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Featured United States has secretly built and tested a prototype of a potentially sixth generation fighter jet.

What on earth are you babbling about? The American aviation industry have built the most iconic aircraft in history. The US has gotten it done time and again.

Meanwhile, China has contributed next to nothing in the aviation industry and rides the coattails of the West. Stop embarrassing yourself. You sound like an envious rube.

Envy what you sad American wanker

If you hadn't jump up and down using this piece of prototype crap with no picture no video just big mouths to belittle your competitors, I would not have even bother to replied to your open self-comforting party.

And btw, your past doesn't imply your future, you are against a very capable competitor now, just learn to live with it

The US Air Force quietly built and flew a prototype of a fighter jet developed as part of the Next Generation Air Dominance program, the service revealed to Defense News.

Will Roper, the Air Force's top acquisition official, first told Defense News' Valerie Insinna Monday that the service has "already built and flown a full-scale flight demonstrator in the real world, and we broke records in doing it."

"We are ready to go and build the next-generation aircraft in a way that has never happened before," he added.

Roper declined to provide any specific details on the mysterious new aircraft, the contractors involved in its development, or the first flights of the experimental fighter expected to one day deliver more advanced capabilities than fifth-generation fighters like the F-22 and F-35.

Roper more publicly acknowledged the existence and testing of the new jet Tuesday at the Air Force Association's Air Space Cyber virtual conference, Defense One reported.

"NGAD right now is designing, assembling, testing in the digital world, exploring things that would have cost time and money to wait for physical world results," he said. "NGAD has come so far that the full-scale flight demonstrator has already flown in the physical world. It's broken a lot of records in the doing."

The purpose of the Air Force's Next Generation Air Dominance program is to develop an advanced fighter jet featuring "enhancements in survivability, lethality, and persistence across a range of military operations" that can deliver "Air Superiority for the Joint Force in the most challenging of environments," according to Air Force budget documents.

The Air Force's Fiscal Year 2021 budget proposal for Congress includes a request for just over $1 billion for the program and plans to request over $6 billion between this next fiscal year and 2025.

Speaking with Defense News, Roper highlighted the rapid pace of development, noting that the service tested a virtual version of its next-generation fighter and then built and flew a full-scale prototype within a year of completing an analysis of possible options.

As for how quickly the the Air Force could move into production, Roper only said that it would be "pretty fast." How that could affect other aircraft programs, such as the F-35 and F-15EX, remains to be seen.

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The US Air Force quietly built and flew a prototype of a fighter jet developed as part of the Next Generation Air Dominance program, the service revealed to Defense News.

Will Roper, the Air Force's top acquisition official, first told Defense News' Valerie Insinna Monday that the service has "already built and flown a full-scale flight demonstrator in the real world, and we broke records in doing it."

"We are ready to go and build the next-generation aircraft in a way that has never happened before," he added.

Roper declined to provide any specific details on the mysterious new aircraft, the contractors involved in its development, or the first flights of the experimental fighter expected to one day deliver more advanced capabilities than fifth-generation fighters like the F-22 and F-35.

Roper more publicly acknowledged the existence and testing of the new jet Tuesday at the Air Force Association's Air Space Cyber virtual conference, Defense One reported.

"NGAD right now is designing, assembling, testing in the digital world, exploring things that would have cost time and money to wait for physical world results," he said. "NGAD has come so far that the full-scale flight demonstrator has already flown in the physical world. It's broken a lot of records in the doing."

The purpose of the Air Force's Next Generation Air Dominance program is to develop an advanced fighter jet featuring "enhancements in survivability, lethality, and persistence across a range of military operations" that can deliver "Air Superiority for the Joint Force in the most challenging of environments," according to Air Force budget documents.

The Air Force's Fiscal Year 2021 budget proposal for Congress includes a request for just over $1 billion for the program and plans to request over $6 billion between this next fiscal year and 2025.

Speaking with Defense News, Roper highlighted the rapid pace of development, noting that the service tested a virtual version of its next-generation fighter and then built and flew a full-scale prototype within a year of completing an analysis of possible options.

As for how quickly the the Air Force could move into production, Roper only said that it would be "pretty fast." How that could affect other aircraft programs, such as the F-35 and F-15EX, remains to be seen.

Thread already posted.
It just goes to show how far the gap is between the US and other pretenders. While China struggles to field a credible jet engine & J-20, the US is increasing the distance between it and powers. The world still can’t field a plane that can take on the F-35 or F-22 and the pentagon said, never mind; let’s troll them. The US is generations ahead of Russia, China and the EU. All three will be playing catch-up for the foreseeable future. When it comes to technology, the US military is peerless. Total domination.

They are a world power for a reason, they are so far ahead that it's mind boggling, respect where it is due.
Just indicates the US is taking China seriously at this point.

They have always taken their adversaries seriously F-22 was built in response to a soviet jet which could match the F-15, this is most likely built in response to the J-20 regardless of how capable they think the J-20 really is they have to keep the initiative, China really has to step up their game because they truly are challenging a formidable opponent who unlike India takes their opponent seriously and recognise the potential they posses and works harder to achieve their goals.
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It just goes to show how far the gap is between the US and other pretenders. While China struggles to field a credible jet engine & J-20, the US is increasing the distance between it and powers. The world still can’t field a plane that can take on the F-35 or F-22 and the pentagon said, never mind; let’s troll them. The US is generations ahead of Russia, China and the EU. All three will be playing catch-up for the foreseeable future. When it comes to technology, the US military is peerless. Total domination.

This doesn't apply to all technological domains (China and Russia seem to have an edge in some emerging tech) --- but point taken.
Like I said often in the past...

Air Dominance. The ability of an air force to compel other air forces to rearray themselves, often into subordinate postures.

Air Superiority. The ability of an air force to take control of contested air spaces, repeatedly if necessary, and if there are losses, those losses would not pose a statistical deterrence to that ability.

Air Supremacy. He flies, he dies.

The NGAD fighter -- assuming it is real -- will keep that time between Air Superiority to Air Supremacy brief.

The Russian PRAT-FALL was never a contender from its beginning. The Chinese J-20 was already DOA when it debuted. Now with this NGAD? You may not get to fly at all. :lol:
According to Roper, the aircraft “broke records” and is “magical.”

I can’t wait to set my eyes on this beauty!
The prototype was made by defence company or usaf it self???
Would in future usaf would design the jet it self and higher the contractor to mass produce it
Like Apple does???
They have always taken their adversaries seriously F-22 was built in response to a soviet jet which could match the F-15, this is most likely built in response to the J-20 regardless of how capable they think the J-20 really is they have to keep the initiative,...
Actually...This is NOT true.

If you respond, and a response is a reaction, you will never get ahead. The idea is to be better than what you currently have, which is based upon an intelligence estimate of what your adversaries have. In other words, you guesstimate the worst case scenarios and build from what you have.
Disruptive technologies, 5G, Electromagnetic Spectrum, AI, Cyber Attacks, IOT in response to US's network centricity.

If India had more Pravin Sawhneys, then China would be in serious trouble ... that is all I can say. Luckily for them, Pravin says stuff Indians do not like to hear, even if it is truth, and consequently dismiss them with grave consequences.
If India had more Pravin Sawhneys, then China would be in serious trouble ... that is all I can say. Luckily for them, Pravin says stuff Indians do not like to hear, even if it is truth, and consequently dismiss them with grave consequences.

Hopefully Pakistan is listening to him.
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