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Featured United States has secretly built and tested a prototype of a potentially sixth generation fighter jet.

Time is not a good measure to define tech levels.

Albert Einstein's high school phyiscs teacher was decade ahead of Einstein in physics since he knew Newton's first law decades earlier than Einstein.

I hope this example can make even you could realize your stupidity

I must be stupid as well, because I can't understand your point. The US is stupid because it has progressed its design and manufacturing technology?

This thread has predictably attracted a lot of churlish and envious trolling. Can we have some discussion on something worthwhile reading such as the technical/engineering aspects of this announcements?
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Reported for trolling.

White folks like you oughta know when to keep them mouths shut homie it aint right to go around talkin up the trash talk. It aint right to start actin up like white trash knowwhatimsayin

I wasn’t trolling, I’m dead serious USAF 6th Gen will be a copy of the J20, I have my sources in the Pentagon. :angel:
Time is not a good measure to define tech levels.

Albert Einstein's high school phyiscs teacher was decade ahead of Einstein in physics since he knew Newton's first law decades earlier than Einstein.

I hope this example can make even you could realize your stupidity

China is decades behind the US in aviation technology. While China is still struggling with J-20 development, the US is pumping out hundreds of F-35s and soon to be over 1,000 in total. Now the US has confirmed 6th gen full scale prototype testing. China is not in the same league as the American aviation industry.
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Let China first build a credible jet engine. Everything else is a distraction.China is decades away from the US in terms of technology.
There is something called the WS-10 and all its predecessors.
The Russians have the Su-57, Sukhoi S-70, Mig-41 and PAK-DA. They don't fall too far behind
None of those really constitute stealth aircraft (the fundamentals of fifth gen), let alone a sixth generation fighter. I find it difficult to see much success with the PAK-DA given their Su-57 has a lot of stealth issues.

This is the actual game-changer. Advancements in manufacturing process will create competitive edge.
It is very hard to do this nowadays since 5th generation aircraft (and presuambly 6th generation aircraft) are extremely advanced and complex component wise. The reason why the US was able to churn out so many aircraft in World War II was because the aircraft themselves were very basic, with very simple and easy to source components. Every generation of aircraft since then has massively decreased in terms of numbers produced for this reason even though manufacturing abilities/technologies have drastically improved. Now, with the tech improvement in manufacturing further slowing down versus before, this is more so the case. This is why the US chose the JSF for its mainstay 5th generation fighter since it was basically one aircraft for all three branches ... this means manufacturing will be much much smoother versus having entirely separate production lines like had the F-22 stayed on.
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I must be stupid as well, because I can't understand your point. The US is stupid because it has progressed its design and manufacturing technology?

This thread has predictably attracted a lot of churlish and envious trolling. Can we have some discussion on something worthwhile reading such as the technical/engineering aspects of this announcements?

I tell what is trolling:

Trolling is something like that:

Just some announcement on some believed to be super-advanced prototype China has flight for many times, like this one:

Which is merely a tech demonstrator at the moment , and without any details, or tech specs or even a blur picture, but already self-proclaimed as world leader and decades ahead the nearest competitors.:rofl:

Guess what, thats exactly what happened now.

Envy? no, annoyed? sure
China is decades behind the US in aviation technology. While China is still struggling with J-20 development, the US is pumping out hundreds of F-35s and soon to be over 1,000 in total. Now the US has confirmed 6th gen full scale prototype testing. China is not in the same league as the American aviation industry.

F-35 is literally flying garbage idk why Americans are still bragging about it

5th generation jet on a wheelchair
There is something called the WS-10 and all its predecessors.

None of those really constitute stealth aircraft (the fundamentals of fifth gen), let alone a sixth generation fighter. I find it difficult to see much success with the PAK-DA given their Su-57 has a lot of stealth issues.

It is very hard to do this nowadays since 5th generation aircraft (and presuambly 6th generation aircraft) are extremely advanced and complex component wise. The reason why the US was able to churn out so many aircraft in World War II was because the aircraft themselves were very basic, with very simple and easy to source components. Every generation of aircraft since then has massively decreased in terms of numbers produced for this reason even though manufacturing abilities/technologies have drastically improved. Now, with the tech improvement in manufacturing further slowing down versus before, this is more so the case. This is why the US chose the JSF for its mainstay 5th generation fighter since it was basically one aircraft for all three branches ... this means manufacturing will be much much smoother versus having entirely separate production lines like had the F-22 stayed on.

please read the article before commenting. The pentagon is clear that the actual breakthrough is in the manufacturing process. Are you doubting them?
Americans need to get back to being confident.Don't be like an Indian . Don't be afraid, you are the most advanced country in the field of aviation. :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
please read the article before commenting. The pentagon is clear that the actual breakthrough is in the manufacturing process. Are you doubting them?
I am not but I am saying that the inevitable breakthroughs/progress in manufacturing techniques does not imply at all that aircraft production rates can reach World War II level rates simply based on how complex modern day aircrafts are versus aircrafts made decades ago. Please quote the relevant part of the DoD statement which said this, since I could not find it.
please read the article before commenting. The pentagon is clear that the actual breakthrough is in the manufacturing process. Are you doubting them?

After reading the comments I feel even the American members are lacking english comprehension.
This article isn't stating a 6th Gen was created but instead stating designing and manufacturing processes have a boost. I should slap half the members who posted on this thread.
After reading the comments I feel even the American members are lacking english comprehension.
This article isn't stating a 6th Gen was created but instead stating designing and manufacturing processes have a boost. I should slap half the members who posted on this thread.

Roper clearly stated a full scale prototype has been flown, tested, and has broken multiple records under the NGAD program. The follow on to F-22.
Roper clearly stated a full scale prototype has been flown, tested, and has broken multiple records under the NGAD program. The follow on to F-22.

Dont get your hope high, check your airforce's desribation on NGAD, it is a large platform consist of many nodes, including UAVs and such, and it will evolved every 5 years or so.

Its highly likely the thing you just flied is just an initial stage UAV demonstrators, that's why no pictures no videos, nothing to show.

In general you country is a showboat, and your culture appreciated loudmouths, so save for a few "black" project which you may remain quiet, you tend to show off anything even if it just looks "fancy" as soon as possible.

Since obviously in this case it is not a "black" project (otherwise your airforce would not jumping up and down announcing it now), so the most likely conclusion is you get nothing to show off this time.
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