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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

شما از قبل تصمیمتان را گرفتید و حکم هم صادر کردید و یا رای می دهید و یا نمی دهید

پس بی خودی با هم بحث نکنید ....
اگر رایی دارید ، روز انتخابات در سکوت به کاندیدتون رای بدهید و تمام
PeeD, this is my last post regarding this topic but to clear some things up.

1 - I am not anti-regime. It may surprise you but I used to be like you and I was somewhat pro-regime in the past, at least in the sense of participating in elections and buying into a lot of lies. My family served during the war and I thought everything was ok and the outside world was just evil to us! But some events years ago opened my eyes, one day it might happen to you too.

Even now I am not part of any party and I am neither anti nor pro regime, and I dont have an agenda to benefit from so dont smear me. Like the majority of Iranians I want real reforms but at the same time I will not risk the security of my country. I want the best for my country simple as that.

2 – I respect you in the sense that you seem to believe what you are saying. However, you are truly misinformed or confused about the 1988 events.

You keep talking about this one French investigation…ok, please share it with us. I have an open mind and will be happy to read it.

Your confusion seems to be that your taking about the FIRST wave of executions in 1988. Yes, that wave clearly targeted MKO traitors. Perhaps that is what your French documents talked about. But there was a SECOND wave of executions that occurred after that. The second wave is what targeted various leftist groups.

Amnesty International, various neutral and independent reports, reports of Ayatollah Montazeri (dont tell me he was “anti-regime liberal”…he was nearly the next supreme leader and definitely believed in the Islamic Republic) all confirm this that this second wave that targeted leftists did occur. Please do some research.

There was a classmate of mine in my school years whos relative (a leftist) was executed. Even now, leftists claim they lost family members. Hundreds of names have been published from leftists. WHY WOULD THEY LIE? Ok lets assume they are crazy and lying…but why aren’t shahis, nationalists, and other groups also saying the same thing to discredit the regime? Why are you believing in such a conspiracy theory like the ones that are spread by Alex Jones?

Killing of leftists for their political beliefs or minor offences just to reduce the opposition when they had nothing to do with MKO traitor attack on Iran was simply WRONG. Raisi was involved in this and has blood on his hands.

Regimes do good and bad things. That is also true for Islamic Republic. It has done some good, but it has also done some bad…no regime is perfect. That is the real world. If Iran is going to truly progress there must be ACCEPTANCE of this simple concept. That is true patriotism.
There are two problems:

I can't find the documentation in question. But people who know how I work, know about my credibility.

Secondly, you are too naive.

You really doubt that Americans, Israelis and MKO would not do whatever they can to spread lies about the 1988 killings? Pay Iranians? brainwashed MKO members?

Its basically the job of the Israelis to find things they can use against Iran on the international field, AI, BBC, VoA and so on, all work towards that. So yes, it's not a conspiracy theory that they do everything they can to use those killings against Iran.

I was lucky to have watched that documentary, which was anti-IRI, but still factual as many eye-witness were questioned. Top Tudeh party members told how much they feared to get executed too but then realized that only MKO members who stood with it after the betrayal were executed. Those top Tudeh members survived to tell this, but a simple leftist was killed?
I had the luck to watch that documentary, otherwise I would also have doubts. So I understand you, but at least don't portray it as fact.

At the end, I might be pro-regime or anti-regime but coincidentally, due to that documentation I have good knowledge about what happend in 1988, that's all.
There is a really really huge difference between unemployment benefits and subsidies. Especially maintaining reasonable unemployment benefits and tripling (!!!) subsidies.
Yes, there is a huge difference, that tripled subsidies is 8 times lower than minimum salary.
Yes, there is a huge difference, that tripled subsidies is 8 times lower than minimum salary.
And as I said its psychological effect increase inflation but unemployment benefit have no such effect.
And as I said its psychological effect increase inflation but unemployment benefit have no such effect.
If some people will get more subsidies, some people will loose it too. so no effect.
If such a thing as psychological effects existed, it should have shown for jcpoa and all of the propaganda behind it.
Rouhani slammed Raisi bad.

Rouhani: people will say no to those who in 38 years only know how to do executions and imprisonment

Rouhani: you talk about fighting corruption but why didn't you do a thing about corruption in your 38 years in judiciary when you were responsible?
Rouhani slammed that monkey Raisi bad.

Rouhani: people will say no to those who in 38 years only know how to do executions and imprisonment

Rouhani: you talk about fighting corruption but why didn't you do a thing about corruption in your 38 years in judiciary when you were responsible?

حقا که مثل رییس جمهور محبوبتون بی ادب و فحاشید

بزار یکم مثل خودتون باشم

میمون اون کسیه که میخواست اعدام هارو بیاره وسط نماز جمعه تا تاثیر بیشتری داشته باشه !

میمون اون کسیه که یکی مثل ناطق نوری که طرح دیوار کشی مال اون بود ، الان داره ازش حمایت میکنه

میمون اون بی پدریه که از بانیان حجاب اجباری تو ایران بود و الان از آزادی دم میزنه

میمون اون دیوثیه که حامیانش اول انقلاب پونز میکردن تو سر دختر های مردم و الان از آزادی دم میزنه

میمون اون بی صفتیه که اول انقلاب همه جونشو کند تا ارتش رو منحل کنه و الان از لزوم حمایت از نیروهای مسلح میگه

میمون اون بی وجودیه که بودجه دفاعی رو از 5 درصد رسونده به 0.5 درصد و همونم نمیده ، بعد میاد جلوی تلوزیون از رسیدگی به نیروهای مسلح دم میزنه

میمون اون حرومزاده ایه که صبح تا شب در حال افتتاح پروژه های سپاهه بعد میاد تو تلوزیون بهشون ایکه میندازه

میمون اون کذابیه که همه ی معاوناش از دیوار سفارت آمریکا بالا رفتن الان میاد به اونایی که از سفارت خالی عربستان بالا رفتن گیر میده

میمون اون حروم لقمه ایه که از داعشی های 88 طرفداری میکنه ولی از لزوم برخورد با افراط گرایی مخالفانش دم میزنه

بازم بگم یا بسته !؟
Rouhani slammed that monkey Raisi bad.

Rouhani: people will say no to those who in 38 years only know how to do executions and imprisonment

Rouhani: you talk about fighting corruption but why didn't you do a thing about corruption in your 38 years in judiciary when you were responsible?
I think you are monafegh, work for mossad, you're suspicious, you are againt our "deen", you're waging war against God (moharebeh) :lol:khoda mooshak partab kone samte to ey taghootiye zedde anghalaab :lol:
maybe Rouhani has forgotten he was the one who wanted to bring the executions into Friday prays to increase the effects!


but of course Alzheimer is common among liars.

شریعتمداری در گفت‌وگو با فارس:
روحانی اگر به آخر خط نرسیده بود به سیم آخر نمی‌زد
Can't wait till this sellout Rouhani is no longer president!
Who will make our country and economy great? raeesi or khamenei or qalibaf.
I spoke to one of the hezbollahi brothers, he said the revolution wat never about materialism/economy, we don't care about those things. It was about religion only. He told me you should have no expectations about economy in our system.

So why do some in Iran complain about economy? taliban also didnt have economy, but the laws and religion were put in practice, which was the goal of their islamic revolution.
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