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Unbelievable Racism towards Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest, Euro mob made under age Girls cry

Germans and Italians are not the same race. Completely different haplogroups. Italians are southern Mediterranean mixed with all kinds of Arab. Germans are northern European and come from different genetics.

That's what makes your racism so entertaining, considering you're a Mudd blood. And I won't treat Anyone badly. The world and karma will take care of people who deserve it. I just state facts


1. cats are cool. I like my cat.

2. racially impure? germans and italians are same race. Beside that heterosis effect :D

3. catholic child molesters? You should not go that deep down buddy.

4. russian might? one small state of germany like hamburg has a bigger economy than all off russia.

5. musky scent of fear? We know what a deodorant is. umfortunatelly many others of our "eastern" pals not.

p.s. i know you are just joking. :D
Germans and Italians are not the same race. Completely different haplogroups. Italians are southern Mediterranean mixed with all kinds of Arab. Germans are northern European and come from different genetics.

That's what makes your racism so entertaining, considering you're a Mudd blood. And I won't treat Anyone badly. The world and karma will take care of people who deserve it. I just state facts

You dont state facts, you state bullshits. There simply are no human races. Thats why i find this bullshit here so amusing. Considering the fact how many german women were martied to roman men makes your bla bla even more amusing.

oh and for mudd blood...the simple biologic fact is, that children from people of mixed origin are always genetic gods. Its called heterosis effect. The greater the genome of the parents varies, the stronger are the childs. :)
And the Winner Is.



Europe declares Queen Conchita the Eurovision Song Contest winner | Metro News

What the hell is this? How can people vote for this? Do they think its funny?

OMG....you know the world is going to shitter when ppl vote for this....i mean seriously...WTF


Sodom and Gomorrah

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Why? Drag Queens are an integral part of your bangladesh culture. You even made a law to let them be a third gender.

BBC News - Bangladesh rally to support transgenders

I have been living in US for last thirty years so yes i know about drag queens. What i am disturbed about is by his look. I mean he s got that pretty face thanks to make up but the beard...thas fucked up....even u know it man, comon
I have been living in US for last thirty years so yes i know about drag queens. What i am disturbed about is by his look. I mean he s got that pretty face thanks to make up but the beard...thas fucked up....even u know it man, comon

Its funny. Let him be. He doesn´t hurt anyone.
Its funny. Let him be. He doesn´t hurt anyone.

Nobody said he/she (whatever) should be crucified but promoting this to the mainstream public ? Children are watching and saying to themselves that it's "cool" and "the modern way".That's not ok man,not ok...
Nobody said he/she (whatever) should be crucified but promoting this to the mainstream public ? Children are watching and saying to themselves that it's "cool" and "the modern way".That's not ok man,not ok...

Its more ok that toy guns.
All these small European countries jealous of Russia. How big is Romania? How many square kilometers? :lol:
I think a Croatian or Austrian or Finnish does not care about Russia at all, and even Romanians

And the Winner Is.



Europe declares Queen Conchita the Eurovision Song Contest winner | Metro News

What the hell is this? How can people vote for this? Do they think its funny?
First lesbians and now this, I think they are pushing this gay thing too much on us, I am completely ok with gays but I see no reason to promote gay people, seems like in near future we will be ashamed&excused of not being but again you cannot protests against this cause the bastard sings real good :D
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