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UN refused to interfare between India and Pakistan

Didnt US and UN call for bilateral engagement to resolve this issue? By pressure if you mean spanking Indias a$$ to negotiation table then to your regret that will only happen in porno movies.

lol..guess thats is the only pressure US/UN are capable of exerting on India.
Where as India has already clarified its position under what conditions India will talk to Pakistan.

What ever happened to UNMOGIP..were Pakistani able to prove to them that shelling was initiated by India?..If so when can we expect condemnation from them?
India simply tell if you want talks stop firing and sending pigs across the border, else strictly no to talks.
So we go to war. Big deal.

ya take out that White Horse which you are keeping for so long in your Garage!!

& also that Sword which you used to cut vegetables.........

Don't forget the "Lal-topi"
It's Good News indeed...We made sure UN wouldn't object and call it bilateral issue when uprising in Kashmir starts...;)
India is ready for talk only if you stop terrorism and violation of ceasefire.

Now, go and cry again to UN.

Well it takes two hands to make a clap so if you are assuming that pakistan will unilaterally hold its espionage activities against india then u r a bigger fool that u look.
lol..guess thats is the only pressure US/UN are capable of exerting on India.
Where as India has already clarified its position under what conditions India will talk to Pakistan.
It's Good News indeed...We made sure UN wouldn't object and call it bilateral issue when uprising in Kashmir starts...;)
ya take out that White Horse which you are keeping for so long in your Garage!!

& also that Sword which you used to cut vegetables.........

Don't forget the "Lal-topi"

Swords are used by the likes of Modi.

We will come with Kalashnikovs.

instead the UN should have pointed out the conditions in UN resolutions and asked pakistan to withdraw its military from J&K & Azad kashmir hand it over to india for 10 years and talk of plebicite after fulfilling those 2 conditions

and furthur till pakistan does not comply to those 2 conditions

not to come running to UN whenever thier asses gets whacked

Nobody's willing to talk about it. They act as if the complaining party doesnt exist.

Options are scare and the options which are proposed wont work out and will exist only in the mind of the excited ones who thing they are invincible while their geography is alarmingly stooping down to anarchy and chaos.
Well it takes two hands to make a clap so if you are assuming that pakistan will unilaterally hold its espionage activities against india then u r a bigger fool that u look.

Espionage?..you mean terrorist activities?
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