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Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

You're on a public forum claiming to work for airbus. A company that makes billions of dollars in revenue from Russian markets...
You are on a public forum claiming to be an American, YOU'RE NOT. You are also on this forum using MULTIPLE SCREEN NAMES AT ONE TIME after being banned on Friday while using the screen name 'jackoffsback'. True, yes ? HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!:usflag:

Stop ranting like a psychopathe. You are only showing you have severe cognitive, anti social and behavioral issues.

Pity is the word you Inspire. Pity and disgust at the rabid little fascist in training.
The "pro russian" president did not sign the contract with EU, which would open Ukraine for EU and make a better relationship between EU and Ukraine.

So? Was he under some kind of obligation to do so? The EU imposes very harsh austerity packages, this is a good reason it was not signed. As for the EU wanting a better relationship with Ukraine, it only wants this so that Ukraine purchases EU products and surrender their banks. In reality we seen how two faced the EU really is, if they were fair and really cared about Ukraine then they would take some real action against what happened in the Odessa massacre. Yet they are mostly silent, the EU supports the people that have committed this act war criminals.

We are interested in close relations with Ukraine, good trade, energy sector and so on. That is one of our core interests. The pro russian puppet president did stop this contract. What do you expect. Many Ukrainians demonstrated for the contract with the EU. Thats what started the demonstrations. If you believe this conflict can end without protecting EU interests, than you are wrong.

You are very ignorant of reality, Yanukovich was never pro Russian, in fact he at one point said he was going to sign the EU deal, the only reason he backed out was because Russia offered a better deal.

And about the fire, TV said today that the inhabitants of that buildig made Molotov Cocktails themself and the fire started behind intact windows. It is possible that their own bombs blew up. I wasn´t there, so i won´t comment this. But thats what i heared.

Why do you deceive and let yourself be deceived? Why do you believe your media which is notorious for lying. We have video, we know how the fires started, we can see molotov cocktails being thrown at the front of the building. Repeating a lie does not make it true. Shame on the media for covering up the brutal murder of dozens of people.

You including many other anti Russian pro Ukrainian people on this forum are losing the arguments because you realize two things. One, your sources and argument are constantly proven to be false, and two you realize that Kiev and many of its supporters are criminals, that are constantly blaming everything on Russia but you have a difficult time grasping this, you convinced yourself that the Russians are at fault, Kiev are angels, anti government protesters are "pro Russian terrorists". This can be seen in your demeanor.
Stop ranting like a psychopathe. You are only showing you have severe cognitive, anti social and behavioral issues.

Pity is the word you Inspire. Pity and disgust at the rabid little fascist in training.

You're not an American. You are also on this forum using MULTIPLE SCREEN NAMES AT ONE TIME after being banned on Friday while using the screen name 'jackoffsback'. True, yes ? HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!:bunny:
So? Was he under some kind of obligation to do so? The EU imposes very harsh austerity packages, this is a good reason it was not signed. As for the EU wanting a better relationship with Ukraine, it only wants this so that Ukraine purchases EU products and surrender their banks. In reality we seen how two faced the EU really is, if they were fair and really cared about Ukraine then they would take some real action against what happened in the Odessa massacre. Yet they are mostly silent, the EU supports the people that have committed this act war criminals.

You are very ignorant of reality, Yanukovich was never pro Russian, in fact he at one point said he was going to sign the EU deal, the only reason he backed out was because Russia offered a better deal.

Why do you deceive and let yourself be deceived? Why do you believe your media which is notorious for lying. We have video, we know how the fires started, we can see molotov cocktails being thrown at the front of the building. Repeating a lie does not make it true. Shame on the media for covering up the brutal murder of dozens of people.

You including many other anti Russian pro Ukrainian people on this forum are losing the arguments because you realize two things. One, your sources and argument are constantly proven to be false, and two you realize that Kiev and many of its supporters are criminals, that are constantly blaming everything on Russia but you have a difficult time grasping this, you convinced yourself that the Russians are at fault, Kiev are angels, anti government protesters are "pro Russian terrorists". This can be seen in your demeanor.

You still manage to say how our interests can be guaranteed. It is an absolute illussion to believe that we would step back. Thats not how foreign politics work. As long you can´t answer this, you have no real answer. A very large mass of ukrainians want closer relations between EU and Ukraine. They want be friends with us. If you want cut Ukraine away from us, that would be unacceptable.
boomslang said:
You're not an American. You are also on this forum using MULTIPLE SCREEN NAMES AT ONE TIME after being banned on Friday while using the screen name 'jackoffsback'. True, yes ? HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!:bunny:

You have no idea who i am. Its quite delusional to think otherwise.
You have no idea who i am. Its quite delusional to think otherwise.

You were banned as 'jackoffsback', 'tryharder' and now you will soon be banned under this screen name, too. You are fighting awfully hard to stay on this site, aren't you, chief ? And you ARE NOT an American, either. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!:usflag:
You still manage to say how our interests can be guaranteed. It is an absolute illussion to believe that we would step back. Thats not how foreign politics work. As long you can´t answer this, you have no real answer. A very large mass of ukrainians want closer relations between EU and Ukraine. They want be friends with us. If you want cut Ukraine away from us, that would be unacceptable.

And the other half of the country wants to align with Russia. Nato is the one who said all or nothing. Russia has always called for three party negotiations. Yanukovich agreed. Nato said no and then sent their dogs to topple yanukovich.

Things turned violent because of Nato, not the other way around. Also the EEA treaty terms given to Ukraine was a joke.

Let me ask you. Testing to see if you know your facts

How much yearly trade does Ukraine have with Russia? And how much does it have with Europe?

What would happen to Ukraine, if they said signed the deal with nato to the detriment of their commerce with Russia? Its great that some western Europe and like western culture and want visa free travel to Europe, something Europe didn't even offer ukraine, but bills still need to be paid, gas bills, state mentions salaries. Its fun to fantasize but the facts are the deal given to ukraine by nato was shit from top to bottom and nato refused to negotiate. They said take it or leave it.

If you know yanukovich you'll know he's not pro russia he's pro money. If the EU would have offered him a good enough deal that didn't interfere with Ukraine's trade with Russia he would have taken the deal

This is the truth
Wow.. did I just witness someone being intimidated and threatened into silence here? Simply for giving opinions that were contrary to someone elses? Even if those opinions are not liked by some, this is a very chilling effect for a forum like this.
You still manage to say how our interests can be guaranteed. It is an absolute illussion to believe that we would step back.

Correct the EU will not step down, we have seen how the EU supports war criminals and turns a blind eye to Nazi style murder. As for EU interests, you never had them, Ukraine was never yours. The EU is like a crook demanding he receive something that is not his. :lol:

Thats not how foreign politics work. As long you can´t answer this,

Answer what? I have no clue what you are trying to say, if you are saying the EU has interests in Ukraine, then i say those interests are more important then human life since we see the EU backing war criminals and allowing dozens of people to be murdered just for their twisted agendas. Which by the way are failing.

you have no real answer. A very large mass of ukrainians want closer relations between EU and Ukraine.

And a large mass of Ukrainians want nothing to do with the EU, has there been some election that i don't know about? I don't think so.

They want be friends with us. If you want cut Ukraine away from us, that would be unacceptable.

Like i said Ukraine was never yours to begin with.
Ukraine is very bound on russia. But this can change. So many people in Ukraine love the EU and want friendship with us.



This is a reality and you can´t denie it. Trying to cut off Ukraine from EU will never work, because so many people there want be friends with us. Also the economy of Russia is very small. It is smaller than the economy of Italy. The EU is the largest economy in the world. We could offer Ukraine anything.

We did mistakes too, i know but saying russia is innocent is just wrong.

How do you want solve this now? There will be no solution without EU agreement and you know this.
And the other half of the country wants to align with Russia. ...

You're not an American. You are also on this forum using MULTIPLE SCREEN NAMES AT ONE TIME after being banned on Friday while using the screen name 'jackoffsback'. True, yes ? HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!:bunny:

.... Trying to cut off Ukraine from EU will never work, because so many people there want be friends with us. Also the economy of Russia is very small. It is smaller than the economy of Italy. ...

Russia would have to do something crazy like building a wall across half of Eur......Hey, wait a minute !! Didn't they do that already ? How did that work out for them ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!
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You are making straw man arguments. Nobody tried to cut off Ukraine from Europe. The truth is the opposite. NATO tried to cut Ukraine away from Russia.

As to your point about the economy. Europe can't offer Ukraine anything. Read the EEA offer. If they could offer them anything as you say, why didn't they? Nato offered ukraine peanuts.

The truth is Europe is bankrupt. Over 20 trillion in debt, massive youth unemployment, shrinking gdps, they are subsidizing Poland, Greece and many other eastern European countries. Maybe 10 years ago europe could have offered anything.not now

Remember, Ukraine needs money to pay its gas, it needs money to fund its government. It needs around 20 billion minimum this year alone. You know how much europe offered? What was it? 1 , 2 billion?

You are speaking in mythological terms.

Last point about trade, do you understand how these things work? Ukraine can't substitute Russian markets for its exports because Europe won't buy their goods. Why? Because Ukraine needs at least a decade and possibly close to a hundred billion to put its industry in line with EU regulations and standards and even then, europe has no need for Ukrainian manufactured exports

These aren't vague politically motivated talking points. These are hard cold economic facts. The fantasy you are repeating is the fantasy nato sold ukraine, but the facts are something quite different

Russia offered 15 billion, no strings. What did europe offer? 1 billion?

Maybe Russia's economy isn't as big as Europe's combined but its obvious Russia cares more about Ukrainian business. Also Russia and China are a package deal. Don't forget that.

Last point. Just to clarify. Russia's economy is larger than Italy's. At least according to the world bank the IMF and the CIA.

Ukraine is very bound on russia. But this can change. So many people in Ukraine love the EU and want friendship with us.



This is a reality and you can´t denie it. Trying to cut off Ukraine from EU will never work, because so many people there want be friends with us. Also the economy of Russia is very small. It is smaller than the economy of Italy. The EU is the largest economy in the world. We could offer Ukraine anything.

We did mistakes too, i know but saying russia is innocent is just wrong.

How do you want solve this now? There will be no solution without EU agreement and you know this.
You are making straw man arguments..

You're not an American. You are also on this forum using MULTIPLE SCREEN NAMES AT ONE TIME after being banned on Friday while using the screen name 'jackoffsback'. And then you were banned yesterday using the screen name 'Tryharder'. True, yes ? HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!:bunny:
You are making straw man arguments. Nobody tried to cut off Ukraine from Europe. The truth is the opposite. NATO tried to cut Ukraine away from Russia.

As to your point about the economy. Europe can't offer Ukraine anything. Read the EEA offer. If they could offer them anything as you say, why didn't they? Nato offered ukraine peanuts.

The truth is Europe is bankrupt. Over 20 trillion in debt, massive youth unemployment, shrinking gdps, they are subsidizing Poland, Greece and many other eastern European countries. Maybe 10 years ago europe could have offered anything.not now

Remember, Ukraine needs money to pay its gas, it needs money to fund its government. It needs around 20 billion minimum this year alone. You know how much europe offered? What was it? 1 , 2 billion?

You are speaking in mythological terms.

Last point about trade, do you understand how these things work? Ukraine can't substitute Russian markets for its exports because Europe won't buy their goods. Why? Because Ukraine needs at least a decade and possibly close to a hundred billion to put its industry in line with EU regulations and standards and even then, europe has no need for Ukrainian manufactured exports

These aren't vague politically motivated talking points. These are hard cold economic facts. The fantasy you are repeating is the fantasy nato sold ukraine, but the facts are something quite different

Russia offered 15 billion, no strings. What did europe offer? 1 billion?

Maybe Russia's economy isn't as big as Europe's combined but its obvious Russia cares more about Ukrainian business. Also Russia and China are a package deal. Don't forget that.

Last point. Just to clarify. Russia's economy is larger than Italy's. At least according to the world bank the IMF and the CIA.

You are wrong with your assumption and your comment about Poland proves this. Poland has a very great economic boom and progress and can be a role model for other eastern european nations. The EU is the largest and strongest economies worldwide. We offer an gigantic market. Russia is poor and can offer not much. Russia had 25 years to make something but failed.

What you call bancrupt is just a recession of some EU states, a recession which already is on the way out. Evry economy has ups and downs. The chance to get investment from the EU and be able to have good relations to EU openes doors for Ukraine. The association agreement was a first step in that and Ukraine did sign it.

As i said, trying to cut Ukraine away from us will fail.

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