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Unreal: Karachi records 11,000+ robberies in 50 days.

e has damaged Urdu speaking community a lot but if a stupid amendment is more important and powerful then lives of 30 million people then people have right to make anyone their leader including Altaf
bhai only legal way to undo 18th amendment is to bring someone who is against the 18th amendment in center with 2/3 majority.

You leave that 'someone' this time then be ready for the coalition government of PPP, PML-N, Diesel & MQM government in center who will make sure karachi die the most painful death.

That is the price this country would pay because of giving free hand to a party like Pee Pee Pee by our establishment
secondly establishment os no more act and behave in the same manner it used to act in past.

Aik Judge tu manage ho nahi rah iin se, you think they can manage AZ .... ???
bhai only legal way to undo 18th amendment is to bring someone who is against the 18th amendment in center with 2/3 majority.

You leave that 'someone' this time then be ready for the coalition government of PPP, PML-N, Diesel & MQM government in center who make sure karachi die the most painful death.

That is not going to happen. Pti won't get two third majority and looking at its performance it won't even get simple majority. I as a Karachiite won't support PTI since they have betrayed us after getting vote from us

18 ammendment needs to be undone and Pee Pee Pee should be held accountable for its crimes since it's crimes are now a threat to national security. But if that does not happen and our establishment can silently watch Karachi getting burned to ashes just because 18th amendment then be it. People have complete right to support altaf and more importantly his ideology. Our establishment can keep 18th amendment close to its chest
18 ammendment needs to be undone and Pee Pee Pee should be held accountable for its crimes since it's crimes are now a threat to national security.
What is the way forward to get rid PPP .... ???

just suggest logical and legal wayout
Our establishment can keep 18th amendment close to its chest
Yaar you know it very well even establishment want 18 amendment to be removed we have reports about this from past many years, but again why would PPP, PML-N want it to be removed it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT safeguards available to them.
What is the way forward to get rid PPP .... ???

just suggest logical and legal wayout

Yaar you know it very well even establishment want 18 amendment to be removed we have reports about this from past many years, but again why would PPP, PML-N want it to be removed it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT safeguards available to them.

You are saying that “Establishment wants 18th amendment removed” as if You know the establishment and their agenda.

Establishment isn’t unipolar. It’s multi polar with distinct edges, Each focusing on their profits. It is us who suffer.

Karachi is a time bomb, If it explodes, I wouldn’t be surprised if People start demanding for a ‘Separate Pakistan’ in the name of Karachi.

These jahil janglis from villages who are sitting in core departments should fear the wrath of their God (if they consider any) otherwise they will be the end of Pakistan.

Pakistan was far too great concept for a f***ed up jahil population from Punjab and Eastern Afghan and Sindh. After all the years of education, They are still under the shadow of their stupid ancestors ideologies on the basis of blood and race which is f***ed up as well.
What is the way forward to get rid PPP .... ???

just suggest logical and legal wayout

To suggest logical and legal way out is not my duty bhai sahab

I pay my taxes. I pay my bills. I obey law of the land. I demand to be treated as first class citizen of this country. It is not my job to suggest legal and logical ways to undone a black amendment that is only used to destroy the biggest city of Pakistan. It is the job establishment and those parties that claim to be representing the federation

If the biggest city of Pakistan is getting destroyed then it is responsibility of Imran Khan and the establishment to do anything and everything about it. You can't say since we have 18th amendment so we won't do anything

These amendments are not more important than Pakistan

Yaar you know it very well even establishment want 18 amendment to be removed

Lol and how exactly do I know that??? Pee Pee Pee is treated like a spoiled child by our establishment. At least PML(N) leadership goes to jail even if for a small period of time. Zardari hasn't spent a single second in jail in past 3 and a half years of PTI. PTI doesn't even do a proper protest against Sindh government. How do I know that establishment wants 18th amendment gone with all these facts
No, I am not aware that COAS is also IG of Sindh.

Sir, not agreed with your opinion. Apart from DHA there are hundreds of housing societies in Pakistan, land mafias/housing societies, no one is an angel there and we all need to understand it.
Further, IMO Pakistan will not be going anywhere even if we minus DHA, it will remain the same till we improve the education system and the whole system of the country.
The existing system of slavery neither helped in the last 74 years nor going to help us in the future.
Just take a look, Royals/elite of GB converted to elite families in Pakistan, the military is just converted from Royal to Pakistan, tactics are the same. Further, strengthen time and again due to the corrupt political mafia, their lust for power, and mint money from Pakistan and hoard it in foreign countries. Only general people are left to suffer for the same as in the time of GB.
The trend on forum is to Blame Bajwa for whatever happens, wherever it happens, no matter how unfortunate it is. It was sarcasm in last post.

FC soldiers take a fall - blame Bajwa, he just became IG FC and also heads MOI
Police can’t control crime - blame Bajwa, he just became IG police

And since Bajwa started DHA, so blame him for DHA too.

DHA is a another long debate.
No, I am not aware that COAS is also IG of Sindh.

Yeah I know he is COAS of Pakistan and his performance even at that is not very inspiring and encouraging

5 August 2019 happened and all that has been done is releasing songs

TTP is still alive and more united than before

BLA is launching attacks on FC headquarters

So don't remind us that he is not IG Sindh police
come on @HRK a negative rating for wishing for a proper Islamic government in Pakistan that isn't trigger happy to nuke millions of innocent Muslims in a murder suicide for a province?
To suggest logical and legal way out is not my duty bhai sahab
come on I am asking you as something for which you are bound to do, I am asking you to do a Brainstorming for the sake of your own understanding so that you can
realize how nearly impossible it has become to remove PPP from Sindh government by any method other then elections.
PTI doesn't even do a proper protest against Sindh government.
Bhai SIndh main PTI is divided only Haleem Adeel is doing some work against PPP on regular basis Ali Zadi is busy in his ministry but now he is planning to do some political power show in interior Sindh wit the help of Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

Shami Naqvi is nonfunctional , and it's better if we don't even count Imran Ismail, after becoming governor it seems he is on vacations doing nothing for Karachi and PTI.
come on I am asking you as something for which you are bound to do, I am asking you to do a Brainstorming for the sake of your own understanding so that you can
realize how nearly impossible it has become to remove PPP from Sindh government by any method other then elections.

Phir wohi sawal

Bhai sahab it isn't my job or responsibility to decide on how to tackle PPP if it is deliberately destroying the biggest city of Karachi

It is job of establishment and the government to do something about it. Ask opposition parties to pressurize PPP through street power or whatever but something needs to be done. Sleeping since we have 18th amendment is no policy

Establishment needs to punish PPP. Now how they do that it is their decision

Bhai SIndh main PTI is divided only Haleem Adeel is doing some work against PPP on regular basis Ali Zadi is busy in his ministry but now he is planning to do some political power show in interior Sindh wit the help of Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

Shami Naqvi is nonfunctional , and it's better if we don't even count Imran Ismail, after becoming governor it seems he is on vacations doing nothing for Karachi and PTI.

Again not my problem. If PTI is divided in Sindh and can't do anything then don't expect me to vote for them in hope they would get a two third majority. I won't vote for them since they haven't done anything and are not doing anything
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Ajeeb 18th amendment kar rahe ho...

It was supposed to devolve powers to local bodies but we all it will never happen and PPP will concentrate/keep all the power. Is establishment not aware of that ?

MQM must be brought back.
Ajeeb 18th amendment kar rahe ho...

It was supposed to devolve powers to local bodies but we all it will never happen and PPP will concentrate/keep all the power. Is establishment not aware of that ?

MQM must be brought back.
MQM isn’t the solution either, Thanks to their munafiqat of killing and looting their own people as well.

This is the core reason why Pakistanis are still lagging behind.

All we do is consider the options in hand, Those in present or were in past.

But the reality is, All are f***ing chors and gansgters with no literacy, Just came to top seats from nowhere and destroying the country. And yes, All thanks to foreign funding. Establishment is in the laps of foreign powers.
MQM isn’t the solution either, Thanks to their munafiqat of killing and looting their own people as well.

This is the core reason why Pakistanis are still lagging behind.

All we do is consider the options in hand, Those in present or were in past.

But the reality is, All are f***ing chors and gansgters with no literacy, Just came to top seats from nowhere and destroying the country. And yes, All thanks to foreign funding. Establishment is in the laps of foreign powers.

Yes .. That is the biggest reason I have always advocated in reforming MQM. MQM fucked their own people to highest extent. I used to talk to MQM members and they never had any proper answer to this. They should have concentrated in fighting sindhis and Pashtoons.

Some of the MQM members do acknowledge that local MQM members/unit/sector incharge did harass muhajir people but they say it is not because of Altaf. According to them , Altaf had no idea what local MQM leaders were doing. It was an individual act. They said that these thugs used MQM name to loot and harass local people.

I don't know how much truth is in there , but I do agree a reformed MQM is need of an hour which will only point guns towards sindhi etho terrorists.
Yes .. That is the biggest reason I have always advocated in reforming MQM. MQM fucked their own people to highest extent. I used to talk to MQM members and they never had any proper answer to this. They should have concentrated in fighting sindhis and Pashtoons.

Some of the MQM members do acknowledge that local MQM members/unit/sector incharge did harass muhajir people but they say it is not because of Altaf. According to them , Altaf had no idea what local MQM leaders were doing. It was an individual act. They said that these thugs used MQM name to loot and harass local people.

I don't know how much truth is in there , but I do agree a reformed MQM is need of an hour which will only point guns towards sindhi etho terrorists.
The focus should not be ‘ethnic fights’.

I have always advocated for a fight against “Criminals”, Not ‘Ethnicities’.

Karachi is home to good, Shareef families of Urdu speaking, Punjabis, Pathans and Sindhis as well who don’t indulge in criminal activities and have been living here for generations such that this has become their only hometown.

Although yes, The criminals in Karachi are mostly Afghanis, Sindhis and Siraikis while KPK guys are busy with tanker and transport mafia and least corrupts in KHI are punjabis (Non Siraikis).

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