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Update NA 246 Happening/Results


Oh iam sorry who clean swept KPK in the last general elections, who beat daghi who had the support of PML-N in the Multan by-election without even having its own candidate.but through just supporting an independent Candidate.. who beat the PPP candidate in Azad Kashmir by-election who even had the support of PML-N+other parties against PTI but still lost?

PTI was gonna win alot of seats in 2013 general elections but was robbed of its votes and seats by PML-N, PPP and your dear MQM..but PTI won't let that happen again my friend..local bodies election and general/mid-term elections will be held like they were held today...get ready to face the music :D good luck! you and your puny secluded party will need it :omghaha:
Pti won 10 seats in various by election they had 25 seats before now they have 35 I guess . We are taking only about Na
No body in their sane mind thought or believed that MQM would lost on this seat but having said so either JI or PTI should had withdrawn their candidate in favour of the other.

Anyway congratulations to the people of Azizza Ababad. Hope their selection serves them well.
The problem still remains that MQM Votes are Two Times higher then Combine Opposition here. So what could have they were able to do COMBINED anyways???
hey man come on ... whoever is making a comment over here....you feel as if it is your legal obligation to come up with some sort of reply for them..just because your heart throb party is in there doesn't mean that you would start answering here as if you are there appointed representative....i dont see you so much involved on other posts related to over beloved country than on to posts related to MQM...its my observation that you act more as MQMIAN than a pakistani ....
Hey , nickal head
PTI has lost , they should show us they can take it ?
Now with that said , who you are talking too?
An elite member ?
Get your shoes , & just get lost , cause you are not been given any dam role to advice any thing to any one ?
So just vapporised
What the hell you know about patriotosm?
Try my posts , search them ,, boy ???

@mods now I have to prove my patriotism at PDF , wow ?lolzzz
Pti won 10 seats in various by election they had 25 seats before now they have 35 I guess . We are taking only about Na
Can you claim any of them FREE and FAIR like this one???
The only mistake I made was of JI winning from here. As for fear, both PTI and JI have fought elections on this seat before and received healthy votes. Your original statement of there being a state of fear that no one could stand against MQM still does not stand.

This was the first time that political pundits were proclaiming that this election would be a close call, henceforth the invincibility of MQM was tested. What was the previous votes received by PTI from this constituent?
That is the point here. They are able to Clean Sweep against all their Opponents at the most Troubled Period they are Currently in since 1990s and they still retain their Position on the other Imran Khan with Media and Farishtas on their side doesnt even came Slightly close to the Actual Margin.
Stop blaming state institutes . How did they helped pti ? They helped Karachi by arresting target killers from mqm . How is that helping pti? They saved mqm target killers to attack pti workers that is helping
This was the first time that political pundits were proclaiming that this election would be a close call, henceforth the invincibilityof MQM was tested. What was the previous votes received by PTI from this constituent?

This was the first time that political pundits were proclaiming that this election would be a close call, henceforth the invincibility of MQM was tested. What was the previous votes received by PTI from this constituent?
33000 with any party office or any convincing or any corner meeting in that area
The problem still remains that MQM Votes are Two Times higher then Combine Opposition here. So what could have they were able to do COMBINED anyways???

Joint candidate would have been a different game plan, different strategy. pool their resources together specially making sure that their Voters come to vote. Both parties could have done better under single roof. But it does not matter now. MQM won end of story.
After this electoin, MQM should finally relax knowing that they enjoy big support in their home constituency.

And let other parties campaign and set up their camps there instead of letting their goons threaten everyone who comes there.

That will be good for the Karachi political culture.
Joint candidate would have been a different game plan, different strategy. pool their resources together specially making sure that their Voters come to vote. Both parties could have done better under single roof. But it does not matter now. MQM won end of story.
Try that next time , result will be more , shameful ?
I am not being offensive. I find your post about muhajir community offensive, they can choose to vote for whomever they want. And why do you only have a problem with Muhajir community voting for muhajir party? Majority of Punjabis voted for Punjab based party, KPK elected IK's party, while sindhis voted for PPP mostly and balochis for balochis. Why single out muhajir community for voting on ethnic lines when everyone else in Pakistan does the same?
I don't agree with your statement that is because ....over the years we have seen other parties winning seats in punjab,kpk,now regarding sindh most of the population is illiterate and under control wadera culture which leads to this kind of voting norm...because these people follow these wadera blindly.....where as our muhajir brother are mostly literate and still we have seen only one party thriving in it mqm...so that means they tend to favor ethinicism more than other communities....its my perception it could be wrong as well thats what i feel....

Hey , nickal head
PTI has lost , they should show us they can take it ?
Now with that said , who you are talking too?
An elite member ?
Get your shoes , & just get lost , cause you are not been given any dam role to advice any thing to any one ?
So just vapporised
yeah i am talking to an ellite member ....does that make you some kind of extraterrestrial being prone to mistakes,wrong judgement or does that make you some sort of expert in this field...and it is not nickal head ...it is knuckle head....which proves ellite member could be wrong as well regarding anything......
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This was the first time that political pundits were proclaiming that this election would be a close call, henceforth the invincibility of MQM was tested. What was the previous votes received by PTI from this constituent?

32000 in 2013. 15000 at the moment, looks like PTI lost nearly 50 % of its vote bank?
After this electoin, MQM should finally relax knowing that they enjoy big support in their home constituency.

And let other parties campaign and set up their camps there instead of letting their goons threaten everyone who comes there.

That will be good for the Karachi political culture.
Its up yo the winners what the decide , dude ?
let them decide ?

I don't agree with your statement that is because ....

yeah i am talking to an ellite member ....does that make you some kind of extraterrestrial being prone to mistakes,wrong judgement or does that make you some sort of expert in this field...and it is not nickal head ...it is knuckle head....which proves ellite member could be wrong as well regarding anything......
Reported out offtopic ?
Go learn the rule sheet before comming here ?

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