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Featured United States has secretly built and tested a prototype of a potentially sixth generation fighter jet.

So what?

You just make a yuuuge noise for nothing, just a prototype, and even without picture, and you are jumping up and down like this and claim you win? :rofl:

Guess what, China has test flight our next generation aircraft many times already, in CAC, and also without picture, so we Chinese just dont discuss that much.

Besides rumors say China's next generation aircraft is likely to go hypersonic wave-raider-like route, lets see who's route works better in the future.
I tell what is trolling:

Trolling is something like that:

Just some announcement on some believed to be super-advanced prototype China has flight for many times, like this one:

Which is merely a tech demonstrator at the moment , and without any details, or tech specs or even a blur picture, but already self-proclaimed as world leader and decades ahead the nearest competitors.:rofl:

Guess what, thats exactly what happened now.

Envy? no, annoyed? sure
Is there a thread somewhere about Chinese 6th gen fighter development? Could we have more discussion about the actual thread article please? I am interested in reading more about the developments in the US 6th gen program but have to scroll through all these posts to find anything.


As usual, too many Maginot Line circle jerkers, claiming total victory over China even before the first bullet is fired, and more than the Rusians, stressing the recognition achieved in 3 decades by the PLAAF as the only worthy rival left versus the U.S. military war machine, when nothing is known about the said new Wunderwaffe... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The U.S. professional paid trolls will always try to intoxicate the PDF readers and boast godlike achievements as they are precisely paid to do this.

So let me give some needed clarifications to our Pakistani members, so that they don't fall into the Imperium's smokescreens.

First China's next 6G aircraft is nothing they ever have heard of.

Indeed, the core concept is to allow the aircraft to evolve both within and above the atmosphere, without the need of air breathing engine.

It will be able not only to manoeuvre in the atmosphere like any 5G aircraft, but also above the 15 km level and up to 100 km altitude, with a speed above Mach 5.

This platform will reign over the Near Space.

Its mission will be both anti-air, with capability to destroy enemy aircraft and drone but also targets such as blimps lurking high in the stratosphere at 40 km altitudes, but even space targets above 100 km.

Meaning with the right Air to Space ASAT missiles, even satellites in LEO can be neutralised.

Here we see that the PLAAF is really at the forefront of a new frontier, pioneering a new chapter in the field of warfare, thus the recent establishment of the dedicated China's PLA Space Forces.

Pulse Detonation Engine

The core concept behind China's 6G endeavour is an “engine that switches combustion modes”.

This is a single engine that switches between running in an air breathing mode (jet combustion) and a using-onboard-oxidizer mode (rocket combustion). Its wide operating velocities range from zero to Mach 5.

Why is it not possible to go to space without a rocket? Because, a jet engine which is commonly used in aircraft, compress and use air, and the farther away you go from the surface of the earth, the thinner the air gets until the engine no longer work. A rocket engine, on the other hand, is loaded with fuel and a lot of oxidizer to make the fuel burn. It can work even in space, which has no air, because it is propelled through the emission of combustion gas created when the fuel and oxidizer react.

Well then, how can we reach space efficiently? Here, “reach space” does not mean an around-earth flight (orbital flight) where a craft stays in outer space like a satellite or the ISS; it refers to a “suborbital flight” in which a craft reaches space (i.e. altitudes of at least 100 km) even for just a moment. To reach space in a suborbital flight, we will take the method of accelerating to a speed of around Mach 3 by an altitude of roughly 50 km, after which the engine is stopped and the craft climbs through the motion of inertia.

In other words, in order to reach space efficiently, the key is how to accelerate efficiently to a height of 50 km. One answer is to make use of atmosphere (i.e. air). Atmospheric air surrounds the craft to an altitude of 15 km—that is, 30% through the acceleration phase. That is to say, it makes sense to use a jet engine where there is air and a rocket engine after the air runs out.

That has been a lengthy lead-in, and now I will get to pulse detonation engine (PDE) here. “Pulse” means intermittent pulsation, like the beating in an artery, and “detonation” signifies a form of combustion. Detonation refers to a state where the speed at which combustion (flame) propagates exceeds the speed of sound, generating a shock wave in front of the combustion wave. Since the shock wave itself has a compressive and heating effect, it instantaneously elevates the temperature and pressure of unburned gas, combusting it and also accelerating the rate of propagation. As a result, a PDE is an engine that can operate even at hypersonic speeds of Mach 5 and above. (This is the first advantage as a spacecraft engine.)

Another characteristic of a PDE is that mechanical compression is not necessary (i.e. compressors are not needed), because it makes use of the compression effect of the shock wave, and so the engine can be configured into a simple tube structure. (This is the second advantage as a spacecraft engine.) A standard car engine uses pistons to compress air. A jet engine, on the other hand, uses numerous blades (turbines) to compress air. These methods of mechanical compression have the drawback of increasing the weight on top of making the mechanism more complex.

The principle of operation of a PDE is also extremely simple: You simply inject fuel and an oxidizer into a tube, mix them, and ignite. The fuel and oxidizer used can be anything, as long as it is a mixture that causes detonation. Since there is no mechanical compression mechanism inside the engine, there is no concern that it will break due to the shock of detonation. (This is the third advantage as a spacecraft engine.)

The conclusion is that the combustion mode-switching PDE that PLAAF is developing will be a single engine that functions both as a jet engine where there is air and as a rocket engine where there is no air. In an environment where there is air—from the surface (i.e. on the runway) to an altitude of 15 km—the engine will run in the jet combustion mode, bringing the surrounding air in through intakes to trigger detonation.

In an environment where the air has become thin above an altitude of 15 km, the engine will run in the rocket combustion mode; the air intakes will close, and from there an oxidizer carried onboard will be fed into the same combustion chamber, triggering detonation. In so doing, it will be possible to continuously cover a wide range of altitudes and a wide range of flight speeds with single engine.

100'000 satellites

Now why should China even be bothered by the U.S. fielding obsolete units?

Indeed, these U.S. 6G aircrafts are as dangerous as cavalry units.

Because today's real battlefield is space.

A space race like never before in human history. A space race for total victory.

The starting move was initiated by the U.S., as a Trojan Horse. It is the Starlink Program, a new name for the 1980s' Star Wars or Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program.

In short, the U.S. has planned to place no less than 42'000 Starlink satellites into space by 2027.

And these are the weapons that can jamm and destroy anything below with their beams of microwave.

As a countermeasure, China COMMSAT (九天微星) has announced its next move by fielding before 2029 more than 107'000 satellites.

Factories are being built to churn satellites like aircrafts!

Thus totally outgunning the U.S. at its own game. :lol::lol::lol:


https://archive.vn/T5uE6/5d366553bd89095f8408e833fa7ed5113380017b.jpg ; https://archive.vn/T5uE6/5b5982a2051909f484498c986b68444fecc94407/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200918...88/w1080h608/20200911/d834-iyywcsz6532288.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200918...=pcpager_mil&loc=12&r=9&rfunc=65&tj=none&tr=9 ; https://archive.is/g3Ons
1. China COMMSAT to place 107'000 satellites into space before 2029.

Quantum Computer

Obviously, to collect all the Petabytes harvested 24/7/365 by the array of 42'000 Starlink satellites, from all the cellphone base stations on Earth, and decipher then analyse, massive processing power is needed.

Thus the Quantum Supremacy.

Indeed, in a little less than a year later, after the U.S.' Google's quantum processor Sycamore, comprising 54 qubits, claimed to have achieved quantum supremacy on 23th October 2019:

Sycamore is the name of Google's quantum processor, comprising 54 qubits.

In 2019, Sycamore completed a task in 200 seconds that Google claimed, in a Nature paper, would take a state-of-the-art supercomputer 10,000 years to finish. Thus, Google claimed to have achieved quantum supremacy. To estimate the time that would be taken by a classical supercomputer, Google ran portions of the quantum circuit simulation on the Summit, the most powerful classical computer in the world. Later, IBM made a counter-argument, claiming that the task would only take 2.5 days on a classical system like Summit.

China's in turn, claims quantum leap with machine declared a million times greater than Google’s Sycamore on 5th September 2020!

And this is not an overkill when processing more than 107'000 satellites' data in real time.

Thus again outgunning the U.S. is this Infowar. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:


This means that after Quantum Computers, Quantum Communications and now 6G aircrafts and Strategic Defense Initiative, China has further shattered the core of the U.S. Empire, that is its technological supremacy, and is preparing to storm what remains of the U.S. hegemonic world order!

But did they ever stand a chance? Both Mongols, Manchus and all European colonizers landgrabbers and squatters have yielded invariably in the past, absorbed into the Chinese cultural fabric.

Today, with China's 100 millions tonnes of Rare Earth Elements (RRE) reserves, both the U.S. and U.S.S.R., the two former partners of the Cold War are left far behind China in the high tech race, having exhausted all their REE reserves!

What an epochal era we are witnessing! The Climatic Warming induced rise of the Subtropical Earth, and all the subtropical pandemics to follow, that has in less than a year already nearly wiped out all the G-8 economic powerhouses, ethnic Europeans first, and now this polar reversal in the high tech sector!

Thanks to Iran, Russia et al., whose relentless pumping of hydrocarbon has made in little less than 75 years, the hastening of the Climatic Warming a reality.

This is the beginning of a new chapter in mankind history, the dying Pax Americana being finally supeseded by the Pax Sinica, a new World Order known as the China Century or the 2045 Great Replacement!






Spaceship One Starts 《Weltraumschiff 1 startet...》 (1937), Planet of the Apes (1968), Battle of the Japan Sea 日本海大海戦 (1969), Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974), Hero Zheng Chengong 英雄郑成功(潇湘福建2001) (2002), Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean ローレライ (2005), Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005), Little Fish (2005), Turks in Space 《Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam'in Oglu》 (2006), The Painted Veil (2006), Democrazy (2007), Philosophy of a Knife (2008), My Way 《마이 웨이》 (2011), Contagion (2011), Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), The Host (2013), Movie 43 (2013), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Carol (2015), Manifesto (2015), Lost in the Pacific 蒸发太平洋 (2016), Sky Hunter 《空天猎》 (2017), Salyut-7 Салют-7 (2017), High Life (2018), Tik Tik Tik 《டிக் டிக் டிக்》 (2018), Crazy Alien 疯狂的外星人 (2019), Ad Astra (2019), The Wandering Earth 流浪地球 (2019), Ananda : Rise of Notra (2019), The Matrix 4 (2022)

Age of Empire III, Hearts Of Iron II, Hearts Of Iron IV, Plague Inc: Evolved, Rebel Inc: Escalation, Stalin V Martian, Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon
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That's exactly what I am interested in. Going a step further, could these new design and manufacturing processes extend into civilian commercial applications?
I do not see any barrier in the civilian sector adopting this.

Keep in mind that for yrs, the world's fools laughed at US for using the 'concurrent engineering' method in designing the F-35, never mind that Boeing and Airbus used concurrent engineering in their design and manufacturing processes.

During the last decades, methodology and technology advances have taken a decisive influence on engineering activities. In recent years, Concurrent Engineering has become a widely accepted concept and is regarded as an excellent alternative approach to the Traditional Engineering process. Inside Airbus almost twenty years ago and with the introduction of the emergent PLM tools, a wide-company project, ACE (Airbus Concurrent Engineering) was launched during the development of the Airbus A340-500/600 to develop and deploy concurrent engineering methodologies, process and the associated PLM tools.

In parallel, Airbus Military will start with the development of a large aerostructure or a major component to introduce more variables to the previous collaborative engineering. Intensive use of extended enterprise involved in the collaborative process will open new issues and challenges.​
Now, clearly what we did with the F-35 paid off in spades that not even Las Vegas could anticipate. We do not need to know the details of what this new aircraft does. The article said 'complete with mission systems.' It means the prototype flew with full capabilities of what the designers intended it to do.

It was not a 'test flight' in the sense that how the first F-16 flew -- literally by accident from a high speed test run. No, the prototype flew with capabilities A, B, C, and whatever else BESIDES basic flight controls and instruments.

Let us go out on a limb here...

- What IF the prototype never had a high speed run like normal testing processes does?

- What if the prototype exercised its full landing gear capabilities up/down on its first flight?

- What if the prototype reached 9 g -- the human limit -- on its first flight?

- What if the prototype successfully received fuel on its first air refuel on its first flight?

- What if the prototype successfully launched an AIM-9 on its first flight?

None of the above are extraordinary by themselves, but combined, the traditional testing regime would have taken months or yrs before the military will even hold a contest for contract. Now those items were done in a few hrs. Consider low radar observability and AESA radar to be OEM items.

The phrase 'complete with mission systems.' have enormous implications for US and complications for our adversaries.

Who is laughing now? :azn:
And it all happened in just one year. Yes, that's mind-blowing.


The U.S. Air Force announced it has already flown a new prototype fighter.
We know virtually nothing about the new plane ... other than it exists.
Most observers did not expect a new fighter for another decade.

The U.S. Air Force revealed this week that it has secretly designed, built, and tested a new prototype fighter jet. The fighter, about which we know virtually nothing, has already flown and “broken records.” (The image above is Air Force concept art from 2018). The Air Force must now consider how it will buy the new fighter as it struggles to acquire everything from intercontinental ballistic missiles to bombers.

✈ You love badass planes. So do we. Let's nerd out over them together.

The Air Force’s head of acquisition, Will Roper, made the announcement yesterday in an exclusive interview with Defense News, in conjunction with the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space, and Cyber Conference.

BADASS.avalon 2019 international airshow


U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter at Australia’s Avalon air show, March 2019.

The Air Force built the new fighter under its Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program, which aims to build a jet that would supplement, and perhaps even replace, the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.

The Air Force built 186 Raptors, of which only about 123 are capable of the jet’s full spectrum of combat roles. And at current readiness levels, only around 64 of the fifth-generation fighters are ready to fight at a moment’s notice.

According to Defense News, the Air Force developed the new fighter in about a year—a staggeringly short amount of time by modern standards. The Air Force first developed a virtual version of the jet, and then proceeded to build and fly a full-sized prototype, complete with mission systems. This is in stark contrast to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The X-35, an early technology demonstrator, first flew in 2000, four years after Lockheed Martin signed the contract to build it. It might be better, however to compare this new mystery jet to the first actual F-35 fighter, which flew in 2006.

That means it took the Air Force just one year to get to the point with NGAD fighter that it reached in 10 years with the F-35. This appears to be the "record" the Air Force claims the new plane is smashing, and it's probably right.


Lockheed Martin concept art for a Next Generation Air Dominance fighter.

We don’t know which defense contractor designed and prototyped the new jet, though it's almost certainly one of the big aerospace giants (Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing). We don’t know where it flew and where it is now. We don’t know how many prototypes exist. We don’t know what it looks like, what it's called, how fast it flies, how maneuverable it is, and what special capabilities it has. We don’t know anything.

So what do we do when we don’t know anything? Speculate wildly!

The Air Force designed the NGAD to ensure the service’s “air dominance” in future conflicts versus the fighters of potential adversaries. The new fighter, then, is almost certainly optimized for air-to-air combat. It’s a safe bet the fighter uses off-the-shelf avionics, engines, and weapons borrowed from other aircraft, such as the F-35 and F/A-18E/F. In fact, NGAD may look a lot like one of these fighters, though if the Air Force wanted a stealthy design to riff off, there’s only one (F-35) currently in production.


China’s J-20 fighter at the Zhuhai Air Show, 2016.

The most interesting, and perhaps revolutionary, thing about NGAD is that the Air Force developed and built it in just one year. The world hasn’t seen such a short development time since World War II. In fact, the trend has been for fighters to require longer, more expensive development times as technology becomes more complex—particularly with the adoption of stealth.

China’s Chengdu J-20 fighter, for example, broke cover in 2011 after at least 10 years of development time, while Russia's Sukhoi Su-57 “Felon” fighter still hasn't entered production, despite the fact that we first saw it in 2010.

The possibility that a 10-year development cycle has been sheared to just one year presents unprecedented opportunities. If the Air Force and industry can design a new fighter in one year, it could come up with all sorts of cool new planes.

This could encourage the development of more exotic, riskier designs that contractors would not otherwise want to devote a full decade to develop. The ability to fail—or succeed—faster will drive innovation in the world of fighter jets in ways not seen for a half century or more.


Russian Su-57 fighters.

One thing we can be reasonably sure about the new NGAD fighter? It’s designed to kill fighters like the J-20 and Su-57.

The Air Force first conceived the F-22 Raptor in the late 1980s and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in the 1990s. China and Russia built the J-20 and Su-57, respectively, with the F-22 and F-35 in mind, while the American fighters would have to adapt their existing capabilities to face the new Russian and Chinese fighters. But thanks to the Air Force’s new breakthrough design techniques, we could see a new, operational fighter to dominate these potential adversaries very, very shortly.

Still, NGAD enters a crowded shopping basket. Over the next 10 years, the Air Force is committed to buying and developing, if necessary, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, F-15EX Advanced Eagle, B-21 Raider strategic bomber, T-7 Red Hawk jet trainer, KC-46 Pegasus tanker, and Ground Based Strategic Deterrent ballistic missile.

How will it pay for all of them? That's to be determined. But given the Air Force’s bent toward air-to-air fighters, it seems certain NGAD will advance to the top of that list.

They need a 6th gen because they are not confident that the F35 can actually deal with the J-20.
Its not really a next generation if off the shelf avionics and weapons are used. I pitty the ppl of US, their defence spending is humongous and their tax payers are paying for it.
Well, the air force did publically ask for a massive budget for a new fighter around a decade ago despite not providing any details for the project. So no surprise here.
Probably based on a existing design considering they have plenty of designs to use as a base for next gen fighters. Intro of new aircraft is an old news now in terms of stealth more important is what new tech they introduced in it or did they just test a platform.
US is sitting on 80 years of stolen technology and stolen IP. This did not happen in one year.

This is probably 80s classified technology. They probably have their own classified UFOs they make. And in 2050 they are going to announce they that in ONE YEAR they designed a hovering UFO. Wow! One year it took them to design a UFO, from start to finish and all the guts. :omghaha: When they stole the technology decades ago.

The US does not make the latest and greatest weapons, these individuals deign weapons that would destroy any conventional military today, and anything they steal from the public that would jump warfare 50 years, they classify the technology and develop the tech in secret in military bases. So this one year thing, is a load of Indian poo.

They already had 6th and 7th gen fighters for years on blueprints.

Why do you think I tell Chinese members to build as many submarines as possible. Because they are the most effective against USs top technology. With laser warfare & railguns & EW as important.
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American NGAD concept at a glance.


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China is decades behind the US in aviation technology. While China is still struggling with J-20 development, the US is pumping out hundreds of F-35s and soon to be over 1,000 in total. Now the US has confirmed 6th gen full scale prototype testing. China is not in the same league as the American aviation industry.
I agree. Even the most optimistic nationalistic Chinese military official knows China is still a good distance behind the US in this field, one just have to look at the expertise and global presence of giants like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Ratheon, etc etc . However it's also true that the Chinese are learning and moving up fast as well, though it's true that the US isn't staying idle either.
Did the Wunderwaffe (wonder weapons) win WW2 for the Nazi Germans when they were still in Germany and Austria? Nope.

The war was won by those who produced more, had sufficient resources, enough farmers to grow food and more men to fight/die.
There is no harm in admitting the fact that US is decades ahead of its nearest rivals in aviation technology. Lets hope our Chinese friends can catch up fast in the near future and claim the domination in aviation, which US so proudly enjoys without any competition.

Let them hack the research papers of this particular aircraft and reverse engineer it by 2030 when Americans innovate 8-9 gen aircraft.
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