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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

and so they should. After partial lifting of sanctions, Iran is earning per year roughly $70 billion from oil, $40 billion from non oil exports and another $9 billion from mining. Then undisclosed amounts from the religious tourism sector. Possibly tens of billions. Economy slowly coming back on line.

My gut feel is Iran earns ($150 to $200 billion) revenue per year now.
instead of those useless subsidies that only increase inflation go and increase people buying power.
one of the main problem with Iran economy is government controlled economy and subsidies .
till we wont solve these issues our economy will remain noncompetitive and weak .
Well, in the recent televised debate he said he would triple subsidies for poor people...
افزایش ۳.۴ برابری یارانه خانوارهای تحت پوشش کمیته امداد و بهزیستی 1396/02/12
نشست خبری هفتگی سخنگوی دولت آغاز شد.

به گزارش ایسنا، محمدباقر نوبخت در این نشست خبری که از صبح امروز (سه‌شنبه) در ساختمان کوثر ریاست‌جمهوری برگزار شد، گفت: یارانه خانوارهای تحت پوشش کمیته امداد و بهزیستی ۳.۴ برابر اضافه و در فروردین اجرا شد.
دنیای اقتصاد

یارانه اقشار خاص 3 برابر شد

افزایش یارانه 5 میلیون نفر

این تصمیم براساس ماده (79) تبصره 14 قانون برنامه ششم توسعه و در قالب یک برنامه کارشناسی دو ساله صورت گرفته است. در این ماده به افزایش حداقل مستمری خانوارهای مددجویان تحت حمایت دو نهاد کمیته امداد امام خمینی(ره) و سازمان بهزیستی متناسب با سطح محرومیت بر مبنای متوسط 20 درصد حداقل دستمزد مصوب شورای‌عالی کار اشاره و مبلغ مدنظر قرار گرفته برای این افزایش 4 هزار میلیارد تومان در نظر گرفته شده است. پیش از این، محمدباقر نوبخت، سخنگوی دولت از افزایش 5/ 2 برابری دریافتی مستمری‌بگیران کمیته امداد و بهزیستی خبر داده بود. بررسی‌ها حاکی از این است که با اجرایی شدن این موضوع، حدود 5 میلیون نفر (6 درصد جمعیت کل کشور) مشمول افزایش یارانه خواهند شد. اعطای یارانه به خانوارها در گام نخست از سوی سازمان هدفمندی و در قالب یارانه صورت می‌گیرد که ممکن است در آینده این مبلغ در قالب مستمری از سوی سازمان‌های حمایتی پرداخت شود.

محدوده افزایش سطح یارانه‌ها

مسوولان وزارت تعاون، کار و رفاه اجتماعی، مکانیزم افزایش مقدار یارانه افراد کم‌درآمد را که تحت پوشش کمیته امداد و سازمان بهزیستی هستند اعلام کردند. این افزایش در 5 ردیف برای خانوارهای بعد «یک نفره» تا «پنج نفره و بیشتر» را ترسیم کرده است. این افزایش به نحوی تنظیم شده که مجموع مستمری و افزایش یارانه پرداختی برای خانوارهای یک نفره معادل 16 درصد و برای خانوارهای 5 نفره، 50 درصد «حداقل دستمزد وزارت کار (930 هزار تومان)» قرار گیرد. با این حساب یارانه افراد با توجه به بعد خانوارها نسبت به قبل از 6/ 2 تا 1/ 3 برابر افزایش می‌یابد که این تغییر با توجه به بعد خانوارها است. بر این اساس، پیش از این خانوارهای یک نفره 53 هزار تومان از محل دستگاه اجرایی و 45هزار تومان نیز از محل هدفمندی یارانه‌ها دریافت می‌کردند، اما به استناد این ماده قانونی، 95 هزار تومان نیز به منابع یارانه خانوارهای یک نفره افزوده می‌شود و مجموع دریافتی آن به 193 هزار تومان افزایش می‌یابد. برای خانوارهای دو نفره مجموع مبلغ دریافتی با افزایش یارانه 189 هزار تومانی به 340 هزار تومان خواهد رسید. برای خانوارهای سه نفره نیز افزایش یارانه نقدی 253 هزار تومان عنوان شده که با این رقم مجموع دریافتی آنها 460هزار تومان بوده است. در خانوارهای 4 نفره افزایش یارانه‌ها معادل 337 هزار تومان و مجموع دریافتی 598 هزار تومان است. همچنین برای خانوارهای 5 نفره و بیشتر، افزایش یارانه‌ها معادل 465 هزار تومان و جمع دریافتی برای خانوار 5 نفره معادل 690 هزار تومان است. همچنین مجموع تعداد خانوارهای تحت‌حمایت بهزیستی و کمیته امداد بیش از 2 میلیون و 100 هزار خانوار هستند که از این رقم 53 درصد خانوارهای تک نفره، 27 درصد خانوارهای دونفره، 11 درصد خانوارهای سه نفره، 5 درصد خانوارهای 4 نفرو ه و 3 درصد خانوارهای 5 نفره و بیشتر را شامل می‌شود. با این ارقام به‌نظر می‌رسد که جمعیتی حدود 5 میلیون نفر از افزایش یارانه‌های نقدی منتفع ‌شوند.
What is problem with him?
1) Part of the team that directly ran the 1988 executions that killed thousands of Iranians without trial. Sure some were MKO terrorist who took up arms against Iran, but they also killed many leftists and people with minor offences simply based on their political ideology!

If someone is going to be executed, ok, give them a fair public trial and use evidence! Doesn't Quran say human life is sacred? "If any one slew a person... it would be as if he slew a whole people; and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of a whole people..."

This is what Ayatollah Montazeri said will become the greatest crime in Islamic Republic history.

2) He was in judiciary for years and he didn't do a damn thing about fighting corruption. Now that hes running for president, he says one of his main goals will be fighting corruption...hypocrite.

3) He has no experience in executive branch of government, and hes only a cleric...

4) Lying and using Ahmadinejad populist tactics to gain support from poor...
It appears that the economy has the center stage in this election. I can't imagine things looking south even if the JCPOA collapses. There will be slow economic recovery........it will take time. I would favor that candidate who protects the workers rights, maintains Iran's social welfare net and is pro industry & business. Everything else is secondary.
1) Part of the team that directly ran the 1988 executions that killed thousands of Iranians without trial. Sure some were MKO terrorist who took up arms against Iran, but they also killed many leftists and people with minor offences simply based on their political ideology!

If someone is going to be executed, ok, give them a fair public trial and use evidence! Doesn't Quran say human life is sacred? "If any one slew a person... it would be as if he slew a whole people; and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of a whole people..."

This is what Ayatollah Montazeri said will become the greatest crime in Islamic Republic history.

Typical pure bullshit.

In 1988 only, and only MKO members were executed and only those who refused to break from them after their betrayal attack with Saddam. Only those brainwashed enough got executed, being warned in prior about that.
Not a single member of the Tudeh party, even the highest rankings in prison was executed in 1988.

There is a very good documentation by a french investigation team, that interviewed the people in the prison that time. From MKO members who broke up with the MKO after the attack to Tudeh members which made up a big part of the prisoners, all conformed this.

But well this is the typical liberal Iranian anti-regime stories....

Btw. who cares about what Montazeri is saying...
Typical pure bullshit.

In 1988 only, and only MKO members were executed and only those who refused to break from them after their betrayal attack with Saddam. Only those brainwashed enough got executed, being warned in prior about that.
Not a single member of the Tudeh party, even the highest rankings in prison was executed in 1988.

There is a very good documentation by a french investigation team, that interviewed the people in the prison that time. From MKO members who broke up with the MKO after the attack to Tudeh members which made up a big part of the prisoners, all conformed this.

But well this is the typical liberal Iranian anti-regime stories....

Btw. who cares about what Montazeri is saying...

Not remotely true. Yes who cares what Ayatollah Montazeri said and stood for and lets listen to you instead, who don't even back your claims.

Ok so you claim so no leftist was executed? Be my guest. Lets look at the evidence. This is straight from Amnesty International. I cant post the link because I'm a new member, but google it.

Most of the executions were of political prisoners, including an unknown number of prisoners of conscience, who had already served a number of years in prison. They could have played no part in the armed incursion, and they were in no position to take part in spying or terrorist activities. Many of the dead had been tried and sentenced to prison terms during the early 1980s, many for non-violent offenses such as distributing newspapers and leaflets, taking part in demonstrations or collecting funds for prisoners' families. Many of the dead had been students in their teens or early twenties at the time of their arrest. The majority of those killed were supporters of the PMOI; but hundreds of members and supporters of other political groups, including various factions of the PFOI, the Tudeh Party, the KDPI, Rah-e Kargar and others, were also among the execution victims.

At the end of August 1988 the "Death Commission" turned its attention to the prisoners from leftist groups held in Gohardasht Prison. These included supporters of the Tudeh Party, various factions of the PFOI, and others. The interrogations followed a similar pattern, with prisoners being asked if they were prepared to make public statements criticizing the political organization with which they had been associated. The leftist prisoners were also asked about their religious faith. They were asked such questions as: Do you pray? Do you read the Qur'an? Did your father read the Qur'an?

One eyewitness of an interrogation in Gohardasht Prison described how he was taken before the "Death Commission" with five other prisoners. The six were asked if they prayed or read the Qur'an: they replied that they did not. They were then asked whether their fathers had read the Qur'an.

Four of them answered "yes" and two of them "no". After some discussion between members of the commission, it was decided that those who had not been brought up in a religious family were not as guilty as those whose parents were religious, because the former group had not been brought up as believers. Consequently; the two men whose fathers had not prayed were spared; but the four others were executed.

This is what Raisi was responsible for! He used his nice big brain to decide on who should die if they don't prey, but their father preys. What a dilemma! Playing with peoples LIVES without a trial..what a disgrace!
Our hearts are tied to Mr Raeisi

Giving money to poor people is bad, we should let them die, while we try to create new jobs! this way we will need even lower jobs!

When western countried pay the unemployment salary, it's called advancement, when Iran wants to pay just the poor ones among them, it's called populism!
This is how our enemies brain wash us with their double standards.

instead of those useless subsidies that only increase inflation go and increase people buying power.
one of the main problem with Iran economy is government controlled economy and subsidies .
till we wont solve these issues our economy will remain noncompetitive and weak .
It wont increase the inflation, cause unlike Rouhani, Raeesi wants to decrease the rich people's subsidies.
It will even help our economy, cause rich people tend to spend their money on luxury imported materials.

It may be useless for you, but for some people is the matter of life and death:

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Not remotely true. Yes who cares what Ayatollah Montazeri said and stood for and lets listen to you instead, who don't even back your claims.

Yes I don't care about what Montazeri said. But I care about investigative journalists from a rather neutral country while I don't care about politically motivated AI reports.

I admit that I can't offer a source to that french (arte) documentary.
I however am convinced that the requirements for death sentence in 1988 was still regarding themselves as MKO members even when informed about their attack with Saddam.
Those who didn't believe that MKO has attacked the country where the only victims and those who said the attack of their group was justified... well...

No Tudehis or non-MKO connected leftist were killed.
You, AI, MKO and many liberal Iranians try to twist the history and play with feelings, that's it.
Yes I don't care about what Montazeri said. But I care about investigative journalists from a rather neutral country while I don't care about politically motivated AI reports.

I admit that I can't offer a source to that french (arte) documentary.
I however am convinced that the requirements for death sentence in 1988 was still regarding themselves as MKO members even when informed about their attack with Saddam.
Those who didn't believe that MKO has attacked the country where the only victims and those who said the attack of their group was justified... well...

No Tudehis or non-MKO connected leftist were killed.
You, AI, MKO and many liberal Iranians try to twist the history and play with feelings, that's it.
Huh? Just because I am questioning the wrong act of mass killings without trial I am in the same camp as MKO now? Screw the MKO cult I hate them even more than your Raisi and Mesbah Yazdi.

The killing of non-MKO leftists happened and there are many various neutral sources I can provide besides Amnesty International but there's no point arguing with you.
Giving money to poor people is bad, we should let them die, while we try to create new jobs! this way we will need even lower jobs!

When western countried pay the unemployment salary, it's called advancement, when Iran wants to pay just the poor ones among them, it's called populism!
This is how our enemies brain wash us with their double standards.

There is a really really huge difference between unemployment benefits and subsidies. Especially maintaining reasonable unemployment benefits and tripling (!!!) subsidies.

Yes I don't care about what Montazeri said. But I care about investigative journalists from a rather neutral country while I don't care about politically motivated AI reports.

I admit that I can't offer a source to that french (arte) documentary.
I however am convinced that the requirements for death sentence in 1988 was still regarding themselves as MKO members even when informed about their attack with Saddam.
Those who didn't believe that MKO has attacked the country where the only victims and those who said the attack of their group was justified... well...

No Tudehis or non-MKO connected leftist were killed.
You, AI, MKO and many liberal Iranians try to twist the history and play with feelings, that's it.

I upvoted your post, but please don't put liberal Iranians and the Rajavi cult on the same side.
My post was not intended to put liberal anti-regime Iranians and MKO to one side. Both tell the history of the 1988 executions in a false way to benefit from it, this is what they have in common.
Coincidentally due to that french documentation and the narratives of the interviewed guys I happen to know the facts about the issue.
I never talked whether I support Rohani or Raisi but if lies are spread to discredit one of them, especially about this incident where traitors of the nation are displayed as poor victims, I react.
Giving money to poor people is bad, we should let them die, while we try to create new jobs! this way we will need even lower jobs!

When western countried pay the unemployment salary, it's called advancement, when Iran wants to pay just the poor ones among them, it's called populism!
This is how our enemies brain wash us with their double standards.

It wont increase the inflation, cause unlike Rouhani, Raeesi wants to decrease the rich people's subsidies.
It will even help our economy, cause rich people tend to spend their money on luxury imported materials.

It may be useless for you, but for some people is the matter of life and death:

wrong the psychological effect of it will increase the inflation
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