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UN: Pakistan Judges Pressured To Use Blasphemy Law

That's something you are saying.

The mullah who has come to convert me is not going to take it so positively. HE WILL accuse me of insulting Mohammad by refusing to believe his teachings.

If you do convert just to avoid the wrath of the Mullah, you will not be a muslim, rather a Aeteqadi Munafiq. (whats the english term for it?)

So, it does not make much of a difference really.

That Mullah is just as Non-Muslim as other non-muslims.
If you knew Kayani you;d know that he is a strong believer in secularism and the same with Musharraf. they both drink and they both were heavily west leaning.
I responded to Asim Aquils post where he said that Army does not use extremism as a policy and so I asked how Musharraf did not use extremism? I did not ask about whether he was secular or not, but he used the extremist elements.

How doesn't that make Musharraf Islamist and Kiyani is not secular person he often visits different religious scholars and his speeches have also made it clear that he is not secular and as staying on the topic Judge has nothing to do with it the Police brings the case in front of the Judge if the Police brings the case under Blashmey Law the Judge has to listen to it according to the Law
I responded to Asim Aquil's post where he said that Army does not use extremism as a policy and so I asked how Musharraf did not use extremism? I did not ask about whether he was secular or not, but he used the extremist elements.
Secularism is the kufr and a failed concept and nothing else Islam is the only way forward not only for Pakistan but for the whole world and judges are not forced if a case is registered under Blashmey Law than they have to judge according to the same law

Please write it as TRUE form of Islam !
Most of muslim countries disqualifies in following Islam rightly due to Fanatic Mullahs & Hate preaching Madarsas who brainwash youth for their own benefits !

Mr Islam orders to uses force on many occasions that too is part of Islam if you are ashamed of being a Muslim or Islam that is another issue but don't try to hide order of Islam from the world that will never ever work Mr

Use of force against evil is suggested by almost all religions in world. But apart from use of force, Islam teaches peace, compassion, brotherhood, building kirdaar (character), respecting life & faiths of non-believers, etc. what about that??? I see no so called ISLAMIC nation is ready to accept other aspects that Islam teaches.

Its just a hate game, west want unrest in south asia to exploit our resources, china wants to dominate south-asian market by fueling enemity among & engaging south asian nations in war-like conditions hindering their own growth, nations like saudi want to dominate entire muslim world. All this is spreading radicalism or fueling untrue form of islam.

Everybody is using Islam for their own benefit. Think about that Boss !
Please write it as TRUE form of Islam !
Most of muslim countries disqualifies in following Islam rightly due to Fanatic Mullahs & Hate preaching Madarsas who brainwash youth for their own benefits !

Use of force against evil is suggested by almost all religions in world. But apart from use of force, Islam teaches peace, compassion, brotherhood, building kirdaar (character), respecting life & faiths of non-believers, etc. what about that??? I see no so called ISLAMIC nation is ready to accept other aspects that Islam teaches.

Its just a hate game, west want unrest in south asia, china wants to dominate south-asian market by fueling enemity among & engaging south asian nations in war-like conditions hindering their own growth, nations like saudi want to dominate entire muslim world. All this spreading radicalism or fueling untrue form of islam.

Everybody is using Islam for their own benefit. Think about that Boss !
Yes Sir Islam teaches brotherhood love and tolerance but for those who ask for it but those who ask for war through their actions or words they will get war and guns and weapons fire not love and brotherhood that is the policy and order of Islam
Please write it as TRUE form of Islam !
Most of muslim countries disqualifies in following Islam rightly due to Fanatic Mullahs & Hate preaching Madarsas who brainwash youth for their own benefits !

Use of force against evil is suggested by almost all religions in world. But apart from use of force, Islam teaches peace, compassion, brotherhood, building kirdaar (character), respecting life & faiths of non-believers, etc. what about that??? I see no so called ISLAMIC nation is ready to accept other aspects that Islam teaches.

Its just a hate game, west want unrest in south asia to exploit our resources, china wants to dominate south-asian market by fueling enemity among & engaging south asian nations in war-like conditions hindering their own growth, nations like saudi want to dominate entire muslim world. All this is spreading radicalism or fueling untrue form of islam.

Everybody is using Islam for their own benefit. Think about that Boss !

Lol don't listen to him. People like him would be barred from mosques here in NYC. The Qur'an preaches peace and to turn the cheek type of behavior. Violence is only justified in defense.
you will have to face punishment not believing him PROPHET is your faith

Face this!! No seriously, you serve a very important function, reminding people what "real" Islam is all about - it's much appreciated.:cheers:
. . . .
I've already suggested that secularism is the only way forward for pakistan. Islam and secularism does not necessarily conflict anywhere.

Just read the first commandment and you will come up with the conflict. The Abraham based religions has no place for secularism. West had dissociated church from state centuries ago, so most christian majority states are relatively free of religious fanaticism.

In Asia and Africa most Muslim countries are still not able to shed Islamic Utopian dream. In there universe Islam is best and unquestionable. The secularism is blasphemy. For them secularism implies silence; its not the same as questioning any traditional practice in the modern context.
Communication gap between Allah and Muslims
Durdana Najam

It is not the first time that I have come out feeling odd from a seminary. It has been so ever since I started visiting different madrassas to understand Islam. The atmosphere always reeked tangibly, besides a stink of hypocrisy of ***** and disorder. The devotion with which I find seminaries imparting book knowledge to their disciples nevertheless misses making the latter observant Muslims. Committing the Quran to memory and thumping the breast for show is more pronounced in contemporary Islamic culture then the ability to follow the guidance laid out in the Book.

There is a communication gap between Allah and Muslims. The manifestation of this gap is in the ritualisation of Islam, which has laid Muslims bare to attack from the west, aiming to dominate the power structures of the world. Does it matter if a person is not a Muslim but a good human being? Does it matter if a person is a Muslim and not a good human being? Both these situations have different implications, consequences, and fallouts. A non-Muslim with good behaviour is the follower of a religion that has various shades and complexities to it. No religion except Islam can claim to have its Scripture undiluted and unmodified. In fact, most of religions have more than one perception of God. The variety in Gods divides people not only along religious lines but also along their belief systems. Though Islam is divided into 72 sects, each with a different interpretation, the codification of law pertaining to the Quran has enjoined Muslims to remain within a certain frame of reference, thus uniting them one way or the other with the oneness of God and the authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the last prophet. The beauty of Islam unlike any other religion is that a Muslim cannot talk loosely against any prophet or the Holy Scripture, in spite of modifications in the latter. A good Muslim would not badmouth any religion. This element of unmodified scripture lays a heavy onus on a Muslim. Thus, the thesis that a Muslim should necessarily be a good human being becomes obvious. He has little margin to go wrong and to hide behind an unsolicited holy text.

There is a growing concern among people regarding Muslims becoming overzealous in their following of Islam. The indication is clearly about Islamic fundamentalism that has consumed a million in wars that raged mainly in Iraq and Afghanistan, with its fallout for Pakistan and Yemen as well. Islamic fundamentalism points to a desire of Muslims reverting to the lost glory that once had them rule the world undisputedly. The question is why Muslims chose to become fanatical to regain that glory when an easier way was available, given the development of Islamic states. Conflict of interest explains the reason for this mindless journey to an invisible destination. Islamic states or to be more precise, Islamic head of states have had little interest in revisiting history to locate the wrongs and straighten things up. They have been complacent in ravines of petrodollar that until today have not stopped flowing. As technology boomed and petroleum products became a sine qua non for progress, the focus of the west shifted towards the Middle East.

Armed with capitalism, the west had no appetite to colonise the Middle East. To manifest liberal democratic norms, at home and abroad, the west under the US’s hegemony adopted the detour of a charm offensive. The carving out of Israel in the middle of the Middle East, and the splitting of Palestine into smithereens in the post-WW II era hammered the first nail in the coffin of Muslims. The deserts grew green and souls withered. The technological progress of the industrialised west changed the skylines of the simmering Arab peninsula. The camel rovers now had Jaguars, Mercedes, BMWs and private planes at their disposal; why wait for heaven, when it is already there, a few dollars and perhaps, a few misgivings away). Some Muslim leaders of the 1970s felt the pinch and wanted to return some sanity to Islamic thinking, but the hawks sitting in the CIA and Pentagon got the ground cleansed, in a matter of years, of any leader thinking straight about an Islamic world. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia paid with their lives for the joint venture of conducting the Islamic Summit Conference in Lahore. The rest were an easy sell. Thereafter, it was smooth sailing. Colonel Gaddafi though kept the US sour much longer, but the winds of the Arab Spring blew more in favour of the west than Muslims.

Every nation has a right to defend itself. Be it Christian, Muslim, or Jew. If a Muslim state is unable to guard its honour, the blame cannot be shifted onto the west. International politics do not depend on emotional decisions. The plague of intolerance ravaging Muslims is making matters worse for tolerant and liberal Muslims. Radical Islam is now applying its grip on Indonesia as well, a country known for its tolerant brand of Islam and being an example of how Islam and democracy are not incompatible. Indonesia is seeing religious freedom succumbing to the will of intolerant Muslims. In Aceh alone, 17 churches have been closed down. Local governments all over Indonesia are forced to follow the policy of ‘zero church’. The Ahmediyya community is the hardest hit; violent attacks and death chases have become a regular feature for them. Earlier this month, radicals attacked a lecture by the Liberal Canadian Muslim, Irshad Manji.

This charged atmosphere little serves the interests of Muslims.
The hunt for lost glory should not emulate a rampaging disorder. Instead of repelling people by forcing Islam down their throats, a better idea would be to let it grow on others through its manifestation as prescribed in the Quran. A tough deal indeed.

The writer is a member of staff and can be reached at durdananajam456@hotmail.com
The problem in Pakistan has been that our leaders since the time of ZAB have been pandering to the whim of a small minority that as Muse but it somewhere want to force us through the gates of heaven.
Whoops!!! Indians going bezerk in this thread!!!!
The problem in Pakistan has been that our leaders since the time of ZAB have been pandering to the whim of a small minority that as Muse but it somewhere want to force us through the gates of heaven.

Aryan, look at how that minority reacts when they are acted upon - when they get a taste of what it may be like to be treated as a despised minority, maybe they will understand that their safety, their security, their respect, their dignity, can only be guaranteed, when they are seen to standing for the security of ALL, for the equality of ALL, for the respect of ALL, for the dignity of ALL

So far these people have had a free ride, generally they are from vulnerable sections of society and are easy prey for conversion because they don't really have a rooting in the meaning of Islam, they know the rituals alright, The radicals in arabia buy them easy with jobs in arabia, and schooling under the radicals of arabia and such --- but win our approval? certainly not.
Communication gap between Allah and Muslims
Durdana Najam

It is not the first time that I have come out feeling odd from a seminary. It has been so ever since I started visiting different madrassas to understand Islam. The atmosphere always reeked tangibly, besides a stink of hypocrisy of ***** and disorder. The devotion with which I find seminaries imparting book knowledge to their disciples nevertheless misses making the latter observant Muslims. Committing the Quran to memory and thumping the breast for show is more pronounced in contemporary Islamic culture then the ability to follow the guidance laid out in the Book.

There is a communication gap between Allah and Muslims. The manifestation of this gap is in the ritualisation of Islam, which has laid Muslims bare to attack from the west, aiming to dominate the power structures of the world. Does it matter if a person is not a Muslim but a good human being? Does it matter if a person is a Muslim and not a good human being? Both these situations have different implications, consequences, and fallouts. A non-Muslim with good behaviour is the follower of a religion that has various shades and complexities to it. No religion except Islam can claim to have its Scripture undiluted and unmodified. In fact, most of religions have more than one perception of God. The variety in Gods divides people not only along religious lines but also along their belief systems. Though Islam is divided into 72 sects, each with a different interpretation, the codification of law pertaining to the Quran has enjoined Muslims to remain within a certain frame of reference, thus uniting them one way or the other with the oneness of God and the authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the last prophet. The beauty of Islam unlike any other religion is that a Muslim cannot talk loosely against any prophet or the Holy Scripture, in spite of modifications in the latter. A good Muslim would not badmouth any religion. This element of unmodified scripture lays a heavy onus on a Muslim. Thus, the thesis that a Muslim should necessarily be a good human being becomes obvious. He has little margin to go wrong and to hide behind an unsolicited holy text.

There is a growing concern among people regarding Muslims becoming overzealous in their following of Islam. The indication is clearly about Islamic fundamentalism that has consumed a million in wars that raged mainly in Iraq and Afghanistan, with its fallout for Pakistan and Yemen as well. Islamic fundamentalism points to a desire of Muslims reverting to the lost glory that once had them rule the world undisputedly. The question is why Muslims chose to become fanatical to regain that glory when an easier way was available, given the development of Islamic states. Conflict of interest explains the reason for this mindless journey to an invisible destination. Islamic states or to be more precise, Islamic head of states have had little interest in revisiting history to locate the wrongs and straighten things up. They have been complacent in ravines of petrodollar that until today have not stopped flowing. As technology boomed and petroleum products became a sine qua non for progress, the focus of the west shifted towards the Middle East.

Armed with capitalism, the west had no appetite to colonise the Middle East. To manifest liberal democratic norms, at home and abroad, the west under the US’s hegemony adopted the detour of a charm offensive. The carving out of Israel in the middle of the Middle East, and the splitting of Palestine into smithereens in the post-WW II era hammered the first nail in the coffin of Muslims. The deserts grew green and souls withered. The technological progress of the industrialised west changed the skylines of the simmering Arab peninsula. The camel rovers now had Jaguars, Mercedes, BMWs and private planes at their disposal; why wait for heaven, when it is already there, a few dollars and perhaps, a few misgivings away). Some Muslim leaders of the 1970s felt the pinch and wanted to return some sanity to Islamic thinking, but the hawks sitting in the CIA and Pentagon got the ground cleansed, in a matter of years, of any leader thinking straight about an Islamic world. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia paid with their lives for the joint venture of conducting the Islamic Summit Conference in Lahore. The rest were an easy sell. Thereafter, it was smooth sailing. Colonel Gaddafi though kept the US sour much longer, but the winds of the Arab Spring blew more in favour of the west than Muslims.

Every nation has a right to defend itself. Be it Christian, Muslim, or Jew. If a Muslim state is unable to guard its honour, the blame cannot be shifted onto the west. International politics do not depend on emotional decisions. The plague of intolerance ravaging Muslims is making matters worse for tolerant and liberal Muslims. Radical Islam is now applying its grip on Indonesia as well, a country known for its tolerant brand of Islam and being an example of how Islam and democracy are not incompatible. Indonesia is seeing religious freedom succumbing to the will of intolerant Muslims. In Aceh alone, 17 churches have been closed down. Local governments all over Indonesia are forced to follow the policy of ‘zero church’. The Ahmediyya community is the hardest hit; violent attacks and death chases have become a regular feature for them. Earlier this month, radicals attacked a lecture by the Liberal Canadian Muslim, Irshad Manji.

This charged atmosphere little serves the interests of Muslims.
The hunt for lost glory should not emulate a rampaging disorder. Instead of repelling people by forcing Islam down their throats, a better idea would be to let it grow on others through its manifestation as prescribed in the Quran. A tough deal indeed.

The writer is a member of staff and can be reached at durdananajam456@hotmail.com
Again an article by one of those bunch of ashamed Muslims who are ashamed of everything they have or they belong to they are basically mental slaves of America and other forces of Kufr

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