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Unconfirmed : Bangladesh Army may acquire Khan (Bora) Ballistic missile from Turkey

I wonder why your women end up here, with all those macho men in Bangladesh. :rofl:

You seem to have a stunted childhood. Prostitutes in Bangladesh would move to India because it's a big business there. Indian men have no other option but to flock to brothels as they are globally recognized to be the least sexually desirable, even by your own leaders.

An entire nation with a prostitute complex, I see. Little wonder why your ruling class is literally whoring for us. ''It's just business''

While we dominate you, even in your country & shoots your illegals at the border. :D

You should probably worry about your own women being dominated by illegal Bangladeshis and present their kids as yours before indulging into your stunted imaginations. :lol:

As I said earlier, a military with a single unit AD will need to go a long way before anyone considers them a worthy challenger

You don't have a reputation for being an independent nation that puts its own interests first. That's not going to change any time soon.

Maybe it wasn't you, I was reading old posts here on this forum. Sorry if it wasn't you.

single AD unit??!!...lol....army also has fm90,hogagiri...
single AD unit??!!...lol....army also has fm90,hogagiri...

From Mirpur Papers, a bi-yearly professional journal published by your Defence Services Command & Staff College.

Written by Sqn Ldr Mohammad Ashraf Uddin Chowdhury. Mirpur Papers - Issue 26.



Your entire AD comprises of only ONE (no, that's not a typo) unit of 15 km range FM-90, which itself is a copy of 60s vintage French Crotale. And now the shelf life of the missiles are expiring with no replinishment order in sight...:lol:

You'll ''develop'' BMs. For sure. :rofl:
From Mirpur Papers, a bi-yearly professional journal published by your Defence Services Command & Staff College.

Written by Sqn Ldr Mohammad Ashraf Uddin Chowdhury. Mirpur Papers - Issue 26.

View attachment 772286
View attachment 772287

Your entire AD comprises of only ONE (no, that's not a typo) unit of 15 km range FM-90, which itself is a copy of 60s vintage French Crotale. And now the shelf life of the missiles are expiring with no replinishment order in sight...:lol:

You'll ''develop'' BMs. For sure. :rofl:
he talked about BAF,IDIOT..later baf bought necessary missiles with additional firing units...army also bought fm90s from the same source after 2015...now go back to ur slums ,rendi nd do ur "coolie,giri"...
Turkey unlike Iran has signed MTCR. So it must have a renage below 300 KM and around 200 KM. Russia is selling its ballistic sniper Iskander-E with 200 KM Range to its close African ally.

Bangladesh shouldn't expect more than 200 KM Range. However and despite the short range, it still is a good addition to the armed forces making them capable of pin point attack at close ranges.

Is it a quasi ballistic missile? Can its warhead maneuver?
he talked about BAF,IDIOT..later baf bought necessary missiles with additional firing units...army also bought fm90s from the same source after 2015...now go back to ur slums ,rendi nd do ur "coolie,giri"...

''later baf bought necessary missiles with additional firing units'' yeah right lol. :rofl:

The paper is from October 2017, genius. Where is the additional BAF order in that SIPRI document you posted?

And congrats for having 1 operational AD unit with your army. That too a 15 km range VSHORAD, a clone of a 1960s missile.

The oh, other name you used fits Bangladeshi ayeshas from Dhaka slum who end up in an Indian brothel. Aukaat mein rah.
''later baf bought necessary missiles with additional firing units'' yeah right lol. :rofl:

The paper is from October 2017, genius. Where is the additional BAF order in that SIPRI document you posted?

And congrats for having 1 operational AD unit with your army. That too a 15 km range VSHORAD, a clone of a 1960s missile.

The oh, other name you used fits Bangladeshi ayeshas from Dhaka slum who end up in an Indian brothel. Aukaat mein rah.
sipri doesnt necessarily update everythng on their site,rendi....we have many things which u cant find on sipri database..

nd talk about "aukaat" ?? ....:rofl::rofl:

hijra force(bsf) can only fight with innocent nd unarmed civilians...:D:D
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sipri doesnt necessarily update everythng on their site,rendi....we have many things which u cant find on sipri database..

So what's the source for the ''more missiles were ordered'' claim, Miss Dhaka-Ayesha-in-Sonagachi?? Did you pull that out of your rear?

It was a Squadron Leader of your AF who published that paper in 2017, about your single AD unit having almost expired missiles.

They want to develop BMs lol. :rofl:

And why should we even fight you again, as we already fought some of you- who were slaughtering the rest of you- in 1971? We already have enough lackeys in your country, to beat up anyone who protests Indian actions.

20 injured as BCL attacks anti-Modi protest on DU

This is your aukaat, getting thrashed in your own country for badmouthing Indians. And your sheepish people vote for the same goons who thrash you, giving our agent Hasina a whopping 95% majority. :D

So much for the ''we will develop nukes & BMs'' chest-thumping
sipri doesnt necessarily update everythng on their site,rendi....we have many things which u cant find on sipri database..

nd talk about "aukaat" ?? ....:rofl::rofl:View attachment 772291

hijra force(bsf) can only fight with innocent nd unarmed civilians...:D:D
ignore him, he is probably a teenager who doesn't get enough attention from his parents, so he comes in BD section for some attention
ignore him, he is probably a teenager who doesn't get enough attention from his parents, so he comes in BD section for some attention

In BD forum ''teenagers'' talk about turbopumps & ''patents'' while grown-ups think it's possible to build a BM in a country where the biggest achievement in metallurgy is making construction steel from ship scrap. :D

Are you living in an alternate reality or something?
Bangladesh shouldn't expect more than 200 KM Range. However and despite the short range, it still is a good addition to the armed forces making them capable of pin point attack at close ranges.

Is it a quasi ballistic missile? Can its warhead maneuver?

Range: 280 km. Quasi balistic? Maybe. I don't know.
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