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Update NA 246 Happening/Results

Imran Khan has shown Bigger Balls to ACCEPT HUMILIATING DEFEAT as well. There is a reason why no other Party Contest here except JI and the reason is they dont have a Chance so useless trying and today its Proved in worst Situation MQM is going through.
Bro how is humiliating ? Have they ever won that seat before . They were attacked couple of tyms while campaigning . Still they got 15 thousand votes with even a party member on street. Mqm with all its terrorist and party structure didn't get half of what they got before . It's Mecca for mqm . It's like loosing larkana for PPP. Pti have again politically.
Imran Khan has shown Bigger Balls to ACCEPT HUMILIATING DEFEAT as well. There is a reason why no other Party Contest here except JI and the reason is they dont have a Chance so useless trying and today its Proved in worst Situation MQM is going through.

Writing words in capital locks will not exactly mean that your statement is correct. The ground reality shows that the situation and current state of MQM is becoming worse day by day. Altaf will eventually go to prison and the evidence gained through the raid of nine zero and the testimony of target killers will become a nail in the coffin.
Bro how is humiliating ? Have they ever won that seat before . They were attacked couple of tyms while campaigning . Still they got 15 thousand votes with even a party member on street. Mqm with all its terrorist and party structure didn't get half of what they got before . It's Mecca for mqm . It's like loosing larkana for PPP. Pti have again politically.
Look at the Margin Clown. Its (PTI+JI)x2<MQM Do the Maths yourself. PPP Contested in 2008 and 2013 as well and they suffered the same Fate as well. Its Strong MQM Constituency so others dont even Bother Try here.
OK MQM Votes are Quite Low as you think then what about PTI Votes which are Reduced to Half????MQM might have lost 30-40% Max but PTI lost 50 to 60% here. What is your Views on that????
Simple reason . We have all seen how mqm attacked pti supporters . Even single one of them could date to come to camp . If anyone had been a volunteer to be a polling agent from na246 he would have been dead . This is the reason . Why would anyone risk his life for a by-election which mqm has high chances of winning . Use ur brain u r the only one mqm supporter which I consider a little bit sane
Look at the Margin Clown. Its (PTI+JI)x2<MQM Do the Maths yourself. PPP Contested in 2008 and 2013 as well and they suffered the same Fate as well. Its Strong MQM Constituency so others dont even Bother Try here.
It's gud to try . Mqm is just maligning image of mahajir . Further isolating them . If I was I charge of party . I would say keep trying . One day they will understand .
Writing words in capital locks will not exactly mean that your statement is correct. The ground reality shows that the situation and current state of MQM is becoming worse day by day. Altaf will eventually go to prison and the evidence gained through the raid of nine zero and the testimony of target killers will become a nail in the coffin.
That is the point here. They are able to Clean Sweep against all their Opponents at the most Troubled Period they are Currently in since 1990s and they still retain their Position on the other Imran Khan with Media and Farishtas on their side doesnt even came Slightly close to the Actual Margin.
Bro how is humiliating ? Have they ever won that seat before . They were attacked couple of tyms while campaigning . Still they got 15 thousand votes with even a party member on street. Mqm with all its terrorist and party structure didn't get half of what they got before . It's Mecca for mqm . It's like loosing larkana for PPP. Pti have again politically.
Rightly khawaja , said to all dam PTI leadership in NA , SHARM KAROO ?
Stop hiding your Loss's , with references from the Islamic history ?
Its PTI always claiming , blaming ending up lossing that the decision allha has brought to you accept it ?
Sorry they all are dead , within crawling , can't you see, that sudden death ?lolxzz

No actually they are not dead and eventually they will poise a much bigger threat in the future. No political party is invincible and things can change.
Question is not by what margin, as it was wrongfully displayed by non Karachi based.media ?
But it will be , certificate to MQM that it can win fairly , against all odds ?
Dorsnt matters , how big or less the margin would be , but after that elections , can PTI be found till next elections

Against stupid uturn khan & his stupid fan boys who often get lessons from peoples like khawaja asif ?lolzzz
BTW , how many PTI supporters , its members got targetED to be killed or been killed by MQM?
Fake excuses , fake cries won't save PTI much long in national politics , after judicial commission ,s clearances PTI will be sent to khawaja asif feet's to bow down & get their salaries of NA ?
Will a treat yo watch ?lolzzz

What's wrong with your mind boy, look it your first line of the post "MQM GOING TO WIN IT" then will not win much seats ?
You look so confused looking at your dam Loss's ?lolzzz

At least we have some statesmen like JZ, die hard , but logical , i hate you ?lolzzz
hey man come on ... whoever is making a comment over here....you feel as if it is your legal obligation to come up with some sort of reply for them..just because your heart throb party is in there doesn't mean that you would start answering here as if you are there appointed representative....i dont see you so much involved on other posts related to over beloved country than on to posts related to MQM...its my observation that you act more as MQMIAN than a pakistani ....
It's gud to try . Mqm is just maligning image of mahajir . Further isolating them . If I was I charge of party . I would say keep trying . One day they will understand .
Sure you are the new allama Iqbal from bani galla ?right ?lolzzz, x.
t's gud to try . Mqm is just maligning image of mahajir . Further isolating them . If I was I charge of party . I would say keep trying . One day they will understand .
Muhajirs are Masters of their own Destiny they dont Take DICTATIONS from Farishtas like Imran Khan and his Party Supporters and they never took Dictations even at the time of Ayub Khan against Fatima Jinnah.
Thanks losser ?
If your party is so wise why it lost elections after elections in Pakistan ?


Oh iam sorry who clean swept KPK in the last general elections, who beat daghi who had the support of PML-N in the Multan by-election without even having its own candidate.but through just supporting an independent Candidate.. who beat the PPP candidate in Azad Kashmir by-election who even had the support of PML-N+other parties against PTI but still lost?

PTI was gonna win alot of seats in 2013 general elections but was robbed of its votes and seats by PML-N, PPP and your dear MQM..but PTI won't let that happen again my friend..local bodies election and general/mid-term elections will be held like they were held today...get ready to face the music :D good luck! you and your puny secluded party will need it :omghaha:
No body in their sane mind thought or believed that MQM would lost on this seat but having said so either JI or PTI should had withdrawn their candidate in favour of the other.

Anyway congratulations to the people of Azizza Ababad. Hope their selection serves them well.

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