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Unlike his predecessors, Modi challenging us on Dalai Lama: China

No, my case is that Indian's are product of your environment and that won't change until India actually doing something to reduce inequality, and the demographic dividend is only making things more difficult in India. When you have a 50 cent prime minister and his internet propaganda machine stampeding over nice people in India, I feel for Indians.

We are ALL product of our environment, not just India.

But continue to "feel" for India. We "feel" for you too. sachi muchi.
China has zero advantage by invading us via land route. They will not be able to hold on to Tibet if we go on the offensive. So all their bluster is to ensure we do not challenge them on land.
Our generals believe we can take new delhi in 3 days and cut off indian north east from the rest of the country through Sikkim. let's find it out in the future.
Nehru also challenged China on Dalai Lama, and Nehru was willing to go to war against China. Will Modi be so brave?

Indians have very little to lose and we are always eager for a war. You know we genuinely believe in rebirth, so we don't really die.

One does not have to brave to go to war, only stupid.
Our generals believe we can take new delhi in 3 days and cut off indian north east from the rest of the country through Sikkim. let's find it out in the future.

We actually took Dhaka in 14 days, when pakistan was twice its size and while we were fighting on two fronts.

So we KNOW what we can do, while your generals THINK what you can do. Which is more real ?

People having those beliefs usually don't win in a war.

No, but they make great soldiers. The leader who has such soldiers usually win wars.
We actually took Dhaka in 14 days, when pakistan was twice its size and while we were fighting on two fronts.

So we KNOW what we can do, while think generals THINK what you can do. Which is more real ?

No, but they make great soldiers. The leader who has such soldiers usually win wars.

Actually Pakistan was fighting a two front war back then,not India and fighting a two front war against China and Pakistan can be a very different story, how long do you think you can sustain a war fighting against the world biggest industrial power if China puts her full might of industrial and manufacturing might on you? India produces nothing, buying weapons from others won't help you win a war.
Actually Pakistan was fighting a two front war back then,not India and fighting a two front war against China and Pakistan can be a very different story, how long do you think you can sustain a war fighting against the world biggest industrial power if China puts her full might of industrial and manufacturing might on you? India produces nothing, buying weapons from others won't help you win a war.

That is a pointless exercise since both of us are Nuclear power. :disagree:

It will again boil down to who has more to lose.

You do know India produces our own Missiles and nuclear weapons , right ?
Nehru was assertive because he was an idiot. Modi is a different ball game, so no chance of any surprises from china.

whatever floats your boat.
How is Modi different than Neru? He made millions people line up for two month to get their own money...People died waiting in line in front of Bank Machines. Farmer committed suicides because of financial problems. Yet 50 cent Modi tells Indian that he's going to clean up corruption and get all the black money back to Indians...But where's the black money? Is India less corrupt now? India lost billions in productivity and billions in implementation of demonetisation with the only tangible result of having fancy new notes. Don't even get started on digitization...good initiative to save his butt by his 50 cent army.
Indian's always claim its other people's fault, let me break this down for you by generalization...The real problem is India's political elites and to a certain degree India's delusional middle class and economic marginalization. India's issues are entrenched in the deep roots of racism and inequality facilitated by Hinduism, and to maintain control they need propagate nationalistic sentiments to boost the moral's of the poor, hence an exaggerated media, and entertainment industry that goes bonkers...You could make the sense that all countries do that and certainly China's media is no different. But in India's case, you have a majority of population that actually truly buy into these propaganda.

My post that you have quoted on sub-continental military quagmire does not warrant that simplistic twaddle on India's socio-political outlook.

Also, there is plenty of children's talk in your post. You can not be apologetic about fallacies, they for the right reasons are called fallacies. You can see here in this thread one jerk is even generalizing Rape with India when umpteen times Indians have slapped back the stats and shown the mirror.

If you allow me to use the same script that you have digressed with, then China's modern age genocide of its minorities in order to become a congruent society is a synthetic swamp of riots infested dissent and primitive survival of the fittest that you call it a success by showing only the fitter ones. A nation that checks rural to urban human migration is nothing but a reflection of dark age feudalism that is prevailing since medieval age. Being subdued by a foreign religion, with fading away cultural roots that are only visible in grand circuses, an imposed identity crisis has made China an intellectually bitter society that they can only live in Ghettos. The misfortunes of world war 2 have become baggage of a hegemonic China that trust none of his neighbor and trying to fortify even its oceans is a looming threat to world peace and small neighbor who have even fought wars with them.

Therefore you in China have a population who paddles propaganda to hide its eccentricities to appear clean and show others down to look better.
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That is a pointless exercise since both of us are Nuclear power. :disagree:

It will again boil down to who has more to lose.

You do know India produces our own Missiles and nuclear weapons , right ?
I don't think you will be crazy enough to go nuclear, you should know one Chinese nuclear bomb is more powerful than all your whole nuclear stockpile put together.
How is Modi different than Neru? He made millions people line up for two month to get their own money...People died waiting in line in front of Bank Machines. Farmer committed suicides because of financial problems. Yet 50 cent Modi tells Indian that he's going to clean up corruption and get all the black money back to Indians...But where's the black money? Is India less corrupt now? Don't even get started on digitization...good initiative to save his butt by his 50 cent army.

Difference is Modi is born in free India as a free man with free thoughts and unlimited ambition.

Nehru was born in a colonized british India and grew up under british threat and control, without free thought and with limited ambition.

That is all the difference that matters.

I don't think you will be crazy enough to go nuclear, you should know one Chinese nuclear bomb is more powerful than all your whole nuclear stockpile put together.

You are talking about a war in which we are weaker in conventional weapons and industry might.

Its obvious that a serious war would go nuclear and India would start testing More powerful nuclear weapons the moment it sees the threat increasing. Nuclear weapons which are equal or more powerful than chinese weapons.

That much should be obvious.
My post that you have quoted on sub-continental military quagmire does not warrant that simplistic twaddle on India's socio-political outlook.

Also, there is plenty of children's talk in your post. You can not be apologetic about fallacies, they for the right reasons are called fallacies. You can see here in this thread one jerk is even generalizing Rape with India when umpteen times Indians have slapped back the stats and shown the mirror.

If you allow me to use the same script that you have digressed with, then China's modern age genocide of its minorities in order to become a congruent society is a synthetic swamp of riots infested dissent and primitive survival of the fittest that you call it a success by showing only the fitter ones. A nation that checks rural to urban human migration is nothing but a reflection of dark age feudalism that is prevailing since medieval age. Being subdued by a foreign religion, with fading away cultural roots that are only visible in grand circuses, an imposed identity crisis has made China an intellectually bitter society that they can only live in Ghettos. The misfortunes of world war 2 have become baggage of a hegemonic China that trust none of his neighbor and trying to fortify even its oceans is a looming threat to world peace and small neighbor who have even fought wars with them.

Therefore you in China have a population who paddles propaganda to hide its eccentricities to appear clean and show others down to better.
The difference between you and I, I don't disagree with you, and much of the issues needs to be resolved...Indian's should accept the actual state of affairs vs fantasizing in the lala land
India can recognize Taiwan, a dozen of countries did, you will not be the first one and I don't know if you will be the last one. It doesn't matter if Taiwan has one more supporter. It won't change anything, but no one can bring Taiwan to UN.
No country recognizes Taiwan.o_O China threatened Taiwan with war if any country tries to recognize them, guess you don't know that. Forget bringing Taiwan to UN, it won't survive the war, neither China.
is EU a country?
No, but it can effectively veto a member from accepting the conditions of OBOR. Since there are regulations.
EU already has reservations over OBOR.
Joining the meeting doesn't mean you have to send your head of the state, China never asked for that. a delegation is fair enough. I don't know why so many head of the states come, it's a just a commerial and trade meeting, they don't really have to be here.
Well, then why the big fuss about India not attending the summit? We have our sovereignty issues over OBOR. It is an economic forum, India may or may not be Interested. And sending a delegation and actively participating in it is two different scenarios.
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