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ULFA back in the Game - China Backing Proved

North eastern Indians absolutly hate Illigel immigrantes. Due to non stoping immigration even population damography has been changed quite a lot in last few dacades. In districs of assam lyk Nagaon, Marigaon, Guwalpara and Dhuburi minority has become majority. If situation doesnt improve soon, there may a civil war taking place in north east soon. Already few clashes has took place among local tribes and illigal immigrants. Even local assamese muslims hates those bangladeshi immigrants due to various crimes done by them. Local muslims who have been living peacfully along with local people without any problems from last few centuries are also in favour of driving these immigrants out because these bangladeshi immigrants are becoming a problem creating doubts among local tribes. Main point is our NE people absolutly hate Bangladeshi's.
Its a very important subject matter for India. Why are you crying foul? Is it a banned subject like Indian Poverty?

What his Assam root has anything to do with the very subject matter. Dont you think Maoist is a threat to India? Besides ULFA making alliance with Maoist going to be very interesting.
Little correction Maoist are threat to the system in India.....They just want a change in he system...and as faar as ULFA is concern....Local people of Assam are actualy fed up of their bandhs and terror activities.....
See the first video. They already made tactical alliance with Maoist. Things going to be more interesting now..

Do you think India is a weak country like west pakistan to loose its territory like your masters did in 1971??
Little correction Maoist are threat to the system in India.....They just want a change in he system...and as faar as ULFA is concern....Local people of Assam are actualy fed up of their bandhs and terror activities.....

If the loose system breaks up so does India. India is a class society not as China.

In Bangladesh we are fed up with two political parties for their Bandh politics and that does not mean they lost any popular support.
^^^Are u referring to Pakistanis!!Cause its the only place on earth where people still believe in things like Conspiracy theories,Pakistanis are a martial race,Its the second Mecca,Ghazwa e Hind and all that!!:hitwall:
North eastern Indians absolutly hate Illigel immigrantes. Due to non stoping immigration even population damography has been changed quite a lot in last few dacades. In districs of assam lyk Nagaon, Marigaon, Guwalpara and Dhuburi minority has become majority. If situation doesnt improve soon, there may a civil war taking place in north east soon. Already few clashes has took place among local tribes and illigal immigrants. Even local assamese muslims hates those bangladeshi immigrants due to various crimes done by them. Local muslims who have been living peacfully along with local people without any problems from last few centuries are also in favour of driving these immigrants out because these bangladeshi immigrants are becoming a problem creating doubts among local tribes. Main point is our NE people absolutly hate Bangladeshi's.

Its the AGP/BJP faction which are minority in Assam do hate politics not ULFA. ULFA will give enough beating to these groups not the Bengali people. There is no friction between Bengali-ULFA in Assam. Update yourself.
This Game of China backing the NE terrorists org. has been going on for years,everybody knows about it and appropriate steps are taken from time to time!!But this is perhaps the first time in the entire history of NE India that these terrorist orgs are being forced to operate from outside India(Mayanmar) unlike what happened in the past.A reason being a rapid decline in whatever meager popular support that these org.'s enjoyed earlier!!However certain organizations like the Manipur Peoples Liberation army are resorting to means such as forcing the unemployed youths to join them by threatening to harm their friends ad families and other coercive tactics!!But the encouraging news is that more and more young brothers and sisters have actually come into the Indian mainstream over the past few years eve since there has been a boom in the BPO sector.

This Game of China backing the NE terrorists org. has been going on for years,everybody knows about it and appropriate steps are taken from time to time!!But this is perhaps the first time in the entire history of NE India that these terrorist orgs are being forced to operate from outside India(Mayanmar) unlike what happened in the past.A reason being a rapid decline in whatever meager popular support that these org.'s enjoyed earlier!!However certain organizations like the Manipur Peoples Liberation army are resorting to means such as forcing the unemployed youths to join them by threatening to harm their friends ad families and other coercive tactics!!But the encouraging news is that more and more young brothers and sisters have actually come into the Indian mainstream over the past few years eve since there has been a boom in the BPO sector.

YOu are living in fools paradise. All training camps are well inside India same as Maoist. They dont go outside to get trained. Yes they cross borders to get some safe haven once in a while. These are completely India based organization. Wake up and smell the truth.
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BD's biggest enemy is Elnino within decades BD will be filled with water because of rising sea levels then whole of BD will be freed. Think about that first then you can post anti India BS.
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BD's biggest enemy is Elnino within decades BD will be filled with water because of rising sea levels then whole of BD will be freed. Think about that first then you can post anti India BS.

Bangladeshis want a free north east because they want to dump their huge population in NE.
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