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UN Security Council to meet after Turkey strikes against Kurds in Syria

Large majority of Australians did'nt support that move, They protested for days against their own govt.. While here you see almost blanket support for obvious illegitimate and wrong move by turkey.. Two different things

And i reiterate the hypocrisy on these pages by most Pakistani's are astounding, And all the while you expect others to support your cause on Kashmir ?? Ever wonder why the rest of the world is'nt too much bothered about your complaints ?

No ones stopping legitimate refugee's entering the country.. Australia is one of the countries with highest refugee grants in the world.. in 2011 alone they accepted 2% of all refugee's in the world

But that does'nt mean they have to accept every pseudo economic migrants/Third world extremist or Criminal fleeing prosecution with open arms.. Come through the right channels and no one will be rejected
I am merely pointing out that Australians dont have moral high grounds to preach others on human rights. And its the government stance I am talking about. Ordinary citizens will fall on all parts of the spectrum and that is not the issue here. And yes we do raise Kashmir issue every chance we get, but we dont count on Australia to back our stance. Clearly they have already labelled it a bilateral issue. I pointed out the duplicity on how western countries cry about human rights when it suits them.
PS, why are the Kurds even holding ISIS fighters? As bargaining chips for aid? Those countries in the West should take their citizens back and put them on trial and jail them accordingly. That is also a human right.
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