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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

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Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai calls on licensed gun owners to carry them after two Israelis were killed in a shooting attack in the West Bank’s Jordan Valley and a third was critically injured.

Two women murdered at close range.

This is the so-called 'resistance' - a stain on humanity to call it resistance.

This is what the feral deranged 'palestinians' and their supporters consider heroic. To go up to three women in a car and shoot them.

May Allah curse these morally bankrupt degenerates.
Two women murdered at close range.

This is the so-called 'resistance' - a stain on humanity to call it resistance.

This is what the feral deranged 'palestinians' and their supporters consider heroic. To go up to three women in a car and shoot them.

May Allah curse these morally bankrupt degenerates.
In Occupied Territory. What were the 'settlers' doing there? It is sad civillians are killed but it could have been prevented if Israel did not promote grabbing and settling in the land they are legally not entitled to.

May Allah curse those who do not support the oppressed Muslims.

Condone what?
Israel occupying land with settlements and setting checkpoints they are not entitled to internationally ,bombing UN member countries by violating and skipping any UN approval whenever they want, violating airspace of Lebanon and others and not adhering to International community's calls.

Just as you and all would surely condemn any civillians being targeted in Israel held territory by any organized or unorganized person/entity.
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Two women murdered at close range.

This is the so-called 'resistance' - a stain on humanity to call it resistance.

This is what the feral deranged 'palestinians' and their supporters consider heroic. To go up to three women in a car and shoot them.

May Allah curse these morally bankrupt degenerates.
They actively participated in theft and occupation and somebody should shed tears for them?
Stop humanizing nazi zionist regime who is conducting their variant of lebensraum policy.
The two Israeli settlers who were killed in a shooting attack in the occupied West Bank were sisters in their 20s, according to Israeli media.
The third victim, a 45-year-old woman who was critically injured in the deadly attack, was their mother.
The three women were residents of the illegal Israeli settlement of Efrat, south of Jerusalem.

The shooter is at large as of now.

What i observed over the decades:

1. Attacks against israel are not coordinated.

2. Some smaller rockets attacks are paid by israel cause they always come perfect in time when israel needs a "war" to distract from internal problems.

3. Rocket and missile attacks do not attack israeli airfields, but civilians in cities. And this although everyone knows that israel without flying airforce is a dead horse.

You are correct.
Let's not forget the Israeli policy of 'mowing the grass' which is, even per the NY Times, a 'callous' word to periodically degrade the Palestinian resistance capacities over trumped up events--false flags. This keeps Israelis more secure while they concentrate on the overall project: The land grab. I have seen accounts where Israelis themselves or their implants in Gaza fire rockets to justify Israel doing another round of 'mowing the grass'... Rinse and repeat!
Last year and previous years these happened repetitively. Firstly an israeli operation starts in Al-Aqsa Mosque with no other reason than to start the chain reaction of escalation. Then a few rockets are fired from Labennon groups not connected to Hezbollah or sometimes from Palestine. Then israel strikes Hamas, PIJ positions inside Palestine and then Hamas-PIJ responds with 100 rockets daily for two months. The formula is simple but worked through time for israel to start its military operations. Mostly local Palestinians suffer in these operations from israeli aerial bombardment. The chain reaction can be stopped by Hezbollah and Palestinian resistance groups in a sense to stop developing this into another military conflict zone after Ukraine. Hezbollah can deny involvement and Hamas-PIJ can tone down they won't continue rocket attacks if they have made so before.

Unless sufficient air defenses are not in place in Syria and Labennon a military conflict will result in degrading of defenses-attacking potential of Labennon and Palestinian resistance groups and will not benefit resistance groups in any way as well as harming local Palestinian and Lebannese population. It won't have a clear goal. If defenses of Syria - Labennon are strentghened enough like long range sams + short range sams with sufficient coverage then again war would be unnecessary but as a deterrant israel won't try every Ramadan its classical Al Aqsa operations.
Palestinians/Lebanon is not equal to Israel military, Any one with brain know it.

More death and more infrastructure destruction to Palestine/Lebanese will happen in every incident like this. While Iranian regime may be happy since it is the opportunity to revenge over so many Israel operation inside Iran

The winner is always Likud parties and its hard line supporter in parliament
this is very simple and straight forward. yet in the rush of blood and with a false sense of misplaced honour many people egg the Palestinians and other groups in middle east on. These people have no real stake except a hypocritical view of "ummah" but the palestianians end up paying a much bigger price because of all the egging on.

Within Israel where there has been a huge political divide for the past two years to the point they weren't even able to form a govt, now these idiots have helped united focus.
Unless sufficient air defenses are not in place in Syria and Labennon a military conflict will result in degrading of defenses-attacking potential of Labennon and Palestinian resistance groups and will not benefit resistance groups in any way as well as harming local Palestinian and Lebannese population. It won't have a clear goal. If defenses of Syria - Labennon are strentghened enough like long range sams + short range sams with sufficient coverage then again war would be unnecessary but as a deterrant israel won't try every Ramadan its classical Al Aqsa operations.

Israelis can watch every inch of its neighborhood with their own and American satellites. Any Lebanese/Syrian 'air defenses' would be neutralized very quickly.
There is ONLY one way to bring Israel to some kind of just settlement: Damaging Israel's economy like Hezbollah did in 2006. Cheap rockets/missiles fire from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria and perhaps even from the West Bank. Firing in coordination with each other. Four fronts against a tiny country full of rich-world standard of living! Firing from fields, caves, hills, dugouts, trenches, ravines, mountains and then running away. Firing a $1000 rocket which would be intercepted by a much more expensive counterpart. Imagine no flights. Imagine flight of capital!

Armed Jewish settler wounds Palestinian child in occupied East Jerusalem​

April 7, 2023 at 1:05 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

Thumbnail - Palestinian child wounded by armed Israeli settler

April 7, 2023 at 1:05 pm

An armed Jewish settler injured a 15-year-old Palestinian boy with a live bullet in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem, reports Anadolu Agency.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, the medical teams intervened and transported the wounded Palestinian boy to the hospital- Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque. Israeli settlers on Thursday forced their way into the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem.

According to eyewitnesses, police were deployed in the courtyards of the compound to secure the settlers.

Israeli authorities began restricting Palestinians under 40 years old from entering the site before the Muslim morning prayer, the eyewitnesses said.

The measure was met by hundreds of Palestinian young people performing morning prayers in the streets near the mosque.

In Occupied Territory. What were the 'settlers' doing there? It is sad civillians are killed but it could have been prevented if Israel did not promote grabbing and settling in the land they are legally not entitled to.

May Allah curse those who do not support the oppressed Muslims.

Israel occupying land with settlements and setting checkpoints they are not entitled to internationally ,bombing UN member countries by violating and skipping any UN approval whenever they want, violating airspace of Lebanon and others and not adhering to International community's calls.

Just as you and all would surely condemn any civillians being targeted in Israel held territory by any organized or unorganized person/entity.
Other than in the mind of the most depraved IslamoNazi fascist, is murdering two civilian sisters in their 20s at close range considered legitimate. It is the terrorist political ideology of Islam which has warped the brains of 1.4 Billion people into thinking that if a Jew happens to drive their car on their ancestral land, that this makes it a perfectly valid target to murder.

The Indians consider YOU to be occupiers in Kashmir. Maybe they should start to randomly shoot young Pakistrani women in the head just for sh*ts and giggles

You feral beasts.
Israelis can watch every inch of its neighborhood with their own and American satellites. Any Lebanese/Syrian 'air defenses' would be neutralized very quickly.
There is ONLY one way to bring Israel to some kind of just settlement: Damaging Israel's economy like Hezbollah did in 2006. Cheap rockets/missiles fire from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria and perhaps even from the West Bank. Firing in coordination with each other. Four fronts against a tiny country full of rich-world standard of living! Firing from fields, caves, hills, dugouts, trenches, ravines, mountains and then running away. Firing a $1000 rocket which would be intercepted by a much more expensive counterpart. Imagine no flights. Imagine flight of capital!

They need to keep the rockets as deterrant but Syria-Labennon(through Syria maybe) can get more modern air defense equipment from Iran - Russia. The defenses can still be targeted by israel but it would be more difficult to do so gradually as more air defenses are installed. We dont see any harm successful shots against Russian sam radars in Ukraine for example unlike Iraq where all their static radar sites were targeted by harm missiles. Either the harms are taken out by shorad systems or other measures are used to spoof them off. Cruise missiles especially subsonic ones are also easy to take out by modern shorads. Generally the defenses used statically are either targeted by artillery or guided mlrs. It is not a total solution but if used in shoot-scoot mode effectively and with continious support from third countries plus already gained stockpile the ad losses of Labennon-Syria can be replenished while giving continious attrition to israeli airforce.

After the air defenses are beefed up the deterrance of Hezbollah rockets would be much more. You can add kamikaze drones to the equation as well. Free flight over Lebannese airspace won't be easy anymore like they do in Palestine. This is the scenario that israel tries to avoid if possible by its current overwhelming air superiority giving a knock-out blow to Hezbollah and tries to escalate with Labennon. Hezbollah still has some pinpoint strike weapons like Fatah 110 that can target israeli airbases that is another issue as well.

That being said beefing up defenses and rockets can still cause havoc over israel as you mentioned but still Lebannese and Palestinians will suffer from israeli air attacks after the conflict starts. Generally several thousand losses happen during in each conflict mostly civilians from Palestinians. Military option should be reserved as a deterrant measure to avoid israeli future potential military attacks. israeli periodical escalation attempts like arrests in Al-Aqsa and similar can easily be countered with some civilian disobidience - protests type of measures or some planned low tier attacks like taking out some israeli cars material damage etc. instead of rocket attacks and risking Palestinians - Labennese. Hamas-PIJ can come up with gradual escalatory response plan with the first step being civil disobidience and protests and as israel escalates they can respond back accordingly instead of first step being the rocket attack. Yes there is invasion and Palestinians Lebannese are right to respond but it is better to get stronger first and than impose our terms for agreement later instead of initiating attacks in the current position and degrade the power of the resistance after every battle.
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Two women murdered at close range.

This is the so-called 'resistance' - a stain on humanity to call it resistance.

This is what the feral deranged 'palestinians' and their supporters consider heroic. To go up to three women in a car and shoot them.

May Allah curse these morally bankrupt degenerates.

You can't back off against a occupier

The Jews have committed an Injustice against Muslims, it's a matter of principle that you defend your people against this occupation, oppression and apartheid

If your weak you let your enemy win and grind you into sand,, if you are Muslims you take the pain and suffering and you fight every second and minute, and hour and wait and grow and REMEMBER every Injustice until you are strong enough to strike and destroy your enemy
They need to keep the rockets as deterrant but Syria-Labennon(through Syria maybe) can get more modern air defense equipment from Iran - Russia. The defenses can still be targeted by israel but it would be more difficult to do so gradually as more air defenses are installed. We dont see any harm successful shots against Russian sam radars in Ukraine for example unlike Iraq where all their static radar sites were targeted by harm missiles. Either the harms are taken out by shorad systems or other measures are used to spoof them off. Cruise missiles especially subsonic ones are also easy to take out by modern shorads. Generally the defenses used statically are either targeted by artillery or guided mlrs. It is not a total solution but if used in shoot-scoot mode effectively and with continious support from third countries plus already gained stockpile the ad losses of Labennon-Syria can be replenished while giving continious attrition to israeli airforce.

After the air defenses are beefed up the deterrance of Hezbollah rockets would be much more. You can add kamikaze drones to the equation as well. Free flight over Lebannese airspace won't be easy anymore like they do in Palestine. This is the scenario that israel tries to avoid if possible by its current overwhelming air superiority giving a knock-out blow to Hezbollah and tries to escalate with Labennon. Hezbollah still has some pinpoint strike weapons like Fatah 110 that can target israeli airbases that is another issue as well.

That being said beefing up defenses and rockets can still cause havoc over israel as you mentioned but still Lebannese and Palestinians will suffer from israeli air attacks after the conflict starts. Generally several thousand losses happen during in each conflict mostly civilians from Palestinians. Military option should be reserved as a deterrant measure to avoid israeli future potential military attacks. israeli periodical escalation attempts like arrests in Al-Aqsa and similar can easily be countered with some civilian disobidience - protests type of measures or some planned low tier attacks like taking out some israeli cars material damage etc. instead of rocket attacks and risking Palestinians - Labennese. Hamas-PIJ can come up with gradual escalatory response plan with the first step being civil disobidience and protests and as israel escalates they can respond back accordingly instead of first step being the rocket attack. Yes there is invasion and Palestinians Lebannese are right to respond but it is better to get stronger first and than impose our terms for agreement later instead of initiating attacks in the current position and degrade the power of the resistance after every battle.

You have a better military mind than me as far as hardware. But we still differ on the approach.
You see: I see the conflict in Palestine as two clocks working in opposition to each other. The Israeli clock is to get as much arable land, as fast as possible and then call it done--yes, the 'facts on the ground'. The Iran-backed Palestinian resistance clock is working on the Hezbollah-model of 2006: Build enough cheap rockets as fast as possible for the eventual showdown--and that showdown is coming. Israelis know that and that's why they keep 'mowing the grass' in Gaza and that's why they target the Iranians in Syria who are helping build the stockpile.

You mean well, friend, but there is absolutely NO ROOM for any 'peaceful civil disobedience' in that conflict. That was NEVER an option for Palestinians anyway. Jerusalem had a long history of being fought for and that is not changing anytime soon. Israel would never concede anything via diplomacy something which it won via a war.
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