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United against Iran

Do you see any others?

You will be compelled to unless you change your mind.

I already did it. link

Is this the vision that moves you?

terrorist attacks !!! :disagree: good work

---------- Post added at 09:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ----------

Run away as always. Maybe he is talking to Taliban for "peace" and signing the surrender document.

:lol: ....
they think we are idiots !!!
No, I think Iran's leaders are clever people but have been stuck thinking of America as the uninformed if not demoralized nation they personally experienced in the late 1970s rather than the resolute and accomplished nation it is today.
No, I think Iran's leaders are clever people but have been stuck thinking of America as the uninformed if not demoralized nation they personally experienced in the late 1970s rather than the resolute and accomplished nation it is today.

:woot: :rofl:
The greater the weight of diplomatic weapons brought to bear, the more likely the military option can be avoided.

So the question for Pakistan and Pakistanis is: are you going to be on the side of Israel, the Arabs, the West, and the people of Iran or are you going to be in favor of smelly trades to fuel genocide and tyranny? Remember that if you say or do nothing you allow others to speak or do for you.
The greater the weight of diplomatic weapons brought to bear, the more likely the military option can be avoided.

So the question for Pakistan and Pakistanis is: are you going to be on the side of Israel, the Arabs, the West, and the people of Iran or are you going to be in favor of smelly trades to fuel genocide and tyranny? Remember that if you say or do nothing you allow others to speak or do for you.

We are on the side of Iran. And there is no possibility in hell that Pakistan is going to side with Israel, ever. The question is what you are going to do about that? We gave Iran the nuclear technology and stand proud. You do your own math. Do not try to scare us. We defeated USSR, in under a decade, something you and your friends could not do for 7 long decades. We also made you friends with China which benefited you greatly. The question is what YOU are going to do now. Become friend with Iran or else.
The greater the weight of diplomatic weapons brought to bear, the more likely the military option can be avoided.

So the question for Pakistan and Pakistanis is: are you going to be on the side of Israel, the Arabs, the West, and the people of Iran or are you going to be in favor of smelly trades to fuel genocide and tyranny? Remember that if you say or do nothing you allow others to speak or do for you.

it show's your problem :)

It sounds we don't understand each other.
As for Muslims, they have a word “God” in their vocabulary, which I can't find it in the American dictionary that's on Obama's famous table.

So we have totally different world views. When you say

solomon2 said:
the U.S. or Israel will exert a full range of forceful options to stop it, each with the full support of the other.
A Muslim would just laugh at that. Do you understand that?

We don't seem to be able to come to common terms.

It sounds we don't understand each other.
As for Muslims, they have a word “God” in their vocabulary, which I can't find it in the American dictionary that's on Obama's famous table.

So we have totally different world views. When you say

A Muslim would just laugh at that. Do you understand that?

We don't seem to be able to come to common terms.

این نمی فهمه :lol:
Iran, or the murder-minded mullahs' regime? Would you be so quick to bless Iran if it became the liberal democracy its youth on the street have demanded for years? If not, why?

Pakistanis (General Public - In fact We had much much better relations with Iran back in the day when Iran had liberal government) don't really care what kind of government Iran has.It's their internal matter.We support the Iranian People.Even the Iranians who don't like their government don't want US or Israel to attack Iran.Please don't tell me you are gonna bomb Iran for peace and bring democracy.
A Muslim would just laugh at that. Do you understand that?
Both Obama and I have something in common: we grew up with Muslims as neighbors and thus see nothing amiss in holding Iran (and Pakistan) to as high a level of moral conduct as we've experienced previously.

We don't seem to be able to come to common terms.
Then yield.
Iran's nuclear program is no threat to Israel or anyone else, it is extremely funny that a state with 200 plus nuclear weapons, is crying about a country that does not even have 1.
Did you forget the A-bomb was a joint U.S.-British effort?

Iran, or the murder-minded mullahs' regime? Would you be so quick to bless Iran if it became the liberal democracy its youth on the street have demanded for years? If not, why?

---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 AM ----------

"Sanctions against Iran passed 100-0, we never do that for anything! We are unanimous! We want to send a message to those who have predatory intent that the Senate is united."

- U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski, March 6, 2012

If USA attack them are you ready to support them in fight ????

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the headline a misrepresentation of the words of the high commissioner?

It's gone beyond that. For a limited time just two choices exist for the mullahs: to surrender their nuclear program for dismantlement or accept that the U.S. or Israel will exert a full range of forceful options to stop it, each with the full support of the other.

WOW, You son of Castle Bravo, Agent Orange, McDonald's, murderers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Haditha, Mahmudiyah killings, You rootless imbecile sitting there with your nation of trash culture of slavery, What was the last time these "murder-minded mullahs" killed as many innocent Iranians as you did in 1988? Let alone supporting Saddam during 8 years war.

What wars have you been a victor of? You have never fought a major war against an actual capable nation before! You always pick on the weak! Iraq was sanctioned because of the same reason,With the support of Britain and France in Persian Gulf you have done nothing to please Israelis.

Perhaps we shall produce nuclear weapons. Then the prospect of turning your fleet of buzzards into a heap of scrap becomes easily possible. :wave:
The greater the weight of diplomatic weapons brought to bear, the more likely the military option can be avoided.

So the question for Pakistan and Pakistanis is: are you going to be on the side of Israel, the Arabs, the West, and the people of Iran or are you going to be in favor of smelly trades to fuel genocide and tyranny? Remember that if you say or do nothing you allow others to speak or do for you.

Now that typical George Bush BS is rubbing off your head, if your not with us you are the enemy.

BTW to the core i am big supporter of the fact that Iran must not acquire a nuclear technology which could enable it to make Bombs however under some sort of IAEA monitoring Iran does have a legitimate right to persue and develope Nuclear Technology for peaceful intentions.

America has done huge blunder by imposing the sanctions on Iran and gaved a new life to the Iran's corrupt and religiously motivated Polito Buro.
Least to mention America certainly had the resources to aprroach and engage the Iranian Nuclear issue through alternative and diverse means but owing to its Imperialistic Ambitions in ME coupled with the intent to maintain Reagional Israeli Hegemony and the policy of appeasing the far more Dangerous and Religiously Fanatic Arabs who spent billions on buying US made Military Hardware, America has embarked on a coarse which will bring no good exept than to fan hostilities and to further justify the covert Iranian agenda of acquiring nukes.

One can totally see that In the end America will negotiate or to some extent accommodate the perception of a hidden Iranian Nuclear Bomb which will eventually prove fatal for jiguistic and bloodthirsty Israeli gov who has brought hell upon the Paletinian women and childeren and innocent men for quite a while now.
And solomon-2 take a chillpill , the end of Israel will certainly not mean the End of Jewish Civilization, no pun intended
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