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3 years ago we were looking to build alliances. In our research one of our members alerted us to the presence of a movement in Bangladesh that was calling for the recognition of Indian war crimes upon the partition of Pakistan and murders of innocent Bangladeshis in the country during the war killed not by Pakistani troops but Indian soldiers.

We are a small country and a smaller movement and agree to face off against larger nations like India we need allies, most importantly to fight the information war which we are desperately losing. If we would have formed an alliance it could have been pretty useful.

But our particular faction which (though there are other factions with other ideologies too) I was dealing on behalf for is a secular faction highly inspired by the Moorish scholar named (we decided to have him as an icon in one of our meetings) Ibn Rushd or Averroes who is actually the father of modern day secularism. (Ironic how Muslims were the first to both advocate and establish the modern concepts of secularism and are now ruled completely by warped Mullahs). The Bangladeshi faction consisted of a lot of Mullahs.

In either case some of their views consisted of:
-Researching and identifying how many Bangladeshis were killed by Indian airstrikes, artillery and trigger-happy Indian troops as in post-war Bangladesh anti-pakistanism ruled and in the fanaticism of the local rulers, without counting and gathering evidence every dead Bangladeshi was labelled to have been murdered by Pakistani forces.
-A proper toll on the number of Bangladeshis killed in the liberation war.
-Demanding India halt its anti-Bengali policies.
-Stopping cross-border raids by India and return of islands stolen from Bangladesh during the war.
-Make Bangladesh a true Islamic state and work with Pakistan.
-Apologize to the Biharis and other Pro Pakistani groups killed by vengeful Indian-supported terror mobs.
-Among their views it was also held that Pakistan had indeed taken part in murders too (Some of us Nationalists who liked to live in denial were turned off by this) though it was not the sole party.
Typical biased and senseless attitude and response by indians. Mard e Momin Syed zaid hamid's analysis and articles from rupeenews contain solid references. Those references are Qutbuddin azize's book "BLOOD AND TEARS ", former mukhti bahini's activist Zainul Abedin's book " RAW & Bangladesh ", Sarmilla bose 's eye opening research and historically accurate facts based articles on 1971 war ( Grand daughter of
indian freedom fighter
chandrasekhar bose) .

I am posting all links for truth seeking people NOT FOR CLOWNS AND MENTALLY RETARDS !

Here is a cutting edge documentary produced by " SHAHEEN -E-IQBAL PRODUCTIONS ".

Azaad Pakistan: Episode 3 [Part 1/14] [Birth Of A Nation] - YouTube
Azaad Pakistan: Episode 3 [Part 11/14] [Mukti Bahini-s of Today]

Azaad Pakistan: Episode 3 [Part 12/14] [Snakes in Our Sleeves]

Azaad Pakistan: Episode 3 [Part 13/14] [Ghazwa-e-Hind]

Azaad Pakistan: Episode 3 [Part 14/14] [Pakistan Ka matalab kya ? ]
The Episode three of this cutting edge video documentary is largely based on history lessons of 1971 war and nearly similar chaotic situations like political turmoil, divisions internally alongwith proxy wars imposed on Pakistan by india be it in baluchistan, karachi and khybepukhtoonkwa . India is trying to play the 1971 debacle card and continues it's war crimes against Pakistan. But this time fate will be different as india itself has to deal with 100 separatist movements and has enough issues to deal with this time around. Pakistan Armed forces have a lot of successful indigenous defence manufacturing projects running and are in better shape to deal with external threat as compared to indian forces. Any foolish adventure of cold start doctrine simultaneously with Af-Pak doctrine by NATO forces and 4th generation attacks ( media, insurgencies, economic sanctions) will be met with immense response. Very soon a patriotic , competent, religious, sincere team of young technocrats ( professionals) will set up caretaker govt to stabilise nation for 2-3 years and return country to it's original roots of islam uniformly. We are better prepared to upset your fault lines, we are winning the cyber war on social media and our cyber warriors have shown what they are capable of doing to your sensitive govt web sites. When indian covert and overt games and attacks increase then expect a heavy handed response. In future the war crimes of 1971 war will be settled by balkanising india to it's rightful shape. You have never existed as ' India' throughout centuries as you do know fir past 64 years. Muslims ruled large part for 1000 years followed up by british and now again you are slaves to zionist secular western political, social, economic, judicial, educational and military systems.
Here comes the elite to troll. Always off topic and lecturing others shamelessly on how to post :P :taz:

Actually, i came many posts ago......only you are feeling it now......in fact rather pathetic of you to bring up the post now.

Besides, doesn't India TV float your boat.
Actually, i came many posts ago......only you are feeling it now......in fact rather pathetic of you to bring up the post now.

Besides, doesn't India TV float your boat.

As the topic is "Untold" war crimes, I was under the suspiscion that this will reveal some new information about warcrimes of India which we were oblivious to. But the content was more or less based on unscrupulous tid bits from rupee new. Now instead of presenting the large amount of anti-india instant-noodle data that you joyfully display, you instead matched crappy pakistani press with crappy indian press. Why not discuss the alleged "untold" evilness of India. This one should be right up your alley...:azn:
As the topic is "Untold" war crimes, I was under the suspiscion that this will reveal some new information about warcrimes of India which we were oblivious to. But the content was more or less based on unscrupulous tid bits from rupee new. Now instead of presenting the large amount of anti-india instant-noodle data that you joyfully display, you instead matched crappy pakistani press with crappy indian press. Why not discuss the alleged "untold" evilness of India. This one should be right up your alley...:azn:

The trouble is members like your self who usually hide behind a certain smoke screen of respect, naturally assume things, anything printed against India is concluded to be from a Pakistani source. I was oblivious of the likes of Zahid Hamid and Rupee news until i joined this forum....however a well meaning Indian member pointed out that Rupee news in fact comes out of Sri Lanka.....and one can also see that one of the article in the OP is actually written by somebody based in Bangladesh.
Suffice to say, before passing judgement on others, one should address their comprehension abilities. Peace.
The trouble is members like your self who usually hide behind a certain smoke screen of respect, naturally assume things, anything printed against India is concluded to be from a Pakistani source. I was oblivious of the likes of Zahid Hamid and Rupee news until i joined this forum....however a well meaning Indian member pointed out that Rupee news in fact comes out of Sri Lanka.....and one can also see that one of the article in the OP is actually written by somebody based in Bangladesh.
Suffice to say, before passing judgement on others, one should address their comprehension abilities. Peace.

Rupee new is srilankan website is news to me; please do feel free to judge what rhetoric is being followed.
To our Bharati readers from India and elsewhere | Rupee News

And after reading thier about section, especially the tone of their rhetoric, it seems very familiar, too familiar.

As far as my comprehension abilities are concerned, if not upto your milspec, it will still suffice to construct discussions and understand opinions for my own understanding (and at times calling out BS). All I pointed out was the nature of your post vis-a-vis the thread where I expected top notch rhetoric from you against evils and shortcomings of India, a subject matter where your articulation is almost unparalleled
Actually, i came many posts ago......only you are feeling it now......in fact rather pathetic of you to bring up the post now.

Besides, doesn't India TV float your boat.

U have really no right to talk about India Tv( I have never seen it anyway). U seem a worse troller than that..
Indian crimes in Bangladesh were endless but the blame was thrown on Pakistan by both corrupt Bangalis & India.

Today we can see endless war crimes & human right violation by Indian forces in Kashmir. For me there is no difference between Israel & India both are illegal occupiers & both are war criminals.
Asalaam alikum Wr Wb to all Pakistani & Bangladeshi brethren ;

I must admit i am normally a lot more hectic on other social networking sites like facebook and twitter that i hardly come here but i will try to create balance and take part in active qualitative posts . I wanted to return to this topic specifically to enhance the knowledge of Pakistanis and our bangladeshi brothers . All indians are blinded by their biased war historians, military experts and other reseach analysts regarding 1971 East Pakistan war crimes by indians therefore i have no interest whether they read or not . Does'nt matter what evidences you put up infront of them to prove their dirty hand in war crimes they will keep coming back like a well oiled brainwashed robots. It is highly unlikely these indians will acknowledge anything humbly as they carry this false sense of superiority. The links i provided in my first post in this thread were very relevant and reliable.

The very first link will take you to a video which starts with a former russian spy disclosing all the facts one needs to know about 1971 East Pakistan war from neutral point of view. Don't forget indians have been in russian block for nearly 60 plus years. It is only in recent times that indians shift their alliance from russians to Americans gradually. Besides there are plenty of indepth and well researched works from independent sources whose links i have also provided. One such source is sarmilla bose who is related to former indian freedom fighter subhash chandra bose. For sarmilla bose to write a impartial article after well researched work is certainly worth appreciating. She is of bengali origin and indian citizen so for her to write up on historical 1971 tragedy and lift curtains from truth is eye opening indeed. Those who want to speak foolishly without rebutting rationally i would humbly request admin to delete such ignorant and arrogant posters as i don't want to waste time trying to convince them.

My focus is clearly Pakistanis and bangladeshis to clear mist and fake smokescreens from facts.
It is imperative they understand well enough to see facts with 100% clarity. It is high time we get together and rebuild our relations on pure pristine principles of islam and carry Allama Iqbal and Quaid e Azam's vision forward of uniting the islamic world which is currently divided and being attacked physically and in the info wars theatre.
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