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United Muslim World economic Potential

If you read, he said they were majority Muslim.
Lack of education.Only 5000 odd universities in the total muslim world.None of them in top 500.
Lack of industrialization.Sectarian and ethnic differences.Corrupt leadership or army in power.

Its important to dispel this myth

Here is the 2011 QS World university rankings. I have included Muslim majority countries as well as India and Bangladesh for comparison

167 Universiti Malaya (UM) Malaysia
200 King Saud University (KSU) Saudi Arabia
217 University of Indonesia Indonesia
218 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) India
221 King Fahd University (KFUPM) Saudi Arabia
225 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) India
279 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Malaysia
281 Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) India
300 American University of Beirut (AUB) Lebanon
306 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) India
335 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Malaysia
338 United Arab Emirates University UAE
341 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKGP) India
358 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Malaysia
370 King Abdul Aziz University (KAU) Saudi Arabia
377 King Abdul Aziz University (KAU) Oman
398 University of Delhi India

401-450 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan
Bilkent University Turkey
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) India
NUST Islamabad Pakistan
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Malaysia

451-500 Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Indonesia
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Malaysia
King Khalid University Saudi Arabia
Sabanci University Turkey

So basically we have
India - 7
Malaysia - 6
Saudi Arabia - 4
Indonesia / Turkey -2 each
Lebanon / UAE / Oman / Kazakstan / Pakistan - 1 each
Bangladesh - 0

Over all ASEAN region has 8 unis
GCC region has 6 unis
and altogether excluding India ofcourse we have around 19 in these Muslim majority countries

Source : http://content.qs.com/supplement2011/top500.pdf
Why would Saudi share it's resouce with pak or India in the name of Islam. Are you watching what S happening in Europe. Haven't you learned from east Pakistan experience that united Islamic country will not stand.

forget India or Pakistan, ask yourself and your friends of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, do any of you all share your resources with your neighbors also? even on the name of Shia, Sunni, Ahmadi, hindu/ muslim/ sikh/ chrsitian, white, black, asian, western, african bla bla, how many of you share your wealth on the name of any certain category like this? and if not then why would Saudi would allow any of the South Asian to share with their resources on the name of Islam? :meeting:

but I sincerely believe, either teachers of Pakistan/ Bangladesh would stop teaching their students that they are muslim first and then Pakistani or Bangladeshi, or, they would make surethat their Pakistani/ Bangladeshi students would be freely allowed to enter in Saudi Arabia, a fair talk? either Pakistanis and Bangladeshi are muslim first so they would get a free entry in Saudi Arabia, or, they would be taught in their schools that they belong to their nations first and are Pakistani/ Bangladeshi first :tup:
There is also at least some 3 trillion dollars that is invested in western countries by the GCC alone, without counting another 2 trillion invested in some other places.
Add to this all the corruption money in Swiss and like banks and you get a 10 trillion dollars real GDP.
Add to this the great potential of mining and exploiting many untouched natural resources.

Can anyone comment on post #26, because realistically also it can reach almost the GDP of the European Union of 12 trillion dollars.

GDP of Islamic countries is the Gross Domestic product or the value of goods and services one produces each year by muslim countries.

While investment are net the total amount invested by muslim countries theoretically since the existence of islam and practically since 10-15 years.It is not replicable on annual basis and the profit derived from this investment are already counted in GDP.

So NO,there is no chance that your Ummah's GDP would surpass that of EU.

PS. GDP of GCC countries are mostly due to robber industries.If they do not Invest intelligibly in agriculture,manufacturing anf services ,they may become worse than sub Saharan Africa in 15-20 years.
Very immature. With such a mindset, how do they intend to progress? Instead of trying to bridge the differences, they act childishly immature.

In one thread, you want Pakistanis to leave Muslim Ummah concept and work for it's own interests; in this thread you are condemning Pakistan for working in it's own interest. Isn't that double standards?

Then, you come from a country which has used almost 50% of the veto votes in UN. USSR/Russia was blocking majority of opinion in those vetos for it's own vested interest. What mindset? Fair? Childish? Immature? or All of them?
I hope people do not get offended by the truth.

The truth is that any Islamic grouping will be dominated and driven by Arabs.

Arabs in turn are dominated by tribal and ethnic groups coupled with religious hatred. All this poisonous brew will destroy any effort towards development.

And hence it doesn't matter what the real GDP is or what the potential GDP is.

Pakistanis who jump up and down in the name of United Islamism can't even unite Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan, Balochis and Punjabis or Mohajirs and Pathans. And yet they sit and masturbate about uniting the whole bunch of non-Pakistani tribes.

I have a suggestion for anyone who wants unite this or that, should at least take a tour and meet and learn about individual countries and tribes. Sit with them and eat with them. See how they live with diversity within their own borders.

Do you know how Shias are treated in Saudi?
Do you know how Sunnies and other minorities are treated in iran?

Do you know how to control militants in each of these factions or tribes?

Once you figure this out, come by and suggest the unity business.

Otherwise keep quiet because your ignorance about the Muslim countries is showing.

Just remember, you cannot unite two countries if they do not offer nationality to each others' citizens


p.s. I write these words with heavy heart and after personally visiting many many Muslim countries.
Lack of education.Only 5000 odd universities in the total muslim world.None of them in top 500.
Lack of industrialization.Sectarian and ethnic differences.Corrupt leadership or army in power.

ODTÜ in Turkey ranked 94th in 2012. Don't talk without knowing a sh*t.
I hope people do not get offended by the truth.

The truth is that any Islamic grouping will be dominated and driven by Arabs.

Arabs in turn are dominated by tribal and ethnic groups coupled with religious hatred. All this poisonous brew will destroy any effort towards development.

And hence it doesn't matter what the real GDP is or what the potential GDP is.

Pakistanis who jump up and down in the name of United Islamism can't even unite Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan, Balochis and Punjabis or Mohajirs and Pathans. And yet they sit and masturbate about uniting the whole bunch of non-Pakistani tribes.

I have a suggestion for anyone who wants unite this or that, should at least take a tour and meet and learn about individual countries and tribes. Sit with them and eat with them. See how they live with diversity within their own borders.

Do you know how Shias are treated in Saudi?
Do you know how Sunnies and other minorities are treated in iran?

Do you know how to control militants in each of these factions or tribes?

Once you figure this out, come by and suggest the unity business.

Otherwise keep quiet because your ignorance about the Muslim countries is showing.

Just remember, you cannot unite two countries if they do not offer nationality to each others' citizens


p.s. I write these words with heavy heart and after personally visiting many many Muslim countries.

but there is one more aspect which a common Pakistani national ignore. that is, if you may unite your nation as only Pakistanis first, then you may become the main source of doctors, engineers and other professionals of Arab countries like how US's companies are heavily dependent on high skill from developing countries. you have hefty resources, pretty good strategic location and all what a dream country want and there is no reason why you can't perform as good as forward emerging economies like Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia. Pak’s Punjab is neighbor of rich Indian states like Punjab/ Haryana, Sindh is neighbor of Gujrat which is the most industrialised state of India, Balochistan is full of natural resources, Pak’s Kashmir is full of locations for natural resources and dams for electricity generation and Pak’s north west states are on the direct trade link with Central Asia? Full of talents also?

if you may make your country like Thailand/ Malaysia, the Arab countries may become highly dependent on you for the manufactured products like how China/ Thailand/ Malaysia lead in this category. you may make your country a proud natio among the muslim world, and make an example among all the muslim countries. and Pakistan is well positioned to do this, you just need to unite your whole nation towards a common goal of building your nation. Karachi was ranked close to Seoul/ South Korea in 50s and you gotto believe that its not too late, you just have to catch up :meeting:
"Khud hi Ko Kar Buland Itna ki Khuda Bande se Khud Pooche, Bata Teri Raja Kya Hai?" :pakistan:
While investment are net the total amount invested by muslim countries theoretically since the existence of islam and practically since 10-15 years.It is not replicable on annual basis and the profit derived from this investment are already counted in GDP.

So NO,there is no chance that your Ummah's GDP would surpass that of EU.

Your Hindu extremism is blatant -see the bolded parts-

The Investments still count very much not just their interests, what is produced by them is irrelevant, its their value that counts.

My Ummah can destroy India's economy at any time, and Hinduism will be sent to sewage.

Your Hindu extremism is blatant -see the bolded parts-

The Investments still count very much not just their interests, what is produced by them is irrelevant, its their value that counts.

My Ummah can destroy India's economy at any time, and Hinduism will be sent to sewage.

How exactly is the "bolded" part sign of "blatant hindu extremism"? Whats wrong about saying "Your Ummah":undecided:

You on the other hand are talking about sending "Hinduism to sewage". Thats the problem with Muslims like you, peaceful coexistence is not an option for your kind.

There is a reason why Muslims are in conflict with every other religion of the world, its the people like you.

Muslims- Hindu
Muslims- Jews

Everyone seems to have problem with Muslims or Muslims have problem with everyone else?
If I put the 3 first as one, it leaves the Buddhists, which are not our enemies at all.

What about "since the existence of Islam" and "there is no chance that your Ummah's "

So you too is defending the blatant Hindu extremism, If you fail to detect the out of context hatred in those statements than your thinking pattern is also blinded by Hindu extremism.

The Muslim Ummah will prevail.
Why would Saudi share it's resouce with pak or India in the name of Islam. Are you watching what S happening in Europe. Haven't you learned from east Pakistan experience that united Islamic country will not stand.
Its funny how everyone thinks we would help other countries out just because they are members in OIC.

I wish Saudi Arabia had taken the lead in this respect 40 years ago and formed THINK TANKS and R&D and formed corporations that joined resources and built the economies of the Muslim World. Instead the Arabs squandered the money away gambling in Las Vegas and Monaco and fighting Iran-Iraq Wars.
Stop begging for money, Saudi resources are for Saudis.
If I put the 3 first as one, it leaves the Buddhists, which are not our enemies at all.

Yeah tell that to the Buddhists in Thailand killed by terrorists.

What about "since the existence of Islam" and "there is no chance that your Ummah's "

So you too is defending the blatant Hindu extremism, If you fail to detect the out of context hatred in those statements than your thinking pattern is also blinded by Hindu extremism.

The Muslim Ummah will prevail.

He was merely trying to answer your question about investment and whether it can be counted as part of the GDP or not. You guys have a habit of seeing Islamophobia in just about anything. Go back and read it again, this time take of the "omg every one is out to get muslims" glasses, might help you in understanding his post.

One little scratch and the disgusting face of people like you comes out to the surface. He was trying to help you and in return you disrespected Hinduism. Its very easy to disrespect a religion followed by 1Billion people, I could have paid you back in the same coin but then I don't have to, you are doing a good enough job of disrespecting your own religion.
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