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Unlike his predecessors, Modi challenging us on Dalai Lama: China

No country recognizes Taiwan.o_O China threatened Taiwan with war if any country tries to recognize them, guess you don't know that. Forget bringing Taiwan to UN, it won't survive the war, neither China.

Please get your facts straight.

According to Wikipedia (Foreign relations of Taiwan), 22 countries or entities currently have full diplomatic relations with the ROC:
Indians have very little to lose and we are always eager for a war. You know we genuinely believe in rebirth, so we don't really die.

One does not have to brave to go to war, only stupid.

So was Nehru stupid?
This way the PM of India proved your point wrong.
If the PM of India does not respect parliamentary acts, what about ordinary Indians, so what right to know are you emphasizing?
Delhi University is not government of India. Last thing I heard is RTI officer was fined for rejecting application. The university later provide reasons that the records weren't kept more than a year for distant edu students.
Still RTI information is provided, may be you were late to know the facts.

And pointing out one such incident and claiming the entire system is false shows your narrow mentality.
Next time do not misguide PDF members with above type of falsehood.
may be you should make this your own signature. You are gonna need it.
Our generals believe we can take new delhi in 3 days and cut off indian north east from the rest of the country through Sikkim. let's find it out in the future.
LOL - with generals like these - best of luck

Ok Coming back to Topic.

If anyone who has followed Modi and Its party closely will know that they have a negative view about Nehru and its policies regarding Dalai Lama. I have even heard BJP spokesperson saying that sheltering DL was a blunder that ruined Indo-China relationship. It was BJP PM ABV who went against our old stand and entrusted in One China policy by recognizing Chinese suzerainty over Tibet.

Now any person with dynamic intelligence will understand that every party in power will inherit the historicity of the nation and has to continue with complex issues.

Having said that, Chinese rants against DL and India followed by excuses when every time they try to undermine our interests have become an over-used chip.

Recently Chinese stupidities of protecting terrorists, blocking our bid for NSG has left us with no option but to be assertive and use all the best resources we have in our hand.

Chinese troll media should stop cribbing about assertive Modi but ask questions (Oh well! if they ever will) to CCP and Xi on why they have left him with no choice.
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The Chinese don't understand democracy. Dalai Lama is a guest in India and is free to travel in all parts of India.
According to Wikipedia (Foreign relations of Taiwan), 22 countries or entities currently have full diplomatic relations with the ROC:

Maybe even he can beat you, it's not a tough job anyway
"Maybe" shows your self-doubt. Which is good. And expected. But it is one thing to be a keyboard warrior sitting in a communist nation. When push comes to shove, we have seen how China folds.
The Chinese don't understand democracy. Dalai Lama is a guest in India and is free to travel in all parts of India.
And his exile Tibetan government in india. Ok ,then we can also say the ones you are after are our beloved guests.
Foolish and mad. Going to war against China was one of his minor mistakes. Nehru's true crime was the License Raj and following the Soviet economic model.

Nehru was a fool for not taking Sardar's warning seriously enough, and being naive enough to swallow the rubbish the chinese fed him.

He was a fool for not preparing for the attack that china was planning on India. But License raj was not his idea, it was just a continuation of the british policy in India.

China followed the Soviet economic model too, so that too was not a total failure.
"Maybe" shows your self-doubt. Which is good. And expected. But it is one thing to be a keyboard warrior sitting in a communist nation. When push comes to shove, we have seen how China folds.
Yes, we never say things which haven't happened for sure, that's our difference.and we will keep pushing you in UN and see what would you do, boycotting Chinese goods again?
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