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UN declares 'World YOGA Day'......

I think you are just the person I was looking for.......
I want to practice meditation but unable to concentrate.....I searched online for techniques but they are not satisfactory.....
Can you help me with the different forms and techniques of meditation??.....I have lots of questions regarding this, if you wish, you can give me your email address....or I can ask all those questions in this thread itself if you say........

Just read few techniques from a book called
Buddha Mind n Buddha body written by some Vieatnami Buddhist....
Learn techniques for first few days to attain a hold of sense of consciousness ....
Best time to practice either in morning or before sleep in night(but should make sure that at least 1hr or 2hr after your dinner)....
Don't need to practice breathing techniques initially......
Don't worry dear I will be here to assist you....
Who was opposed to it?

I didn't see pakisthan's fag on the infograph.

Penguin Yoga
.........The resolution on 'International Day of Yoga' was introduced by India's ambassador to UN Asoke Mukerji and had 175 nations joining as co-sponsors, the highest number ever for any general assembly resolution.

It is also for the first time that such an initiative has been proposed and implemented by any country in the UN body in less than 90 days.

Through the resolution, adopted under the agenda of 'Global Health and Foreign Policy,' the 193-member general assembly decided to proclaim June 21 every year as the 'International Day of Yoga'.

It recognised that Yoga "provides a holistic approach to health and well-being" and that wider the dissemination of information about benefits of practising Yoga would be beneficial for the health of the world population........
In suggesting June 21 as the International Day of Yoga, Modi had said that the date, one of the two solstices, is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world.....

UN declares June 21 as 'International Day of Yoga' - The Times of India

:) ... :) ... :)
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