaria or within Israel but developments are not on their side. As Israel inches towards laser technology, we will see Hamas and Hezbollah's rockets become obsolete. Their tunnels are already obsolete.
It's more interesting see how the enemy thinks, than how the friends think (this is already known).

people calling to ban users, because they have different views, can go to a gay sauna instead a political forum and they will be happier. :enjoy:

well, problem is that most of the visitors here know how nazi jews think, particular guy just gloat over crimes from nazi jew regime,

but you have some poin to the certain point it is always good to be reminded with what kind of immoral scum we share living space.
It's only natural to hate an Arabian squatter who is claiming land outside of the geographical area of Arabia. Hence liquidating such squatters is not only necessary, but a duty.

These aren't just 'grunts'. These were the top Iranian-backed terrorists in Gaza who had murdered Israelis and were planning to do it again. Additionally, one of those killed had murdered an entire family of Israelis in 2004. He wiped out a family, and then the same thing happens to him.

When you're fighting an enemy that has no morals, no red lines and no humanity, it's impossible to avoid civilian casualties. They use their own families as shields. Their main headquarters for conducting terrorist activities, is under the main hospital in Gaza. They use the hospital as their shield.

This isn't like the old days where two armies would meet on a battlefield with honour. Today, Islamist terrorists hide behind women and children.
What do you mean squatter, you mean the local inhabitants?

Don't be ridiculous, the Jews are a insidious people

They have occupied the people and enforcing apartheid

Resistance is natural
What do you mean squatter, you mean the local inhabitants?

Don't be ridiculous, the Jews are a insidious people

They have occupied the people and enforcing apartheid

Resistance is natural
Well, my simple Birmingham groomer - Israel is not within the Arabian peninsula, correct? so what are ARABS from ARABIA doing claiming land that is not within Arabia?
it's quite simple. They are a colonial conquering entity. Just as they have done to the indigenous in North Africa, so too they wish to do to the Jews in the middle east.

Jews belong in Judea and Arabs belong in Arabia. Now one way or the other, the Arabian squatters will eventually have to pack their bags and go back to their borders or learn to live under the indigenous people's rules.
The Zio-Nazi Occupiers are now launching further illegal acts of aggression against occupied Palestine in the Gaza Strip.

Praying for Palestinian women and children, the Zio-Nazi Occupiers lust for their blood (as they proudly admit here).
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