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Unlike his predecessors, Modi challenging us on Dalai Lama: China

As a thumb rule, I expect all chinese posters in pdf to be paid soldiers.

Most times, their hostility make little sense to me.
That's so funny, how many people do you really think using this site? People just came here for fun, Relax, China and Chinese people are nothing like what you think.
That's so funny, how many people do you really think using this site? People just came here for fun, Relax, China and Chinese people are nothing like what you think.

Maybe, maybe not. I just don't trust chinese posters any more than I trust china.

Your group behavior is far to similar and lack any real diversity to make it sound real.
Most chinese posters are 50 cents posters who are paid by their govt. to troll the internet. You need to stop taking them seriously.

Of course, I know. Look at this very thread. How these low-wage Chinamen with high post counts are now packing together and flaunting all the so called rules of the forum. They started to derail the thread and ad hominem, but don't know they have messed with a wrong poster.
Of course, I know. Look at this very thread. How these low-wage Chinamen with high post counts are now packing together and flaunting all the so called rules of the forum. They started to derail the thread and ad hominem, but don't know they have messed with a wrong poster.

Its pointless and a total waste of time. Believe me, i have been there and done that.
Neru was assertive because he was stooge for CIA and tried to incite Tibet rebellion, look how that turn out. Modi's ultra nationalism is going down the same path, but the result could be the same. Both countries are armed to the teeth, and both need a war to test the capabilities. Do I think there's going to be a war, no. The probabilities are exponentially higher though.

Both India and China are clever enough not to go far the war. China with more advantage is going to uses proxy and India is more than willing to fight the proxy.

Now it's all on proxy, how he is going to play it out. Therefore it is not about China or India but someone else. I hope it makes sense to you vis a vis role of all the players in this drama.

Its pointless and a total waste of time. Believe me, i have been there and done that.

I am a Punjabi I am not grown by my parents to take the abuses quietly.

We say "Khangan we ne dena". Call them out even if they cough.
Both India and China are clever enough not to go far the war. China with more advantage is going to uses proxy and India is more than willing to fight the proxy.

Now it's all on proxy, how he is going to play it out well. Therefore it is not about China or India but someone else. I hope it makes sense to you vis a vis role of all the players in this drama.

So far India has not been on the receiving end of the proxy and not at the giving end. We required a whole new game plan to make this more even and balanced.

I am a Punjabi I am not grown by my parents to take the abuses quietly.

We say "Khangan we ne dena". Call them out even if they cough.

What has being punjabi got anything to do with that ? most Indians are like that.
Both India and China are clever enough not to go far the war. China with more advantage is going to uses proxy and India is more than willing to fight the proxy.

Now it's all on proxy, how he is going to play it out well. Therefore it is not about China or India but someone else. I hope it makes sense to you vis a vis role of all the players in this drama.

Indian's always claim its other people's fault, let me break this down for you by generalization...The real problem is India's political elites and to a certain degree India's delusional middle class and economic marginalization. India's issues are entrenched in the deep roots of racism and inequality facilitated by Hinduism, and to maintain control they need propagate nationalistic sentiments to boost the moral's of the poor, hence an exaggerated media, and entertainment industry that goes bonkers...Yes, all countries do that and certainly China's media is no different. But in India's case, you have a majority of population that actually truly buy into these propaganda.
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Mr. Modi is doing wonders for india and indians! This fact must be respected by all.

He will be their PM for at least couple of more terms and his valiant pro-india policies will continue.

All we can do is to wish Mr. Modi and his regime to continue on this muscular foreign policy with even more zeal and substance.

This will no doubt produce great miracles for indian masses, from world beating economy to global geopolitical power.

We can also expect to see india surpass China during Mr. Modi's second term and become undesputed leader of Asia... even perhaps Eurasia.

Therefore, let us hope that Mr. Modi keeps on this track and show real muscles by accepting Taiwan as independent state, declare Tibet free, also provide open support to Xinjiang for their independence.

Hopefully, Mr. Modi will promote indian democracy in China as well along with declaring SCS under illegal PRC occupation with indian navy conducting regular FON ops all alone with powerful indian ships and submarines.

Mr. Modi can also help Japan miltarily against agressive China and station world class indian forces in JP and sell at least a few hundred brahmos to JP.

When, very soon, during Mr. Modi's tenure india gains UNSC membership with veto-power we can also expect to see great change in global power balance in favour of india...all thanks to visionary and powerful leadership of Mr. Modi, who is going to make india a superpower very soon.

It is now clear why indians don't desire to be part of anything Chinese.

The indians have other, greater strategic plans than just to join OBOR. BRI is below indian dignity and power.

Mr. Modi has successfully put China under pressure now!

Corruption is Crime Against Humanity!
So far India has not been on the receiving end of the proxy and not at the giving end. We required a whole new game plan to make this more even and balanced.

Like I said China is at advantage. And it translates in military terms that India will not invest to be an Invading force but be defending against China.

This is the reason now there is lot of noise made in India to tweak nuclear doctrine towards Counterforce to compensate that conventional (numerical) and strategic limits.
Indian's always claim its other people's fault, let me break this down for you by generalization...The real problem is India's political elites and to a certain degree India's delusional middle class and economic marginalization. India's issues are entrenched in the deep roots of racism and inequality facilitated by Hinduism, and to maintain control they need propagate nationalistic sentiments to boost the moral's of the poor, hence an exaggerated media, and entertainment industry that goes bonkers...You could make the sense that all countries do that and certainly China's media is no different. But in India's case, you have a majority of population that actually truly buy into these propaganda.

So your grand theory is that we are Stupid :cheesy:

This is the chinese "high iq" theory that we are all familiar with. :lol:

And yet you chinese have such a hard time in doing propaganda against Indians ? what accounts for this dichotomy ?
Like I said China is at advantage. And it translates in military terms that India will not invest to be an Invading force but be defending against China.

This is the reason now there is lot of noise made in India to tweak nuclear doctrine towards Counterforce to compensate that conventional (numerical) and strategic limits.

China has zero advantage by invading us via land route. They will not be able to hold on to Tibet if we go on the offensive. So all their bluster is to ensure we do not challenge them on land.

They are however building a naval fleet that is designed to take over the sea lanes near India, which is why they want India to join OBOR.

Any future chinese aggression will come via the sea and in Space.
So your grand theory is that we are Stupid :cheesy:

This is the chinese "high iq" theory that we are all familiar with. :lol:

And yet you chinese have such a hard time in doing propaganda against Indians ? what accounts for this dichotomy ?
No, my case is that Indian's are product of your environment and that won't change until India actually doing something to reduce inequality, and the demographic dividend is only making things more difficult in India. When you have a 50 cent prime minister and his internet propaganda machine stampeding over nice people in India, I feel for Indians.
China is free to declare whatever they want to declare as theirs.
No one gives a damn:D:D.
Nehru also challenged China on Dalai Lama, and Nehru was willing to go to war against China. Will Modi be so brave?
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