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United against Iran


The cartoon is contradictory to itself. When the board says NO MUSLIMS as shown here, then it cannot admit Pakistan. :D If they have, then this is only the victimization that is often done by pretending to be victim.

This is not about religion alone; Iran's started making nuke plants for power. In a few years, all the countries will accept it.
Hussein said:
YOu are the one who were speaking about homosexuals . YOU.
You blamed a reformist to say he opposes the death penalty to homosexuals.

And yeah homosexuals get death penalty in Iran. stop your lies:
Iran: Two More Executions for Homosexual Conduct | Human Rights Watch

“homosexuality” is different from “homosexual conduct”. The first is just a sickness, the second is a crime.

Are you against the Islamic law.
You can't change Islam based on your whims. We are not banu Israel. We follow the teachings of the prophet. ;)

That shows who your so-called reformists are.

Hussein said:
fact is you think Islam is a taliban version . i don't have this taliban education as yours.
I followed Montazeri i am seyyed and from a conservative family even if myself i prefer reformists.

We should stand united behind Iranians and not allow interlopers like Israel and America use their proxies to implement their anti Muslim policies and killing of Muslims all around the world. As we have found out Israeli and Americans bombs and weapons do not distinguish between shia sunni etc

I don't think you should actually intervene here. Trust me, this won't be a good move. Haven't you guys suffered enough fighting other people's war? Just let this pass by and let Iran and US sort it out. If you take any side right now, there will simply be more trouble for the common Pakistani people.
خرن شما انیشتین What does it mean. This bit only : )

یعنی تمام ایرانی های اینجا بلا نسبت خرن شما انیشتین

that mean : are you saying all of Iranian members in PDF are donkeys and you are anishtain !?

I should add that my english isn't good as well ...

look like we trolled so much in this topic ....
I don't think you should actually intervene here. Trust me, this won't be a good move. Haven't you guys suffered enough fighting other people's war? Just let this pass by and let Iran and US sort it out. If you take any side right now, there will simply be more trouble for the common Pakistani people.
totally agree, we learnt our lessons by joing 'wot', we shudnt interfere anymore
You can't change Islam based on your whims. We are not banu Israel. We follow the teachings of the prophet. ;)
Israel obsession.
That shows who your so-called reformists are.
100% agree for the first time with you.

Just open your eyes: a lot of young people don't want to be considered muslims anymore.
Our faith will disappear as much as the extremism is harder and harder.
One day we'll see evangelists take our country ... and i know who i can blame for this: extremists.

Islam can as well be a message of peace , love, and as i was teached by Shariati or Montazeri this is a wonderful power to make the world better.

but you'll never get it it seems
You have no idea what you are talking about.

You don't even understand the difference between Banu Israel and the regime Israel, but you want to teach us the “true” Islam. :lol:

For your information Montazery's fatwa was that participants in homosexual conduct should be executed.

If you have no idea what Islam is, then please just shut your mouth.

Islam is religion of Justice ('adl).

In Quran, there is absolutely no message of “peace” for warmongers that invade Muslim lands, and systematically kill their women and children.

And your claim that the youth are turning away from Islam is not true.
You are judging that based on the people around you. (Birds of a feather flock together)
Even if it was true, it's not important at all. Justice should be served. Doesn't matter how many people hate it or like it.

THAT's the message of Quran.
You don't even understand the difference between Banu Israel and the regime Israel, but you want to teach us the “true” Islam. :lol:
Is it possible that one day you stop to speak about Israel for all the subjects?

For your information Montazery's fatwa was that participants in homosexual conduct should be executed.
wow what ignorant you are.
I wonder how fanatic like could know the words of Montazeri: your friend Khamenei never had any respect for him. Many grand ayatollahs could see their house stone in Qom.

Since you have no idea about fatwas from Montazeri I am giving an help to you:

Iranian Ayatollah Issues Fatwa Against Nukes
Montazeri against the nuclear bomb, following the ideas of Khomeini. By the way the sect Hojjatieh is FOR the nuclear bomb.
BBC News - Iran's dissident Grand Ayatollah Montazeri dies
A thorn in the establishment's side, Montazeri issued a fatwa condemning President Ahmadinejad's government after June's disputed election

And since you are so obsessed about homosexuality... and saying i am not Muslim
look at the words from the most important Grand Ayatollah in the world: Sistani:
Iraq: Sistani Renounces Fatwa on Gays | Islamopedia Online

You obviously have NO idea about Montazeri words. I knew him personnaly and proud of it.
Better you shut up before making lies on him.
If you have no idea what Islam is, then please just shut your mouth.

Islam is religion of Justice ('adl).

In Quran, there is absolutely no message of “peace” for warmongers that invade Muslim lands, and systematically kill their women and children.

And your claim that the youth are turning away from Islam is not true.
You are judging that based on the people around you. (Birds of a feather flock together)
Even if it was true, it's not important at all. Justice should be served. Doesn't matter how many people hate it or like it.

THAT's the message of Quran.
taliban :hitwall:
There is no doubt that the Saudi Wahhabi's will provide logistics to the Jewish state of Israelis to decapitate their only perceived and real threat from the only Shia theocracy in the world. The enemy of my enemy is a friend. Once Iran has been neutered, the Saudis will feel less challenged by the more vocal a nd suppressed Shias within their nations Eastern regions that may or may not get moral and pecuniary support from Iran.

The losers are going to be pretty much all shia minorities in the rest of the middle East who have long been under the boot of a largely Sunni population not particularly fond of the heretic Shia. and the Palestinians whos only real support has come through Hezbollah. The only group that Israel actually fears. The only group that actually has given Israel a bloody nose. The rest of the twenty something Muslim nations are loud and angry about the issue but thats as far as it goes in terms of pushing Israel on the issues of those people.

However the worst hypocrisy is, that the Saudis constantly run propaganda against the Jewish State and how horrific their acts are yet they will assist them against the Iranians.

Its all really interesting.
it sure is
you amircans are clever you convinced saudis that thier greatst threat is iran but isreal and usa are just friends
enjoy their oil money and land you played it well and of course the saudis will do anything for you good example that it is not just iran they promised aid to us then sayed no see what amirca want first they are baying weapons just to save your econmy they have fighters more than pilots
We were not talking about Nukes, were we? Khamenei is against nukes too. What's the point? Why do you bring nukes into this discussion?!

I said Montazery's fatwa on homosexual conduct is like the rest of scholars : execution.

Sistaany's fatwa on homosexual conduct is 'execution' too. But it's removed from his website, for various reason. He has Not revoked the fatwa.

Hussein said:
We were not talking about Nukes, were we? Khamenei is against nukes too. What's the point? Why do you bring nukes into this discussion?!

I said Montazery's fatwa on homosexual conduct is like the rest of scholars : execution.

Sistaany's fatwa on homosexual conduct is 'execution' too. But it's removed from his website, for various reason. He has Not revoked the fatwa.


dare esme jaryane enherafye hojjatieh ro miare shoma dige ta akharesho khodet boro, roo asab mire cherto pertash vali kollan arzeshesho nadare. har chi shoma bishtar Quote konid bishtar jalbe tavajjoh mikone.

Az ma goftan, :wave:
Ya Ali.
We were not talking about Nukes, were we? Khamenei is against nukes too. What's the point? Why do you bring nukes into this discussion?!

I said Montazery's fatwa on homosexual conduct is like the rest of scholars : execution.

Sistaany's fatwa on homosexual conduct is 'execution' too. But it's removed from his website, for various reason. He has Not revoked the fatwa.

I gave nuke and Ahmadinejad in the discussion as Grand Ayatollah Montazeri was against the way Iran was becoming
with this fake election that he made a fatwa about it (seems you want to ignore this fact lol)

Montazeri > pls shut up when you don't know.

Sistani > he revoked it. If you have problems to understand simple texts , what can i do for you?
The apparent about-turn from the religious leader came after two weeks of talks with the London office of the Iraqi gay and lesbian organisation LGBT, a clandestine network with members in many Iraqi towns.
I 'thanked' the OP because it is a thought-provoking line of thinking: A vast (and very large) Sunni majority country like Pakistan supporting a vast-Shia majority country. So there is food for thought here. I don't always 'thank' because I agree with a poster but I do so because, I firmly believe, there is no pure 'good' or 'evil' in this world and that 'truth' is usually in between, and that rationality will lead us to the real villains of humanity: A few hundred thousand war mongers...

Coming back to the topic, I am not sure I agree with this assertion that Iran is isolated, blah, blah. The Iranian govt. has taken upon itself the 'cause' of the Palestinians (who are being relegated to virtual slaves of Israelis) for whatever reasons and THAT'S why Iran seems isolated. Otherwise, Iran is far more democratic, far more liberal when compared with hell-holes like Somalia, Yemen, and, yes, Saudi Arabia.

Anyway, kudos to Pakistan! A country which is, in my opinion, a very South Asian country, but has enough of Arab, Persian, and Turks within itself to be true leader if/when the time comes...
I don't have to be here, you know. I could just stay silent. There will be no "accommodation".

An Israel that provides medical services and allows food and other supplies to be shipped to its sworn existential enemies is one that exercises either stupidity or nobility, depending on one's point of view, but to claim Israel "has brought hell" is to deny tons of fact and history in exchange for the belches of despots and their terrified subjects.

You are saying, "So what if I accede to the killing millions of Jews, some Jews will still remain" and you wonder why Pakistan is in the mess it is in today?

You actually ignored the context of my post , It was in a response of your, Either you are with us or you are the enemy, the choice which you were presenting to the Pakistanis, Pakistan shares a border with Iran,apart from geographical realities , we share Cultural ties with Iran.Now that doesn't mean Iran should be allowed to have nukes , and i neither support that notion and discourage those Pakistanis who willfully extend there support for an Iranian Nuclear Bomb.
What i actually see is the US has tough call to make in its pro Israeli stance which has now reached threshold.Since in the past Israel has been given protection under several UNSC vetos by the US to commit such huge war crimes that things like ,Allowing Food and Medics for Palestinians fade away.Not Allowing Food and Medics were the policies of Medevil age , we cant be bound to those in the Information age Solmon-2.Even Salahuddin sent physicians to the Leper of Jerusalem ,Balian, than why cant a Modern and Civilized State like Israel.!
Its not just Israel, the Arabs which have been the loyal customers of the US from the beginning , also see Iran as a threat and have been fighting a covert war with Iran spanned across Nations like Syria,Yemen,Iraq,Afghanistan,Pakistan,India motivated by Religious Fundamentalism.Supporting them would mean to Deny tons of History and Facts which the US has committed in its War on Terror and would be a joke to those innocent Americans who lost there lives on Sept 11 and those brave US military service men who gaved lives to fight for a righteous cause.

In the end the US has gaved the Iranian Regime a number of Legitimate Reasons to embark on a quest to Persue Nuclear Weapons,and that too in its support for Israel, One can deduce that the US will face unwanted and difficult results from such a flawed policy to tackle the Iranian Nuclear issue , which has been designed to avoid the unintended consequences.!
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