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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

(prior to the deal)
Khamenei: I don't interfere in the details, I just define the relines

(after signing that sh!ty deal by Zarif)
khamenei: Zarif told me that they couldn't hold a few redlines
خطوط قرمز درمذاکرات چگونه "تعدیل"، "تغییر" و"جابجا"شد؟

Khamenei's official conditions for accepting the JCPOA, all of which were ignored by Rouhani again:

any remarks that suggest the structure of the sanctions against Iran will remain in place would be considered as violating the nuclear deal reached between Iran and the P5+1

imposing any new sanction at any level or under any pretext including the human rights issue would be a violation of the JCPOA as well and the government should then stop the nuclear deal implementation.

adding powerful, sufficient guaranties should be prepared in order to prevent the counterpart of violating its commitments including written announcement by the US president and the EU on sanctions' removal.

Secure contracts also should be signed and enough guarantees should be provided for implementing Iran 's duties regarding redesign of the Arak heavy water reactor and the trade of Iran 's enriched uranium with yellowcake.

The uranium trade should be carried out gradually in several steps

a plan should be prepared carefully in the Supreme National Security Council for developing the country's nuclear industry within the next 15 years in order to reach the 190,000 SWUs enrichment capacity

Iran will not accept the counter part's interpretations regarding the ambiguities of the JCPOA text


This sh!ty deal and it's implementation is the result of Rouhani's government and no one else.
do you expect to make up for centuries of backwardness during 40 years?! the 40 years during which our enemies haven't hesitated of anything? war, terror, sabotage, sanctions. well that "charchoobe nezam" must have been very good one to bear all of it.

economy comes from science, and you can not compensate for centuries of backwardness in this field by a few decades. though I don't blame you if you expect it from an Islamic system. we had the highest science growth rate in the world, which was fucked up during Rouhani's presidency and the policy of shut down scientific projects and import instead. today even Saudi Arabia has surpassed us.

in this world either you let your youth to research and build your airplane (as Ahmadinejad was doing) or shut down these projects and you celebrate importing them instead (as Rouhani did).
between these two movements my choice is clear, and I know which one is the path to advancement and independence.
Yes economy come from science but more than that it come from commerce and having good relation with others. You can't fix economy while your people relation tactics are equal to one of a 8 years old child.
Yes economy come from science but more than that it come from commerce and having good relation with others. You can't fix economy while your people relation tactics are equal to one of a 8 years old child.
if Ahmadinejad's trade tactics were equal to an 8 years old child, then Rouhani's tactic is equal to a 2 years old child,
trading jewels in return of a candy.
Sadly rouhani Has Ruined Iran for 4 years. He is the worst enemy and ruler of Iran in recent 600 years!

He became president with 50.7% of the votes in 2013. That traitor still thinks he can win in election!!! Everywhere people are cursing him from poor to rich people from religious to none religious! He has screwed everything and he knows it yet he tries to become president!!! He can't even gain 20% of the votes. Millions of Iranians (70%) are counting days one by one to see his end!

He is the weakest and worst traitor in history of any country ever! Only 9 days are left to end of his presidency. Even if by 1% he becomes president for next time I myself will demolish presidential palace over his head!

His brother Husain fereidoun has stolen millions dollars of government money and he is not jailed yet!!!!


His prime minister has used his power to make millions dollars of illegal money, and while he talks about poor people too hypocritically he has invested millions dollars of stolen money in Belarus and Russia!

Haha...this is so rich the IRGC/Ahmadinejad supporters are talking about corruption....Lol, Listen up fellow Iranians this is what Fake news looks like. What a joke....we're in deep shit.
if Ahmadinejad's trade tactics were equal to an 8 years old child, then Rouhani's tactic is equal to a 2 years old child,
trading jewels in return of a candy.
What about people relation policy of the guy who says he likes sanctions?

Sadly rouhani Has Ruined Iran for 4 years. He is the worst enemy and ruler of Iran in recent 600 years!

He became president with 50.7% of the votes in 2013. That traitor still thinks he can win in election!!! Everywhere people are cursing him from poor to rich people from religious to none religious! He has screwed everything and he knows it yet he tries to become president!!! He can't even gain 20% of the votes. Millions of Iranians (70%) are counting days one by one to see his end!

He is the weakest and worst traitor in history of any country ever! Only 9 days are left to end of his presidency. Even if by 1% he becomes president for next time I myself will demolish presidential palace over his head!

His brother Husain fereidoun has stolen millions dollars of government money and he is not jailed yet!!!!


His prime minister has used his power to make millions dollars of illegal money, and while he talks about poor people too hypocritically he has invested millions dollars of stolen money in Belarus and Russia!

Say that to the guys who had the power to put them in prison for those crimes but didn't do it.
I wonder how they'll fight corruption if they become president .
Say that to the guy who get 5600000 toman for 30 hours of work I wonder how he want to fight with ultra high wages

Haha...this is so rich the IRGC/Ahmadinejad supporters are talking about corruption....Lol, Listen up fellow Iranians this is what Fake news looks like. What a joke....we're in deep shit.
they have forgot that "the light which is needed in house is not allowed in mosque "
Haha...this is so rich the IRGC/Ahmadinejad supporters are talking about corruption....Lol, Listen up fellow Iranians this is what Fake news looks like. What a joke....we're in deep shit.
What is wrong with Ahmadinejad?
Every progress that Iran has in Nuclear, space, long range missiles and even major military progress are from Ahmadinejad era. If it was your guys such as Hashemi, khatami, rouhani and their friends they would stop or give up everything!

We need Shah Abbases Not likes of Shah Husains who gave up everything during Safavid empire.

Experience and history have proved us weak, coward, backward and liar rulers will just take back our country. Our neighbor Pakistan despite having several times weaker gdp per captia than Iran didn't give up its nuclear capabilities but Iran did freeze nuclear programs during Khatami era and highly decreased it during rouhani era. Not only nuclear programs but it seems rouhani's clumsy barjam has also decreased our space and missile programs! Worthy to say Pakistan has nuclear bombs because their neighbor India has too but Pakistan has limited its missile range as US wanted them for security of Israel.

Every progress that today we have in missile and nuclear are from Ahmadinejad era. We had better economy and more science progress during ahmadinejad.

Ps. I am not fan of Ahmadinejad because of his mashaei.
Sane People hate Rouhani ... he just divided country to absolute rich people and absolute poor people ...

in Ahmadi nejad era , PGCC Arabs Invite him to their meeting but now , they are openly talk about Attacking Iran ( thanks to Zarif who kneel in front of them and this government who lick their foot ) ...


shame on you ....

these so called reformists are beacon of hypocrisy ....


آذر ماه ۱۳۸۹ پس از ترور شهید شهریاری سعید جلیلی در مذاکرات هسته ای استانبول با قرار دادن عکس این شهید هسته ای در برابر دوربین های خبری، نشست مطبوعاتی خود را آغاز کرد تا نگاه جهانیان را به این اقدام تروریستی جلب کند. جلیلی در ابتدای این نشست خبری نیز اعلام کرد ۱+۵ باید در این باره موضع خود را مشخص کند و به همین علت حتی درخواست نماینده آمریکا برای دیدار دوجانبه با ایران را نیز نپذیرفت. ۵ سال بعد پس از فاجعه منا و شهادت بیش از ۴۵۰ ایرانی محمد جواد ظریف با جان کری دیدار کرد، با اوباما دست داد و برای اعلام موضع در این باره تنها به بستن یک ربان مشکی به لباس خود اکتفا کرد.
Sadly rouhani Has Ruined Iran for 4 years. He is the worst enemy and ruler of Iran in recent 600 years!

He became president with 50.7% of the votes in 2013. That traitor still thinks he can win in election!!! Everywhere people are cursing him from poor to rich people from religious to none religious! He has screwed everything and he knows it yet he tries to become president!!! He can't even gain 20% of the votes. Millions of Iranians (70%) are counting days one by one to see his end!

He is the weakest and worst traitor in history of any country ever! Only 9 days are left to end of his presidency. Even if by 1% he becomes president for next time I myself will demolish presidential palace over his head!

His brother Husain fereidoun has stolen millions dollars of government money and he is not jailed yet!!!!

His prime minister has used his power to make millions dollars of illegal money, and while he talks about poor people too hypocritically he has invested millions dollars of stolen money in Belarus and Russia!
It seems your guardian counsil and khamenei only allow clerics, thiefs, killers, people with false certificates/diplomas to run as candidate. After that everytime people complain.. ahmadinejad made billions disappear, then exposed larijani stealing, babak zanjani did this, the other guy stole money fled to canada, now rohani brother stole that etc etc..
What's wrong with this system called islamic republic? bunch of holy clerical gangsters.
People should curse themselves, they voted. It means they agree. Let raisi or qalibaf win, will become more funny... just wait
Khamenei is threatening to slap the people ("troublemakers")

Iran’s supreme leader warned Wednesday that anyone trying to foment unrest around the upcoming presidential election “will definitely be slapped in the face” — a sign authorities want to avoid a repetition of the violence that followed the country’s disputed 2009 poll.

Did you ever hear president of a normal country panicking and threatening before elections?
When you opress, you will always live with fear. When you are liked and you do good, you'll have no fear.
Khamenei is threatening to slap the people ("troublemakers")

Iran’s supreme leader warned Wednesday that anyone trying to foment unrest around the upcoming presidential election “will definitely be slapped in the face” — a sign authorities want to avoid a repetition of the violence that followed the country’s disputed 2009 poll.

Did you ever hear president of a normal country panicking and threatening before elections?
When you opress, you will always live with fear. When you are liked and you do good, you'll have no fear.
This is very worrisome...it hints they might try to repeat 2009 and make a candidate that didnt win by peoples votes President. If Rouhani is truly unpopular and Raisi wins by popular vote fairly there wont be any protest...plus peaceful protests is a right for all Iranians in Islamic republics own constitution...
labaik ya khamenei

Members who accuse Rouhani of corruption should watch that video and also educate themselves about corruption during Ahmadinejad era and corruption of other elements like Larijani gang (especially the one who heads our judiciary..)
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