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Ulfa chief slams planned border swap deal: report

The BNP supported ULFA because the Indians backed the Shanti Bahini and other anti-Bangladesh elements. If the Indians tried to terrorise Bangladesh then the government could unleash ULFA. That is how things work in the world. No point being a saint when your neighbor is a b******.
The BNP supported ULFA because the Indians backed the Shanti Bahini and other anti-Bangladesh elements. If the Indians tried to terrorise Bangladesh then the government could unleash ULFA. That is how things work in the world. No point being a saint when your neighbor is a b******.

exactly. Zabanya Bro shared a link where it is stated that Babar was the true disciple of Zia. i used like him a lot. Mr. Spiky -

" No More Shotruz "
The BNP supported ULFA because the Indians backed the Shanti Bahini and other anti-Bangladesh elements. If the Indians tried to terrorise Bangladesh then the government could unleash ULFA. That is how things work in the world. No point being a saint when your neighbor is a b******.

Sir, the Shanti Bahini ceased to exist a long time ago. Way before the BNP won the elections at the time.

Even with Indian support, the skirmishes with our regular army didn't end well for them.

If you ask me, it might possibly be greed. The arms business with the ULAF was a robust one I'd say.

Trust me, with the state of things in Bangladesh right now and beyond, it cannot afford to go to war with a country like India. This is not the Pakistan era we live in.
The BNP supported ULFA because the Indians backed the Shanti Bahini and other anti-Bangladesh elements. If the Indians tried to terrorise Bangladesh then the government could unleash ULFA. That is how things work in the world. No point being a saint when your neighbor is a b******.

Don you think that you have made a gross mistake not considering the time gap between events??Or you are coming out of a time-capsule or what?The Shanti Bahini problem was solved long time back.
Is it confirmed news that the BNP did that?Or its like the information from various sources are pointing towards that ?

Please you are the type of Moron to wait for clear cut evidence that is easily desotroyed to hide all traces. There is clear cut collusion between the BNP, ISI, China, and these revolutionary morons.....if the USA kept on waiting then we would never kill OBL...
Please you are the type of Moron to wait for clear cut evidence that is easily desotroyed to hide all traces. There is clear cut collusion between the BNP, ISI, China, and these revolutionary morons.....if the USA kept on waiting then we would never kill OBL...

Dude, that didn't even make any sense...:blink:
I don't think that a terrorist has the right to allow India to have a good relation with Bangladesh.

Even if we lose territory in the aggregate, it matters not so long as it eases the relations.

It is obviously discomfiting for the ULFA terrorists if BD is at peace with India - a sanctuary would be lost to the ULFA! Understandable!
Sir, the Shanti Bahini ceased to exist a long time ago. Way before the BNP won the elections at the time.

Even with Indian support, the skirmishes with our regular army didn't end well for them.

If you ask me, it might possibly be greed. The arms business with the ULAF was a robust one I'd say.

Trust me, with the state of things in Bangladesh right now and beyond, it cannot afford to go to war with a country like India. This is not the Pakistan era we live in.

When did I become sir? Kinda formal I thinks.

Not war but low intensity conflict like in Kashmir. If small countries allow themselves to get pushed around they will get no place at the table. India will only take BD seriously when it can stand up for itself. The BNP had the right idea keeping something in reserve if India became pushy. The BNP as you say were corrupt which caused the mess of the Chittagong arms haul but under the AL our hands are empty and India is free to do mischief. Remember Pilkhana?
When did I become sir? Kinda formal I thinks.

Not war but low intensity conflict like in Kashmir. If small countries allow themselves to get pushed around they will get no place at the table. India will only take BD seriously when it can stand up for itself. The BNP had the right idea keeping something in reserve if India became pushy. The BNP as you say were corrupt which caused the mess of the Chittagong arms haul but under the AL our hands are empty and India is free to do mischief. Remember Pilkhana?

Pakistan can afford Kashmir like conflict, it has nukes backing it up, your country can't. If push comes to shove, there is nothing stopping the IAF.

BNP is loosing its funding from terrorist outfit like ULFA. And thats whats bugging you and your kind.
When did I become sir? Kinda formal I thinks.

Not war but low intensity conflict like in Kashmir. If small countries allow themselves to get pushed around they will get no place at the table. India will only take BD seriously when it can stand up for itself. The BNP had the right idea keeping something in reserve if India became pushy. The BNP as you say were corrupt which caused the mess of the Chittagong arms haul but under the AL our hands are empty and India is free to do mischief. Remember Pilkhana?

Kashmir and BD are two different kettle of fish.


Kashmir requires patient handling.

Don you think that you have made a gross mistake not considering the time gap between events??Or you are coming out of a time-capsule or what?The Shanti Bahini problem was solved long time back.

India have used various groups over the decades to carry out subversive and terrorist activities in Bangladesh - Rakkhi Bahini, JSD, Shanti Bahini and lastly the JMB.
Please you are the type of Moron to wait for clear cut evidence that is easily desotroyed to hide all traces. There is clear cut collusion between the BNP, ISI, China, and these revolutionary morons.....if the USA kept on waiting then we would never kill OBL...

Do you belong to those group of morons who thought it would be a nice idea to invade Iraq merely speculating that Saddam might be hiding some WMDs....Do you have the least little idea of the ramifications of accusing a country of harbouring terrorists just on the basis of speculations??
How old are you anyways?
Pakistan can afford Kashmir like conflict, it has nukes backing it up, your country can't. If push comes to shove, there is nothing stopping the IAF.

BNP is loosing its funding from terrorist outfit like ULFA. And thats whats bugging you and your kind.

India realizes there is a limit that it cannot go beyond in the case of BD. Send in the IAF and lose the North East.
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