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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

Who will make our country and economy great? raeesi or khamenei or qalibaf.
I spoke to one of the hezbollahi brothers, he said the revolution wat never about materialism/economy, we don't care about those things. It was about religion only. He told me you should have no expectations about economy in our system.

So why do some in Iran complain about economy? taliban also didnt have economy, but the laws and religion were put in practice, which was the goal of their islamic revolution.
social justice is among the primary goals of Islam, so give him this message from me: kiss my arse.

but of course our blood thirsty enemies wont let us to have a smooth path toward it.
one of Russian experts in his interview said that if Russia was to face the sanctions which Iran has faced, it would have collapsed long ago.

Running coups, supporting terrorists and sabotage in our economy through their inside and outside elements, imposing wars, multi aspect sanctions, these all have created to stop us.
but with God's help they have failed and will fail in the future too.
as it's said, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

and about your first question, certainly it's not someone who eyes on our enemies (and begs them) to solve the problems. as it didn't (but worsened) during these four years.
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social justice is among the primary goals of Islam, so give him this message from me: kiss my arse.

but of course our blood thirsty enemies wont let us to have a smooth path toward it.
one of Russian experts in his interview said that if Russia was to face the sanctions which Iran has faced, it would have collapsed long ago.

Running coups, supporting terrorists and sabotage in our economy through their inside and outside elements, imposing wars, economic sanctions, these all have created to stop us.
I know it's really difficult job to build up a strong economy, especially with so many experts in Iran who know how to fix the economy... but almost 40 years has past.. how can we believe something which did not happen in 40 years will happen in 4 years with the same government, same system.. as everything happens withing "charchoobe nezam" including the elections, policies in different fields (economy being one of those fields).
I know it's really difficult job to build up a strong economy, especially with so many experts in Iran who know how to fix the economy... but almost 40 years has past.. how can we believe something which did not happen in 40 years will happen in 4 years with the same government, same system.. as everything happens withing "charchoobe nezam" including the elections, policies in different fields (economy being one of those fields).
do you expect to make up for centuries of backwardness during 40 years?! the 40 years during which our enemies haven't hesitated of anything? war, terror, sabotage, sanctions. well that "charchoobe nezam" must have been very good one to bear all of it.

economy comes from science, and you can not compensate for centuries of backwardness in this field by a few decades. though I don't blame you if you expect it from an Islamic system. we had the highest science growth rate in the world, which was fucked up during Rouhani's presidency and the policy of shut down scientific projects and import instead. today even Saudi Arabia has surpassed us.

in this world either you let your youth to research and build your airplane (as Ahmadinejad was doing) or shut down these projects and you celebrate importing them instead (as Rouhani did).
between these two movements my choice is clear, and I know which one is the path to advancement and independence.
do you expect to make up for centuries of backwardness during 40 years?! the 40 years during which our enemies haven't hesitated of anything? war, terror, sabotage, sanctions. well that "charchoobe nezam" must have been very good one to bear all of it.

economy comes from science, and you can not compensate for centuries of backwardness in this field by a few decades. though I don't blame you if you expect it from an Islamic system. we had the highest science growth rate in the world, which was fucked up during Rouhani's presidency and the policy of shut down scientific projects and import instead. today even Saudi Arabia has surpassed us.

in this world either you let your youth to research and build your airplane (as Ahmadinejad was doing) or shut down these projects and you celebrate importing them instead (as Rouhani did).
between these two movements my choice is clear, and I know which one is the path to advancement and independence.
The whole nation expects and expected result from the great revolution, not after 40 years, but already long time ago. Revolution was not made to going back in time, but to progress.

Why other advanced economies and countries have no war, sanctions, terror, sabotage?

How come in all these years the scientific growth was not felt in economy and export? even before rouhani? how come the progress and science of those days is not felt in economy during Rohani?

But saudi arabia is working with israel and usa, how can they even surpass us?

Building airplane parts is something many countries do, and some export it. Were the airplanes or parts which Iran made during Ahmadinejad of such price-quality that it could be exported to other countries? If yes which countries or companies were interested?

We're already almost 40 years advancing and being independent?

This was interesting, I agreed with 90% of what he said.
I think you are monafegh, work for mossad, you're suspicious, you are againt our "deen", you're waging war against God (moharebeh) :lol:khoda mooshak partab kone samte to ey taghootiye zedde anghalaab :lol:
Hahaha all jokes aside I have actually been called those by a few members of this forum, from Mossad spy to Saudi paid troll, just because I don't agree with extremism and corruption and uneducated power grabbers like Raisi and Jalili. Some people like to live in fantasy world of 'us versus them' where anyone who dont agree with them is automatically an enemy working for foreign government. Irony is they dont realise they are in the minority in the actual Iranian population.
Hahaha all jokes aside I have actually been called those by a few members of this forum, from Mossad spy to Saudi paid troll, just because I don't agree with extremism and corruption and uneducated power grabbers like Raisi and Jalili. Some people like to live in fantasy world of 'us versus them' where anyone who dont agree with them is automatically an enemy working for foreign government. Irony is they dont realise they are in the minority in the actual Iranian population.
:lol: I'm curious .. I think science and economy will grow explosively if raisi wins. They are saying ahmadinejad was good and made science grow, why they don't allow them to be candidate now if he was so great? Did rahbar make a mistake by trusting him?
Who will make our country and economy great? raeesi or khamenei or qalibaf.
I spoke to one of the hezbollahi brothers, he said the revolution wat never about materialism/economy, we don't care about those things. It was about religion only. He told me you should have no expectations about economy in our system.

So why do some in Iran complain about economy? taliban also didnt have economy, but the laws and religion were put in practice, which was the goal of their islamic revolution.
And the sad part is many of those people are actually placed in governmental and decision making positions...thankfully in Rouhani era that decreased but lets just wait for Raisi...

:lol: I'm curious .. I think science and economy will grow explosively if raisi wins. They are saying ahmadinejad was good and made science grow, why they don't allow them to be candidate now if he was so great? Did rahbar make a mistake by trusting him?
You know part of me actually wants Raisi to win just to see how much worse he can make things...but at same time, I dont want my people to suffer anymore. With Rouhani, I would never vote for him, but at least things wont get worse. That is all our great nation can hope for...to not make things worse!

Yes Ahmadinejad was loved by nezam, by extremists, and by leader too, but now hes disqualified... It only shows Guardian council is just a clown council who pre-fabricates the elections as they wish. They are now afraid of Ahmadinejad because he can expose alot of things so they try to shut him down...
And the sad part is many of those people are actually placed in governmental and decision making positions...thankfully in Rouhani era that decreased but lets just wait for Raisi...

You know part of me actually wants Raisi to win just to see how much worse he can make things...but at same time, I dont want my people to suffer anymore. With Rouhani, I would never vote for him, but at least things wont get worse. That is all our great nation can hope for...to not make things worse!

Yes Ahmadinejad was loved by nezam, by extremists, and by leader too, but now hes disqualified... It only shows Guardian council is just a clown council who pre-fabricates the elections as they wish. They are now afraid of Ahmadinejad because he can expose alot of things so they try to shut him down...
People deserve what they get. If they make wrong choices which will be followed by their suffering, you should have no sympathy, because they same people would kill or attack you if you try to explain them what's better for them. Yes I agree with you.
People deserve what they get. If they make wrong choices which will be followed by their suffering, you should have no sympathy, because they same people would kill or attack you if you try to explain them what's better for them. Yes I agree with you.
I agree people deserve what they ask for, but the problem is the Rouhani versus Raisi fight might not even come down to the peoples votes!

There is chance of interference and engineering of elections to make Raisi win. If it is a completely fair election I have no doubt Rouhani would win over someone like Raisi because conservatives in Iran are only 20% of population. But after 2009, most people dont trust the election process anymore...
I agree people deserve what they ask for, but the problem is the Rouhani versus Raisi fight might not even come down to the peoples votes!

There is chance of interference and engineering of elections to make Raisi win. If it is a completely fair election I have no doubt Rouhani would win over someone like Raisi because conservatives in Iran are only 20% of population. But after 2009, most people dont trust the election process anymore...
In that case no one should vote. It's difficult, but I think this coming 4 year is their last show, if nothing changes the system will lose all the trust.
The whole nation expects and expected result from the great revolution, not after 40 years, but already long time ago. Revolution was not made to going back in time, but to progress.
and we are advancing, regardless of all enmities toward our revolution. regardless of the sanctions which started right after revolution, regardless of the war which started right after revolution.

Why other advanced economies and countries have no war, sanctions, terror, sabotage?
cause either they are the source of war, sanctions, terror, sabotage or a puppet who can't oppose them.

How come in all these years the scientific growth was not felt in economy and export? even before rouhani? how come the progress and science of those days is not felt in economy during Rohani?
thousands hours of study and research would led to a technology, x numbers of these technologies have to be gathered to develop another technology, and so on, till we reach a final product. as I said we are not the one who claims that centuries of backwardness can be compensated in few years.

and who says it wasn't felt, many of aircraft parts are made inside of Iran, both for military and civilians, isn't this science?! most of the projects which Rouhani unveils these days are the result of Iranian engineers during the Ahmadinejad era. Iran has turned from a total depended country to a self sufficient which can build and complete it's oil and gas projects during the harshest sanctions, if it's not the progress then what the **** is the progress? giving the projects with extra concessions to shell and total? so that they would scrap the deal one month later and give our information to Qataris?

But saudi arabia is working with israel and usa, how can they even surpass us?
they invest on their universities and surpass us, it's that simple.

Building airplane parts is something many countries do, and some export it. Were the airplanes or parts which Iran made during Ahmadinejad of such price-quality that it could be exported to other countries? If yes which countries or companies were interested?
If you would visit the last aviation industries exhibition in tehran you would see it. but tell me, which countries dares to violate the sanctions?!
they don't even dare to buy the oil from us, the product which they heavily rely on and you ask why they don't buy aircraft parts?!
in the last airshow, Russian visitors showed interest in our UAV engines because of their competing price, where are they now!
and we are advancing, regardless of all enmities toward our revolution. regardless of the sanctions which started right after revolution, regardless of the war which started right after revolution.
I know many countries are jalous of the islamic revolution. But everything can be measured in numbers. There are many kind of index to measure the advance or progress of a country. Could you show us some of these numbers, but not comparing us with afghanistan or somalia because we are number 1 in the world with amount of oil and gas.

cause either they are the source of war, sanctions, terror, sabotage or a puppet who can't oppose them.
Can we also become source of war, sanctions, terror sabotage, or just puppet so that we have no more war, sanctions, terror, sabotate in our country?

thousands hours of study and research would led to a technology, x numbers of these technologies have to be gathered to develop another technology, and so on, till we reach a final product. as I said we are not the one who claims that centuries of backwardness can be compensated in few years.
So when will we reach that advancement if we compare ourselves to europe which had 2 world wars (germany flattened) and korea which had a heavy war and Japan which was nuked. The war finished 30 years ago

and who says it wasn't felt, many of aircraft parts are made inside of Iran, both for military and civilians, isn't this science?! most of the projects which Rouhani unveils these days are the result of Iranian engineers during the Ahmadinejad era
Was an-140, the flying death, one of these sciences?

Iran has turned from a total depended country to a self sufficient which can build and complete it's oil and gas projects during the harshest sanctions, if it's not the progress then what the **** is the progress? giving the projects with extra concessions to shell and total? so that they would scrap the deal one month later and give our information to Qataris?
Great, we can produce everything now, we're independent (north korea is also independent, no american companies, everything is made there with little bit import from china).
Anyways, this independency.. what is it? what are the benefits for the people, we produce safe cars and airoplanes inside the country, we don't need to import them etc?
Is there a kind of index or measuring of countries being independent?

they invest on their universities and surpass us, it's that simple.
Can't we copy the saudis in this regard so that we surpass them again? what do they have that we don't?

If you would visit the last aviation industries exhibition in tehran you would see it. but tell me, which countries dares to violate the sanctions?!
they don't even dare to buy the oil from us, the product which they heavily rely on and you ask why they don't buy aircraft parts?!
in the last airshow, Russian visitors showed interest in our UAV engines because of their competing price, where are they now!
That's great, I think countries are in first step wise enough to prevent sanctions as much as possible.

You know that India, thanks to those damn atashparast persian children of Allah cursed khosro-parviz who had the balls and brains (unlike their mojahed bros in Iran) , build nuclear weapons, tested them. After that they survived the sanctions easily and afterwards sanctions were off the table within 5 years and now they have ties with Israel and USA.

We didnt even test nuclear weapons and we're already in a position that they don't want to buy our oil.. why everything differs so much between Iran and the rest.

I don't know where the uav engines are, maybe they are used to filter the air in Tehran, all the plans and promises somehow go wrong, no management, no planning..

he is the true meaning of monkey.
Did you even watch, he's funny but correct, they talk as if the people managed the country.. they ask the people how come everything went wrong.. why don't they ask themselves. It reminds of kadafi, he said we have a direct democracy, I've no say in anything in this country. People decide and decided everything in Libya.
I know many countries are jalous of the islamic revolution. But everything can be measured in numbers. There are many kind of index to measure the advance or progress of a country. Could you show us some of these numbers, but not comparing us with afghanistan or somalia because we are number 1 in the world with amount of oil and gas.
seems you want to troll about Iranian advancements, here one example with numbers. second after U.S only.
List of countries by stem cell research trials

This is a list of countries by stem cell research trials for the purpose of commercializing treatments as of March 2014, using data from ClinicalTrials.gov.[1]

Rank Country/Territory Number of
clinical trials[2]

United States 136
Iran 65 [3]
South Korea 40
China 17
Spain 17
Israel 12
India 11
Canada 10

Can we also become source of war, sanctions, terror sabotage, or just puppet so that we have no more war, sanctions, terror, sabotate in our country?
if we were some secular fucks who didn't believe in God, yes we could cooperate in their crimes too.

So when will we reach that advancement if we compare ourselves to europe which had 2 world wars (germany flattened) and korea which had a heavy war and Japan which was nuked. The war finished 30 years ago
war doesn't destroy the science, they were advanced countries before war and remained advanced countries after war too.

Was an-140, the flying death, one of these sciences?
That was just an assembly line.

Great, we can produce everything now, we're independent (north korea is also independent, no american companies, everything is made there with little bit import from china).
Anyways, this independency.. what is it? what are the benefits for the people, we produce safe cars and airoplanes inside the country, we don't need to import them etc?
Is there a kind of index or measuring of countries being independent?
self-sufficiency doesn't mean we produce everything, it means being able to produce the critical parts which they could sanction it's export to Iran.

Can't we copy the saudis in this regard so that we surpass them again? what do they have that we don't?
in the government who shuts down the existing projects, no.

You know that India, thanks to those damn atashparast persian children of Allah cursed khosro-parviz who had the balls and brains (unlike their mojahed bros in Iran) , build nuclear weapons, tested them. After that they survived the sanctions easily and afterwards sanctions were off the table within 5 years and now they have ties with Israel and USA.
Their sanctions were lifted cause they are obedient of U.S and it's Zionist murders.

We didnt even test nuclear weapons and we're already in a position that they don't want to buy our oil.. why everything differs so much between Iran and the rest.
problem wasn't and isn't our nuclear program, their problem is our advancement.
firstly because we have independent policies and it's obvious the stronger Iran isn't suitable for them and secondly they want to stop our revolution to become an example for the rest of the world.

I don't know where the uav engines are, maybe they are used to filter the air in Tehran, all the plans and promises somehow go wrong, no management, no planning..
No we use them to the air in Iraq and Syria!
nothing goes wrong, we are sanctioned. it's that simple.

Did you even watch, he's funny but correct, they talk as if the people managed the country.. they ask the people how come everything went wrong.. why don't they ask themselves. It reminds of kadafi, he said we have a direct democracy, I've no say in anything in this country. People decide and decided everything in Libya.
I watched enough.
Khamenie is a spiritual leader, not an executive leader.
the monkey in your clip tries his best to show the opposite and divert the minds from the president who is responsible for these issues. people voted to a man who once stopped our nuclear program in return of nothing (by his admission), a man who heavily seeks foreign help to solve the internal problems, the man whose only achievement which he could talk about during the presidential debates was inauguration of Peugeot assembly line in Iran which except the very rich people no one else can buy. people voted to such a delusional man.
so yes, khamenei advises people, and that's what makes our enemies and that monkey angry about him.
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Khamenie is a spiritual leader, not an executive leader.
the monkey in your clip tries his best to show the opposite and divert the minds from the president who is responsible for these issues. people voted to a man who once stopped our nuclear program in return of nothing (by his admission), a man who heavily seeks foreign help to solve the internal problems, the man whose only achievement which he could talk about during the presidential debates was inauguration of Peugeot assembly line in Iran which except the very rich people no one else can buy. people voted to such a delusional man.
so yes, khamenei advises people, and that's what makes our enemies and that monkey angry about him.

You seriously have no idea how Iranian political system works. You think the president is a complete executive leader and has that much power? Every major policy has to be approved by the leader.

You hate the nuclear deal? Well... it was approved by Khamenei, not only that, he was involved every step of the way! That is a fact go read about it.

Khamenei appoints head of TV, head of armed forces, head of judiciary, pretty much entire guardian council, expediency council...president even needs his approval for half of his cabinet!

So he only advises right? Oh yes, he 'advised' Ahmdinejad not to run. Ahmadinejad told the press that the leaders words were only 'advise', even in the audio tape, Khamenei says 'this is only advise'...but then why was Ahmadinejad banned from running in the elections? And just recently, Khamenei gave his 'advise' that UNESCO 2030 is wrong and Iran shouldnt be part of it, and the day after Iranian officials are pulling out of it. 'Advice' is just a nicer word for command dont be so naive.

President is involved in day to day activities but all major decisions and policies are either decided, or approved by the leader. Face the reality buddy.
^^^ I don't need a troll and liar to teach me about political system in Iran.

final report about the plagiarism in Rouhani's Ph.D thesis was published. totally shameful. tests have been run using iThenticate software.

The question is whether his British masters would void his Ph.D or not!


82% of the fourth chapter has been plagiarized directly without a single reference to the original author.

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