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Unconfirmed : Bangladesh Army may acquire Khan (Bora) Ballistic missile from Turkey

Even more lmao...

25% less tax revenue than estimated. Can't cook up tax revenue like fake GDP figures, as it is hard cash...

Did you clean the river from dead bodies yet instead of writing from Chinese phones do something for mother endia :cry::cry:

Did you clean the river from dead bodies yet instead of writing from Chinese phones do something for mother endia :cry::cry:

Nah, we didn't bother as the water is flowing to our very own cesspool aka Bangladesh.
all competitions is killed by sky high duties and tot design are manufactured with lots of components imported from china .

I realized the duties were high only today.

So, how do we make Walton more productive?

We expose it to the foreign competition here in Bangladesh. We do that by dismantling the import protections and tariffs it currently enjoys. Obviously enough, one benefit is that we all get to enjoy those cheaper and possibly better-imported goods, at least unless and until Walton is as good as they are.


Bangladesh don't have any program for heavy machinery like basic road roller etc

Their railways have 4 track tamping machines or something. Doesn't look very industrialized to me.
Lower? I don't see how. Data is here.

India $7,332
Bangladesh $5,811

And then you have Bangladeshis doubting those figures. Like this: Questionable BBS GDP Statistics

Maybe your statistics office is as inefficient & incompetent as your science & technology sector.

From the mouth of your own media.... please go correct them quick...:flame:


India Falls Behind Bangladesh in Per Capita Income by $280

The per capita income of Bangladesh has now increased from $2,064 to $2,227.

Updated: May 23, 2021, 17:21 IST
Once described as a “bottomless basket" by US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Bangladesh is fast emerging as a bull economy, outpacing giant neighbour India in many indices of economic or human development.

Bangladesh Planning Minister MA Mannan informed the country’s cabinet last week that the per capita income of Bangladesh has now increased from $2,064 to $2,227.

Bangladesh’s per capita income is now $280 higher than India’s per capita income which is $1,947.

“Our per capita income stands at $2,227 in the fiscal year 2020-21 against the previous fiscal year’s per capita income was $2,064. So, the growth rate is 9 per cent," Bangladesh’s Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam told IANS.

In 2007, the per capita income of Bangladesh was half of that of India but it will overtake the giant neighbor in per capita GDP once again in 2025 if IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook is to be believed.

But what pleases Bangladeshis more is that they have left Pakistan far behind — a sort of sweet revenge for the genocide of 1971 in which three million Bengalis died and quarter of a million women were dishonored by the brutal Pakistan army trying to suppress the Bengali liberation struggle.

“My father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman took the right decision to break away from Pakistan in 1971. See where they are and where we are today," PM Sheikh Hasina told journalists recently.

Former Bangladesh Information and Telecom Minister Tarana Halim said: “Pakistan is a sinking ship because it developed a military-driven defence budget focused economy with substantial terror financing burden. Once the Awami League took charge in 2009, our leader Hasina focussed on human and economic development with strong trickle-down impacts. We have a stable civilian government and has benefited from good relations with India.

She rubbished some Western analysts who give micro-credit NGOs all credit for the country’s entire development success.

“Micro-credit NGOs don’t invest in health and education, infrastructure and connectivity which are the real drivers of growth. Our government invested heavily in these areas and the country is now reaping the benefits," Halim told IANS.

Halim also said foreign remittances have grown into a strong pillar of Bangladesh with inflow of nearly $3500 million expected in 2021.

“That is possible because our government has streamlined labour exports. We crack down hard on illegal migration because those who illicitly go abroad don’t send back remittance," said Halim, rubbishing charges by Indian Home Minister Amit Shah that Bangladeshis come to India because they don’t have enough food at home.

“We have achieved food security and few hundred thousand Indians work in Bangladesh," she said.
From the mouth of your own media.... please go correct them quick...:flame:

An LDC overtaking once- especially during the time of a pandemic-induced contraction-will surely make news. Not because it's impressive but because it's an LDC doing it.

And again falling behind in 2021, with that persistent 25% gap in PPP terms. Nothing unexpected there

And if you want anyone to take your GDP figures seriously, maybe you should stop washing your dirty laundry in public. Like this: Questionable BBS GDP Statistics
An LDC overtaking once- especially during the time of a pandemic-induced contraction-will surely make news. Not because it's impressive but because it's an LDC doing it.

And again falling behind in 2021, with that persistent 25% gap in PPP terms. Nothing unexpected there

And if you want anyone to take your GDP figures seriously, maybe you should stop washing your dirty laundry in public. Like this: Questionable BBS GDP Statistics

Angst and Denial in India as It’s Now Officially Poorer Than Bangladesh
The Indians on PDF are no-lifers.. as you can see they don't let up..

Even though I was having fun trolling them, I had to take a break to get work done but the Indians on here have no such commitments.. unemployed, unproductive sad sobs high on cow piss.
Even though I was having fun trolling them, I had to take a break to get work done but the Indians on here have no such commitments.. unemployed, unproductive sad sobs high on cow piss.

Not everyone is talented as you, the ''ballerina'' of pdf. We cannot make a living out of all that ''productive'' dancing. :sarcastic:

And oh, many of us are employed in professions which allow us a bit more time than 12-hour work shifts in your garment factories.
Not everyone is talented as you, the ''ballerina'' of pdf. We cannot make a living out of all that ''productive'' dancing. :sarcastic:

And oh, many of us are employed in professions which allow us a bit more time than 12-hour work shifts in your garment factories.

It's funny how mouthy and tasteful chest thumping is to you on an online forum. I live across an accommodation full of what look like South Indians/Tamils/Shiri Lankans, they're very well behaved people. Put their backpacks on to what I assume is to go study, although I find their combination of blue jeans and sandals a fashion shock. They don't look at no one, don't say a word. In essence they keep themselves to themselves.

Be like Mr DibbelDabbelDoo Rajeev, you aren't that giddy in person.
It's funny how mouthy and tasteful chest thumping is to you on an online forum. I live across an accommodation full of what look like South Indians/Tamils/Shiri Lankans, they're very well behaved people. Put their backpacks on to what I assume is to go study, although I find their combination of blue jeans and sandals a fashion shock. They don't look at no one, don't say a word. In essence they keep themselves to themselves.

Be like Mr DibbelDabbelDoo Rajeev, you aren't that giddy in person.

Eikhane bagh, bastobe biral.
It's funny how mouthy and tasteful chest thumping is to you on an online forum. I live across an accommodation full of what look like South Indians/Tamils/Shiri Lankans, they're very well behaved people. Put their backpacks on to what I assume is to go study, although I find their combination of blue jeans and sandals a fashion shock. They don't look at no one, don't say a word. In essence they keep themselves to themselves.

Be like Mr DibbelDabbelDoo Rajeev, you aren't that giddy in person.

I don't remember chest-thumping about anything in this thread, Mr. Raqibool. I guess Bangladeshis would find me reminding them about the state of technology in their country a bit offensive, given their delusions of grandeur.

Imagine the kind of ignorance one should have, to lecture Indians about ''aspirations in rocketry''. Read a book or something.

As for South Indians, one of them commanded an aircraft carrier to bomb shit-a-gong or whatever port you had when your red-dot-in-swamp-water flagged country didn't even exist. Another one of them conducted the largest military exercise since WWII & a bunch of other few shocked the world by ''imploding'' a nuclear device in what was essentially a ''Gandhian'' country.

I guess it's better not to mess with South Indians, Mr. Raqibool. We rather walk the talk.
I don't remember chest-thumping about anything in this thread, Mr. Raqibool. I guess Bangladeshis would find me reminding them about the state of technology in their country a bit offensive, given their delusions of grandeur.

Imagine the kind of ignorance one should have, to lecture Indians about ''aspirations in rocketry''. Read a book or something.

As for South Indians, one of them commanded an aircraft carrier to bomb shit-a-gong or whatever port you had when your red-dot-in-swamp-water flagged country didn't even exist. Another one of them conducted the largest military exercise since WWII & a bunch of other few shocked the world by ''imploding'' a nuclear device in what was essentially a ''Gandhian'' country.

I guess it's better not to mess with South Indians, Mr. Raqibool. We rather walk the talk.

Forget the grandeur and delusions and whatever else is in your vocabulary. Slap your self back to reality, slap your self into proper existence and have a ponder over the internet and see who the subject of ridicule, humour and joke is. You don't see Bangladeshis being the laughing stock, that's why the joke is on you. People like Jim Browning, Karl Rock are here for a reason. Sit back in your office in Guruji Gram and molest elderly people of their money, or better yet, this one is a reality check. Have a bath and tell your office internet coolies to stop whiffing like onions and garlic and other pungent bodily odours.

Man I remember this summer, how bad a fella I couldn't say no to wanted a car share. He was a good lad, but boy did he smell like his glands were releasing onions in the air. Winding my windows down every so often wasn't the one.

Even the trampiest Bengali is cleaning that you ilk. It's for a reason we know Indians to be smelly, whether a paaji or a Tamil. They all smell.
Forget the grandeur and delusions and whatever else is in your vocabulary. Slap your self back to reality, slap your self into proper existence and have a ponder over the internet and see who the subject of ridicule, humour and joke is. You don't see Bangladeshis being the laughing stock, that's why the joke is on you. People like Jim Browning, Karl Rock are here for a reason. Sit back in your office in Guruji Gram and molest elderly people of their money, or better yet, this one is a reality check. Have a bath and tell your office internet coolies to stop whiffing like onions and garlic and other pungent bodily odours.

Man I remember this summer, how bad a fella I couldn't say no to wanted a car share. He was a good lad, but boy did he smell like his glands were releasing onions in the air. Winding my windows down every so often wasn't the one.

Even the trampiest Bengali is cleaning that you ilk. It's for a reason we know Indians to be smelly, whether a paaji or a Tamil. They all smell.

lol, wut? Says who? :rofl:

The face of poverty everywhere, from the UK to the US to the EU, the infamous ''boat people'' who risk their lives to cross the border, end up working at an ''Indian restaurant'' & smelling like unwashed dishes?


I can smell this picture from here... It smells of stale vindaloo... :rofl:

It takes a special kind of incompetence & downright inferiority to be a Bangladeshi, to scrape the bottom of the barrel everywhere you go.

It's not better back in the home-swamp, where your slave women work for a few cents an hour in unsafe factories. And no one gives a damn about that until it all collapses on their heads. Imagine being that ''disposable''.

I understand that disparaging India & Indians is a coping mechanism for you, to preserve that modicum of self-respect.

The same India which put you on a map, looted you as payment, continues to extract billions from you in trade, denies you water, shoots your illegals, opens barrages without warning & controls your political class.

The very same India against which you can't even protest publically in your very own country, or you will be beaten up or even killed by the Indian slave-party's goons. :lol:


Imagine being this worthless, to end up as bottom feeders everywhere & to be controlled as if on a leash. And imagine being delusional enough to claim ''superiority'' over your master.

Your kind is truly special.
If toilet-less India can do it, so can we.

It's about dreaming big.. fellows who licked invader boots for nearly a millennia are not expected to understand the meaning of the word 'Aspiration'.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

We are gonna eat grass but we are gonna get our Nuclear bomb.
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