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Update NA 246 Happening/Results

Yes, very thought provoking. Do go on.:close_tema:
I don't agree with your statement that is because ....over the years we have seen other parties winning seats in punjab,kpk,now regarding sindh most of the population is illiterate and under control wadera culture which leads to this kind of voting norm...because these people follow these wadera blindly.....where as our muhajir brother are mostly literate and still we have seen only one party thriving in it mqm...so that means they tend to favor ethinicism more than other communities....its my perception it could be wrong as well thats what i feel....
Joint candidate would have been a different game plan, different strategy. pool their resources together specially making sure that their Voters come to vote. Both parties could have done better under single roof. But it does not matter now. MQM won end of story.
Nothing would have come out of it either because JI Hardcore Voters wouldnt Supported PTI and same goes for PTI Vote bank(Especially Ismailis would never vote for JI). It would have brought the Mandate down instead.
I don't agree with your statement that is because ....over the years we have seen other parties winning seats in punjab,kpk,now regarding sindh most of the population is illiterate and under control wadera culture which leads to this kind of voting norm...because these people follow these wadera blindly.....where as our muhajir brother are mostly literate and still we have seen only one party thriving in it mqm...so that means they tend to favor ethinicism more than other communities....its my perception it could be wrong as well thats what i feel....
You are wrong , you will be wrong ,& you will be wrong if you are following PTI OR JI in 246 & in karachi ?
Sorry , just before these elections , there was a media hype , there was all sorts of conspiracies , they already won PTI , JI ?
Lossers ? Right

Something refereed to as propaganda which by the way every party does to show their might but did anyone believe so? No. Check our previous posts before the election on this thread, You are sounding as if we claimed PTI to be victorious.

Losers right PTI lost so did JI. One wins, the other loses.

Another thing the voter turn out even for MQM was low 134 in 2013 versus 93 in this. So PTI isnt the only one losing voters, nevertheless a lesson for PTIAN to think carefully on their strategy before next elections.

Nothing would have come out of it either because JI Hardcore Voters wouldnt Supported PTI and same goes for PTI Vote bank(Especially Ismailis would never vote for JI). It would have brought the Mandate down instead.

This is a valid point i did not think of before. Perhaps maybe why they chose to context instead of joining hands.
Yes , damocrazy zindabad ?lolzzz

You are making no sense at all.

By stopping other parties to campaign and set up their camps there, you are spreading fascism, which can not run parallel to democracy. BTW, were you by any chance one of the MQM attackers being baton charged today by Rangers?
I don't agree with your statement that is because ....over the years we have seen other parties winning seats in punjab,kpk,now regarding sindh most of the population is illiterate and under control wadera culture which leads to this kind of voting norm...because these people follow these wadera blindly.....where as our muhajir brother are mostly literate and still we have seen only one party thriving in it mqm...so that means they tend to favor ethinicism more than other communities....its my perception it could be wrong as well thats what i feel....
Wadera or Electables thing does exist in other parts of Pakistan but the reason why MQM and JI has always being Part of Urban Sindh is because of their ORGANIZED way of Politics not because of Ethnicity. Ethnicity is a Factor all right just like in NA 1 PTI gave Ticket to Afghan and ANP used that in their Favor to win but that isnt the strong Factor in Karachi at least. Its all about Public Politics here not Electable ones as Karachiite doesnt like Electables type Politics so PTI should have known that this wont work here before giving ticket to Party Heavy Weight here.
I don't agree with your statement that is because ....over the years we have seen other parties winning seats in punjab,kpk,now regarding sindh most of the population is illiterate and under control wadera culture which leads to this kind of voting norm...because these people follow these wadera blindly.....where as our muhajir brother are mostly literate and still we have seen only one party thriving in it mqm...so that means they tend to favor ethinicism more than other communities....its my perception it could be wrong as well thats what i feel....

The Muhajir community tried federalists and national parties, what did they get in return? Quota systems? Language riots? Ethnic hatred with nicknames like bhooka nangay and panah ghazeer? Ayub Khan said he will push the Muhajirs in to the sea. Or what about ayub khan's son and his mob of Pushtuns attacking Muhajir localities for voting Fatima jinnah? Or the moving of the capital from Karachi to closer to Punjab? What about when Afghans attacked bihari/urdu speaking communities and the army was told to not interfere? And the 1992 operation when young boys of 14 and 15 were killed in fake encounters by rangers and the army?

Btw I am not Muhajir, I just happen to know more about this than many of the people here accusing Muhajir community of being ethnic centric when they don't understand why the Muhajir community feels under threat and why MQM was created. When you push a people to the wall, they are only going to take a certain amount of aggression before they start hitting you back.
Somebody tel me how to start member introduction thread. i am new here. It says i don't have have enough privileges.
This is a valid point i did not think of before. Perhaps maybe why they chose to context instead of joining hands.
Both were fighting for their Political Survival in this By Election so now I think JI would be REMOVED from Karachi Politics sooner and PTI would take their Place instead.
Results as Expected!
But JI and PTI, must have to look at what happening to them and where is change now??
You are wrong , you will be wrong ,& you will be wrong if you are following PTI OR JI in 246 & in karachi ?
no i dont support PTI who i feel along with their leader are bunch of cry babies never looking at ground realities..jumping up and down for no reason....nor JI i feel religious parties should not involve themselves into politics....i dont support any party... i am die hard fan of democracy...which in every form should prevail in our country....but i cant see people bragging about their parties as if they are some kind of angels ...if we and our country is to move in right direction we should accept the fault in our beloved parties and criticize that as well and make them change their culture and force them to play fair and make sure they are working in national interest rather than only for preferred ethnic communities
I congratulate to PTI that they got 2nd spot in election ... Whereas I thought that it was JI ......
Wadera or Electables thing does exist in other parts of Pakistan but the reason why MQM and JI has always being Part of Urban Sindh is because of their ORGANIZED way of Politics not because of Ethnicity. Ethnicity is a Factor all right just like in NA 1 PTI gave Ticket to Afghan and ANP used that in their Favor to win but that isnt the strong Factor in Karachi at least. Its all about Public Politics here not Electable ones as Karachiite doesnt like Electables type Politics so PTI should have known that this wont work here before giving ticket to Party Heavy Weight here.
sorry brother your reply is so codified that it is out of my capability to understand it...its making no sense and it is nowhere related in anyway to my objections ...and i dont understand what you are justifying and with what....
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