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India have used various groups over the decades to carry out subversive and terrorist activities in Bangladesh - Rakkhi Bahini, JSD, Shanti Bahini and lastly the JMB.

Firstly,you will have to cook some really ingenious stories if you want to trace the links of all those organizations to the foreign policy of government of India.
Secondly,these matters were settled and done for long time back.I can find a reason to think of why would someone be retaliating for a cause that no longer exists.Going by your logic,Israel should attack Germany because at one point of time some germans gasses a lot of Jews,Germany should attack Russia because they literally obliterated the German cities at some point of time,Russia should attack Japan because Japan destroyed their navy at some point of time,Japan should attack US because US nuked them etc etc...and I am talking about only modern history here not even 100 years old.....
Do you even think before writing,or just pen down whatever pops in your mind first???
India have used various groups over the decades to carry out subversive and terrorist activities in Bangladesh - Rakkhi Bahini, JSD, Shanti Bahini and lastly the JMB.

Forgot the Indian members here on PDF?

:big grin:

---------- Post added at 10:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------

You Indians are asking for a Jihad :devil:

Who has stopped you.

You are at it in any case.

If it does go beyond limits, ...........

Forgot the Indian members here on PDF?

:big grin:

---------- Post added at 10:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------

Who has stopped you.

You are at it in any case.

If it does go beyond limits, ...........


Indians here are intellectual terrorists and there is nothing India can do if it goes beyond limits. India knows that very well.
Indians here are intellectual terrorists and there is nothing India can do if it goes beyond limits. India knows that very well.

Munshimaharaj, indeed India can do damn all.

1971 was also a mirage!

Guess what?

Your mere statement seems to have cause an earthquake here. Everything shook with fear!

We are convinced now with your statement that any moment BD will capture India!
When did I become sir? Kinda formal I thinks.

Not war but low intensity conflict like in Kashmir. If small countries allow themselves to get pushed around they will get no place at the table. India will only take BD seriously when it can stand up for itself. The BNP had the right idea keeping something in reserve if India became pushy. The BNP as you say were corrupt which caused the mess of the Chittagong arms haul but under the AL our hands are empty and India is free to do mischief. Remember Pilkhana?

There is nothing 'low intensity' about the Kashmir conflict. And besides, Pakistan's overall military is a lot more powerful than ours. They can handle it. The ULAF is not a Muslim group.

Yes, I remember Pilkhana - it was the darkest day of our history. You and I both know the truth, like many of the local folks in Bangladesh. And that was also a 'low intensity' conflict. They didn't even need to even send a single foot-soldier to murder our most brilliant and most senior army officers.

However, I believe that doesn't justify supporting foreign insurgent groups. That just calls for trouble. We simply cannot afford to go to war with India. Their strategic capabilities far outmatch our own. Yes, even in the North East.

I believe the only way to go forward is to have a strong national security. I strongly disagree with how our national intelligence agencies are being run right now. I have come to think that the only thing on Hasina's brain is how her father died and how to kill the murderers. And that's it, her mind is just blank. She no longer cares about the well-being of the nation, or what her father actually fought for (even though he made many mistakes).

I was really surprised just how the AL received foreign funds and advise so easily in the first place. So 1/11 had a foreign hand with the AL in mind eh? Perhaps that is why someone was and is still trying very hard. It maybe all about whatever is going on in NE India and the relationship with the BNP. Had the BNP not funded the ULAF in the first place, 1/11 or Pilkhana wouldn't have happened.

But, I suspect that the ULAF have much more powerful backers than the BNP. The BNP are mostly filled with dumbasses anyway. Maybe even some other country. It is a very well-funded organization. The BNP was just some random fish in the sea. Whatever that ULAF chief is saying, it's probably just for publicity.

It all starts at home. And usually, the best way forward is to start from the basics :tup:

There is nothing to worry about Indian hegemony in SA, there are many powerful countries out there with whom we can trust.

We won't gain anything in the long term by screwing around with India's national security interests. China? They just claim those NE Indian territories as a bargaining chip in case India decides to do something stupid against China. Ask the Chinese members here.
Munshimaharaj, indeed India can do damn all.

1971 was also a mirage!

India intervened in a divided home in 1971 and we all know what Abraham Lincoln said about about collapsing houses. Things are different now.
There is nothing 'low intensity' about the Kashmir conflict. And besides, Pakistan's overall military is a lot more powerful than ours. They can handle it. The ULAF is not a Muslim group.

Yes, I remember Pilkhana - it was the darkest day of our history. You and I both know the truth, like many of the local folks in Bangladesh. And that was also a 'low intensity' conflict. They didn't even need to even send a single foot-soldier to murder our most brilliant and most senior army officers.

However, I believe that doesn't justify supporting foreign insurgent groups. That just calls for trouble. We simply cannot afford to go to war with India. Their strategic capabilities far outmatch our own.

I believe the only way to go forward is to have a strong national security. I strongly disagree with how our national intelligence agencies are being run right now. I have come to think that the only thing on Hasina's brain is how her father died and how to kill the murderers. And that's it, her mind is just blank. She no longer cares about the well-being of the nation, or what her father actually fought for (even though he made many mistakes).

I was really surprised just how the AL received foreign funds and advise so easily in the first place. So 1/11 had a foreign hand with the AL in mind eh? Perhaps that is why someone was and is still trying very hard. It maybe all about whatever is going on in NE India and the relationship with the BNP. Had the BNP not funded the ULAF in the first place, 1/11 or Pilkhana wouldn't have happened.

But, I suspect that the ULAF have much more powerful backers than the BNP. The BNP are mostly filled with dumbasses anyway. Maybe even some other country. It is a very well-funded organization. The BNP was just some random fish in the sea. Whatever that ULAF chief is saying, it's probably just for publicity.

It all starts at home. And usually, the best way forward is to start from the basics :tup:

There is nothing to worry about Indian hegemony in SA, there are many powerful countries out there with whom we can trust.

We won't gain anything in the long term by screwing around with India's national security interests. China? They just claim those NE Indian territories as a bargaining chip in case India decides to do something stupid against China. Ask the Chinese members here.

Kashmir was not an all out war but it was not quite low intensity either. In any case I think it is wrong to apply morality in international relations. The world is a much harder place than that. A nation has to defend itself by what ever means it has at its disposal. India has no qualms about sponsoring terrorist groups but they are just better at hiding it.


1/11 was brought about just to bring the AL to power so India could get its transit and other strategic advantages. The US and UK were duped into agreeing to 1/11 and they are now regretting it.

At present not a single country will come to aid Bangladesh. The powerful countries are waiting for Bangladeshis to assert themselves but before that no one will help us.
Wait what! So now Pilkhana was a RAW operation too? Why aren't you guys taking this revelation up to the media? Surely there are media channels in Bangladesh which are not controlled by Awami Dalal or RAW operated, and who will publish your finding? Not some random blog.

From what I hear, the BDR chief who got killed was quite India friendly. Would be quite stupid to get rid of our own man.

Kashmir was not an all out war but it was not quite low intensity either. In any case I think it is wrong to apply morality in international relations. The world is a much harder place than that. A nation has to defend itself by what ever means it has at its disposal. India has no qualms about sponsoring terrorist groups but they are just better at hiding it.


1/11 was brought about just to bring the AL to power so India could get its transit and other strategic advantages. The US and UK were duped into agreeing to 1/11 and they are now regretting it.

At present not a single country will come to aid Bangladesh. The powerful countries are waiting for Bangladeshis to assert themselves but before that no one will help us.

I think the transit is feasible from an economic point of view. We can earn good money as Indian goods move throughout our territory to the North East of India. It can help development of less developed regions, and infrastructure, but that'll take time. We need to improve our rail network badly.

I have also heard that some senior army officers opposed the transit deal, saying that it'd violate national security. Is this true?

I am quite certain that the AL would be knocked out of power in a few years. And if not in a few years, then...someday! I confident that Bangladeshis can assert themselves, provided that our military support that.

But as far as ULAF is concerned, I am certain that they have more powerful backers. Otherwise, the insurgency won't be lasting for so long! It is the bigger players that the Indians should worry about. They are just wasting their time and resources in Bangladeshi matters.
Wait what! So now Pilkhana was a RAW operation too? Why aren't you guys taking this revelation up to the media? Surely there are media channels in Bangladesh which are not controlled by Awami Dalal or RAW operated, and who will publish your finding? Not some random blog.

From what I hear, the BDR chief who got killed was quite India friendly. Would be quite stupid to get rid of our own man.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | BSF worries about friend

Let me ask you one thing:
Do you think that all of the sudden, for no reason whatsoever, the BDR jawans would just simply impose a mutiny in a secured military base controlled by the country's most senior and most brilliant officers?

The Bangladesh Army is like any traditional army. Organized and disciplined.

Yes, the BDR jawans used to be discriminated, but that doesn't justify murdering senior officers. In fact, it is quite normal in any military.

Someone must have incited them. In fact, if you look into the matter closely, the officers did call for help. Instead, Hasina along with Gen. Moeen didn't do anything to quickly reinforce the base. Apparently Hasina wanted 'peaceful negotiations' with the 'hostage takers'. It wasn't at all a hostage situation, it was a matter of national security.

There was a leaked audio recording of a conversation between the surviving officers of the bloody mutiny and Hasina. The officers were harsh and clearly psychologically shocked. It was posted on youtube. And you know what? youtube and facebook were blocked in Bangladesh! hahahahaha!

But people still listened to the recording on their cellphones. It was all around. Even a rickshaw puller knows it! That's how stupid and disorganized the AL really are. And why would they want to censor the conversation? It is still on youtube. If you understand Bangla, I'd recommend listening to it.

Many believe that the AL clearly had something to do with it. Many AL leaders were jailed during the Caretaker Government. But many doubt if they did it all by themselves. They had help. I doubt if they have a organization and the brains to do it all by themselves. They can't even control the food prices now!

Now, I am not a great fan of conspiracy theories. But what I don't have any doubt about is that someone incited those jawans and the masterminds are still out there. The only way to debunk the theory is to find the masterminds and see and hear what they have to say. Political criminals rarely get punished in Bangladesh.
Wait what! So now Pilkhana was a RAW operation too? Why aren't you guys taking this revelation up to the media? Surely there are media channels in Bangladesh which are not controlled by Awami Dalal or RAW operated, and who will publish your finding? Not some random blog.

From what I hear, the BDR chief who got killed was quite India friendly. Would be quite stupid to get rid of our own man.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | BSF worries about friend

you are not aware of Hasina's aggression on media.... They have destroyed channel 1, tortured Amar desh Editor, now sheersha news got the latest blow.. You write against them and next morning you will find police knocking your door.

oh yeah forgot to say they accused the economist that it recieves money from terrorists. Thank God it is not a Bangladeshi newspaper.
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