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United Muslim World economic Potential

Its funny how everyone thinks we would help other countries out just because they are members in OIC.

Stop begging for money, Saudi resources are for Saudis.


Unfortunately, Pakistani-Islamists and Talbobs would not understand your plea, and keep on dreaming about mythical Islamist Ummah.

Yeah tell that to the Buddhists in Thailand killed by terrorists.

He was merely trying to answer your question about investment and whether it can be counted as part of the GDP or not. You guys have a habit of seeing Islamophobia in just about anything. Go back and read it again, this time take of the "omg every one is out to get muslims" glasses, might help you in understanding his post.

One little scratch and the disgusting face of people like you comes out to the surface. He was trying to help you and in return you disrespected Hinduism. Its very easy to disrespect a religion followed by 1Billion people, I could have paid you back in the same coin but then I don't have to, you are doing a good enough job of disrespecting your own religion.

I wonder why everyone disrespects Hindus. You can lie blatantly in support of your likes, meaning you take people for idiots, and showing how and who you are, if we look at your inner thoughts about yourselves being projected we'll find too much hypocrisy.
So, stop trolling and back to topic, or go mind your own bad business.


Unfortunately, Pakistani-Islamists and Talbobs would not understand your plea, and keep on dreaming about mythical Islamist Ummah.


The Islamic Ummah will prevail.
sorry but get over it guys nothing bet a wet dream pakistanis are the only ones who are deluded like this grow some balls quit sucking up to the "ummah" and get some pride and self interest for your own country .Gulf Arab states are notorious for discrimination we all know they look down on south asian muslims you gotta be joking if you think the useless oil rich arab countries wanna share their wealth with the likes of pakistan or bangladesh.
When you have and feel genuine dignity(and that is what Islam teaches us all) you will never bother about someone looking down on you, you'll barely notice it, and know that he has a problem within himself not you.
No one begs no one in a true islamic spirit, it is all based on good and voluntary deeds, be it from the poorest towards the richest or the other way around.

The Muslim Ummah will prevail.
EPIC FAIL:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

The only thing you have proved is that you have zero knowledge of Economics and your bigotry and hatred..........

The logical destruction of your argument was already done by Roybot hence is not needed again.

You and your Roybot both showed hatred and ignorance, not only in/and through economics, but proving by all means that you are third world retarded boys wannabes on world stage economics by trafficking heroin.
And you want to give lessons in macro economics.:police:

The Islamic Ummah will prevail.
Its funny how everyone thinks we would help other countries out just because they are members in OIC.

Stop begging for money, Saudi resources are for Saudis.

oh jeez...be a little bit softer man that should have hurt lot of wet dreamers.....:yahoo: :rofl:
When 11% of Muslim population is left out of OIC in the name that their country does not have a muslim population, then who do OIC represent--- OIC always represent the intrest of Arabs & wealthy nothing more than that
I hope people do not get offended by the truth.

The truth is that any Islamic grouping will be dominated and driven by Arabs.

Arabs in turn are dominated by tribal and ethnic groups coupled with religious hatred. All this poisonous brew will destroy any effort towards development.

And hence it doesn't matter what the real GDP is or what the potential GDP is.

Pakistanis who jump up and down in the name of United Islamism can't even unite Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan, Balochis and Punjabis or Mohajirs and Pathans. And yet they sit and masturbate about uniting the whole bunch of non-Pakistani tribes.

I have a suggestion for anyone who wants unite this or that, should at least take a tour and meet and learn about individual countries and tribes. Sit with them and eat with them. See how they live with diversity within their own borders.

Do you know how Shias are treated in Saudi?
Do you know how Sunnies and other minorities are treated in iran?

Do you know how to control militants in each of these factions or tribes?

Once you figure this out, come by and suggest the unity business.

Otherwise keep quiet because your ignorance about the Muslim countries is showing.

Just remember, you cannot unite two countries if they do not offer nationality to each others' citizens


p.s. I write these words with heavy heart and after personally visiting many many Muslim countries.

Brother in Islam,

The unification doesn't have to be like that, just see it as a family, each one has his own house and still making the Muslim Ummah as one family, does anyone has to share his brother's wife to be united with him - that is too private-.
One day, the whole Muslim Ummah will share a palace, where every member of the family will have its own quarters, with common areas shared by all.

The Muslim Ummah will prevail.
Very briefly, most of the so called Muslims are either ignorant, misled (by Western) propaganda, or live in terrible, secular, Western-leaning/Russia-leaning dictatorships in the Middle East or Central Asia, or in mostly very poor countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

To some extents, one can say that Iran, Turkey (very recently), Indonesia and Malaysia are exceptions to this rule. Of these countries, only Iran has a patriotic and "Islamic" government willing to achieve greater heights in face of adversity. The remaining three countries do not want to challenge the Western powers, so they play along and can best be described as medium or upper-middle powers (if such terms can be used) in some ways.

For the Muslims to unite, Muslims must learn about each other, must change their opinions and behaviour.

Let's look at GDP since this thread is about GDP. Do Muslims operate any OIC or other Muslim organization based statistical agencies that could calculate GDP, Inflation, CPI, Unemployment, and other economic data? Most OIC statistical publications use data from Western propaganda institutes.

So called "Muslim" rulers of many so called "Muslim" countries invest multiple times more (to the tune of trillions of dinars) in infidel West rather than in their Muslim countries and elsewhere. And then there are other so called "Muslim" rulers that express their open support for the dollar when all hope for this currency was plummeting worldwide, a situation which could prove to be of devastating consequence for the West as a whole.

Many Muslims some how want to avoid responsibility by blaming all the ills on their rulers. This is not a productive way of solving problems. Rulers must be held accountable. If needed, Egyptian and Tunisian model of mass mobilization of the people should be encouraged to dethrone Western leaning regimes.

Without the people actively taking things into their own hands for their own betterment, things won't change. I have often wondered why is that every single Arab country is led by a terrible dictatorship where the government is not accountable to the people, yet the people do not reject it or voice mass displeasure. One possible explanation is that a certain (probably fake) Hadith is used by these rulers to justify their rule. Maybe some GCC members in the forum can explain it better, what excuse is used by their "kings" to justify their rule.

N.B. We know that in reality, the Quran and the Sunnah advises strongly against corruption and any other anti-Islamic practises, but these leaders not only use their paid agents to spread their message but somehow the masses have never questioned their leaders' actions, nor have they actually read the Quran and Hadiths (authentic ones) in their entirety (apparently).
.....each one has his own house and still making the Muslim Ummah as one family, does anyone has to share his brother's wife to be united with him .

How many Muslim countries have you visited and how long did you stay in each?

I never knew about such organization. I always wonder why Muslims countries don't co-operate together more. Iranians. Turkish, Pakistani, ect.. goods should have a priorty in an Egyptian market, and vise versa.

Insufficient economies of scale. Western companies established such economies of scale in manufactured goods. It is cheaper to buy from them than to invent the wheel again and buy from local producers.
Insufficient economies of scale. Western companies established such economies of scale in manufactured goods. It is cheaper to buy from them than to invent the wheel again and buy from local producers.

On paper this theory sounds good.

However Chinese and Indians have turned this type of theories on its non--existent head.

Western companies are always looking for more efficiency in their supply-distribution-sales chain.

They would easily move to any country that has civilized and educated population where they can find not-only consumers of their products but manufacturers too.

I-Phone wasn't "invented" in China, but it is manufactured/assembled using parts from US and other Asian countries.

Arab countries are predominantly tribal so they cannot provide manufacturing base to Western companies, and thus remain just the users of such products.

Pakistan until 1960s was a civilized and educated and many Western companies wanted to come by and establish manufacturing facilities.

However since the 1970s Bhutto commie revolution, our manufacturing base was destroyed and our society now has turned into tribal and primitive just like Iranians and Arabs.

So no chance of manufacturing base. No chance at all.


^^ for non-triabl Arabs, there is plenty of "economy of scale". Their combined population is 350 million that more than total US population.

As I said, societies have to have numbers and civilization before they can take advantage of the opportunities.
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