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ULFA urges Dhaka to 'stop crackdown’

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All were hypothetical yet.. if there were a full scale war between India and China which will bring in Pakistan into picture as well. In that pequliar scenario ofcourse Bangladesh's decision to take side will be great deal to India. If BD supporst China than its not BD but India will be surrounded. I presume China will put a knock out blow to its Chicken neck and separate India from its eastern wing. Then with China-BD force along with all those tribes will backed by Chinese air power will be a formidable force to take over Calcutta in no time. Also there will be a big push from south china sea to the Bay of Bengal and I presume Andaman will be under Chinese Control in no time with Myanmarese supplying logistics..

Mannnnn .. i cant think of anymore.... India is doomed. :devil:
IF there is a full scale war between India and China
1)Armour is useless
2)PLAN won't engage in IOR nor IN will engage in South-china sea
3)All the neighbours port in South Asia will be wrecked off so no trade will happen
4)IN will be patrolling near Molacca (Myanmar helping China is a no goner since they are compelled to be neutral)
(So is Sri Lanka)
5)The Indian airspace will be blocked so no air transport to BD
6)No army on earth can send armour or artillery across the Himalayas(they are the worlds greatest geographical barrier)
7)The Chinese LoCs will be strecthed across Tibet a blunder since its through a sort of hostile territory
8)It will be a missile war
9)Pakistans collar will not be released by US
In case of a friendly regime in BD we will be using BD territory for transit supplies neutrality will not be an option
In case of Khaleda Zia the entire infrastructure of BD except railways will be rendered useless and you will be forced to negotiate
All were hypothetical yet.. if there were a full scale war between India and China which will bring in Pakistan into picture as well. In that pequliar scenario ofcourse Bangladesh's decision to take side will be great deal to India. If BD supporst China than its not BD but India will be surrounded. I presume China will put a knock out blow to its Chicken neck and separate India from its eastern wing. Then with China-BD force along with all those tribes will backed by Chinese air power will be a formidable force to take over Calcutta in no time. Also there will be a big push from south china sea to the Bay of Bengal and I presume Andaman will be under Chinese Control in no time with Myanmarese supplying logistics..

Mannnnn .. i cant think of anymore.... India is doomed. :devil:

By the same logic of your thinking i will say that martians will descend upon earth and smite China, Pakistan and BD back.

Use sense and reality while posting any kind of 'analysis'.
I wonder sometimes if India-Bangladesh war does not take place in next 3-7 years what will these bangladeshi think-tank experts of PDF going to do.....We must appreciate efforts of The few and renegade to uplift the morale of their pathetic self by blabbering rubbish untiringly...both have tremendous talent and imagination to write fairytale and we should welcome them to write stories in bollywood? what wonderful imagination !?Bangladesh navy taking on Indian Navy! hahaha! Keep going guys?I am really enjoying ur fictions?.
Who did propose a war between Bd and India? The hypothesis indicates a war between China and India, then what role BD can play in that war?
Who did propose a war between Bd and India? The hypothesis indicates a war between China and India, then what role BD can play in that war?

The only role Bangladesh is gonna play is neutral..Bangladesh wont risk a war with India which will result in the economic destruction of Bangaldesh..
Who did propose a war between Bd and India? The hypothesis indicates a war between China and India, then what role BD can play in that war?

As per you, BD would be sinking the '18th century Indian Navy' with 'hundreds of fast attack boats' no doubt.

No role, is the answer. Get that clear.
Who did propose a war between Bd and India? The hypothesis indicates a war between China and India, then what role BD can play in that war?

Role BD can play in that war = Neutral

All were hypothetical yet.. if there were a full scale war between India and China which will bring in Pakistan into picture as well. In that pequliar scenario ofcourse Bangladesh's decision to take side will be great deal to India. If BD supporst China than its not BD but India will be surrounded. I presume China will put a knock out blow to its Chicken neck and separate India from its eastern wing. Then with China-BD force along with all those tribes will backed by Chinese air power will be a formidable force to take over Calcutta in no time. Also there will be a big push from south china sea to the Bay of Bengal and I presume Andaman will be under Chinese Control in no time with Myanmarese supplying logistics..

Mannnnn .. i cant think of anymore.... India is doomed. :devil:

The only role Bangladesh is gonna play is neutral..Bangladesh wont risk a war with India which will result in the economic destruction of Bangaldesh..

Please look at the map. Even if BD remains as neutral as Switzerland, it will be difficult for India to contain Chinese onslaught and ULFA guerrillas. India will be humiliated and your NE will become a free country patronized by China. Neutrality means, Indian forces cannot take shelter or cross the territories of BD.

You have to also understand that in India-Pakistan war China will not come to its rescue. But, you can rest assured that in a China-India war, Pakistan will attack your western border. So, you can see that a BD neutrality does not help India in that hypothetical war.
Please look at the map. Even if BD remains as neutral as Switzerland, it will be difficult for India to contain Chinese onslaught and ULFA guerrillas. India will be humiliated and your NE will become a free country patronized by China. Neutrality means, Indian forces cannot take shelter or cross the territories of BD.
ULFA cant do jack$hit in NE. They can occasionally explode a couple of bombs. Thats all they have been reduced to. You give them TOO much credit. They cant do anything anymore.

And i question China's ability to penetrate NE beyond Arunachal Pradesh-and that is when taking a very lean view.

In effect, there is nothing to say for Bangladesh being crucial at all to such a conflict.

You have to also understand that in India-Pakistan war China will not come to its rescue. But, you can rest assured that in a China-India war, Pakistan will attack your western border. So, you can see that a BD neutrality does not help India in that hypothetical war.
And im assuming that the Pakistani premier has himself confided in you that incase of an Indo-Chinese war, they would jump in?
The way you are talking about being 'rest assured', i assume you know things that others don't.

Puh lease, this dont let your fantasies take control of reality.
The only role Bangladesh is gonna play is neutral..Bangladesh wont risk a war with India which will result in the economic destruction of Bangaldesh..

Bangladesh can only stay neutral only if India could take the war inside Chinese teritorry which is very unlikely. If China push from north and keep its advances towards south, India definitly need Bangladesh at least to transport its logistic. Nepal Bhutan is not an option as they will be the softest target for China to take over. In this scenario India wont let BD to stay neutral. If it provides India with safe passage then it sides with India, but if it refuses which is very likely then it has no other choice but to side with China to stop Indian Indian intervention inside Bangladesh.
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Translation for everyone - "sane", "friendly" in indian vocabulary means subservient.

nuclears weapons means not that much in a conflict with China. india does not have military power or means to back up its military wishes against China. Thats the reality period. And a loss for india will mean disintegration. So all the huff and puff to spend billions is just using China as execuse to get access to weapons. But at the end its no use because it can not be use. But sure indians bought some bragging right spending billions and thats what we are seeing here.

Well take your pick - being at loggerhead with bigger rival India or having friendly relations with India, what is in Bangladesh's interest both economically and militarily? So you say Bangladesh should give safe heaven to Indian terrorist organizations, what if tomorrow India starts returning the favors in kind, we have deeper pockets, deeper reach and deeper resources. What Bangladesh did was not being subservient but what every good neighbor should do
By cracking down on terorists groups like ULFA, Bangladesh has shown commitment to not only its national soverignity and writ of its government but also acted on Islamic principles as well.

I'm sure you all know the rights of neighbours in Islam and how the prophet warned that even the height of your house should not be higher than your neighbors except with their permission. So being neighbors, cracking down on groups that are causing death and destruction to civilians living in a neighboring country is part of this obligation of being a good Muslim as well.

There is nothing subservient about it, rather it is re-establishing of sovereignty and Islamic principles of good neighbors.
If China does attack across Arunachal, the biggest asset are the people there. They will not go down without a fight. We have the example of Bangladeshis who fought of the Pakistani army for better part of nine months, so don't expect the Chinese to have an easy time to take over NE India.

Besides, times have changed now, within a few hours there will international condemnation and isolation of China for being the aggressor. The time for large scale mitary vs military wars are over. The last major such battle in that area was in 71 where actual length of the war between the state forces was only 2 weeks.
Role BD can play in that war = Neutral


If you say "can play" it mean we can cut of whole chicken neck and
separate NE from main part of india. But if you asked me what role
we should play than I say neutral. We have plan for chicken neck long
time and it is a 40km corridor. It will be heard for us but if you take
the side of chineese, chicken is dead.
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